How Do I Create My Reality? Co-Creation: You Manifest Your Life

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13This is documented in the public record.

"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.


How Do I Create My Reality? Co-Creation: You Manifest Your Life

  • How do I create my reality?
  • What is co-creation manifesting?
  • How do I manifest my life?

I will answer these questions now.


How Do I Create My Reality? Co-Creation: You Manifest Your Life

How Do I Create My Reality? Dream Co-Creation: You Manifest Your Life
You manifest your life in the same way you create a dream.


“My life is a dream. My inner self had to learn how to dream earth. I only need to think about what I want and my inner self will make it happen for me.” 

— William Eastwood.


Co-Creation and the Inner Self.



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How do I create my reality?

How Do I Create My Reality? WE on Co-Creation: You Manifest Your Life
William Eastwood.

I learned how I create my reality by studying the connections between my thoughts and what I was experiencing at any given time. I became aware of how I was creating my reality by paying extra attention to the connection between my emotions and resulting events. I learned how I create my reality by looking at the science that says there is no solid matter and that everything is consciousness creating the illusion of solid matter.

“Life is a dream” means that you create your life as you do a dream. However, the dream is real, it’s just that reality is different than what we were taught.

I became aware of how I was creating my reality by looking at the time-lag and understanding that as it took a long time to create my current situation, that it can take a long time to change it.

It takes time to reset and revamp your thinking to what is positive and effective, and that is why I share the same affirmations I used to overcome my life challenges.

The main article continues below.



How to reset the mind



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"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."




A website article.


The main article resumes:

Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions create your reality. You can win by belief what you cannot win by physical force. Everyone creates their own reality in the same way their heart beats and their arm moves when they intend to pick something up.


How to create anything by mind forms matter
A website article.


The only way to create a unique reality is to change your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Adopt the feeling of the wish fulfilled. To reset is to take back control of your thoughts and life with positive thoughts and accurate beliefs.

The main article continues below.



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2023 edition.



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Available for you as an Ebook and paperback.



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The main article resumes:

Co-Creation: You Manifest Your Life

Co-creation is the process of creating your life and manifesting events with the help of your inner self. “You manifest your life” means that you create your life. Your inner self has to learn how to do this.

Creation is magical.

Much learning takes place on inner levels below the subconscious. Your inner self had to learn how to form its consciousness into a body, conscious mind and subconscious mind. Your inner self is still learning. Much of what it learns is a direct result of your own successes and failures.

Humans have a long childhood because the inner self must learn how to create physical reality and a body. And at the same time this is happening, we are learning how to fine-tune our conscious mind to only one set of neurological signals. Conscious attunement to time-space takes about five years on average to perfect.

There is a time in early childhood in which we must learn how to turn our inner world into a physical world. Most of this work and learning occurs within. But the result is our life and our particular type of perception.

You are your inner self. You are a portion of the entity which forms a three-part self. The entity forms the inner self, the conscious self and the body consciousness that runs the involuntary system.


Mind forms matter presents: Who you really are.
A website article.


As a very young child you may have seen things other people didn’t see. We must bring what we see in line with what others see. This is not all conscious learning.


A websites article.


“I learned how I create my reality by doing my homework. Co-creation manifesting is what I do and how I manifest my life.”

— William Eastwood.



What is co-creation manifesting?

Co-creation manifesting is also automatic, a result of work done on inner and outer levels. Beyond the subconscious mind there is another mind. This is the inner self, or part of you that consciously creates the events you select via your conscious thoughts, beliefs and emotions. However, when you work with the inner self in a deliberate way, this is called co-creation manifesting.

The way it is usually done is simple. A person will be going through a difficult situation and rather than dwell on the problem, they will quietly ask their inner self to handle it for them. Once they experience the outcome they know what co-creation is. But co-creation is always happening. We improve its efficiency by relying on the services of the inner self and reacting to its help positively.


Subconscious mind power
A website article.


Once you create the feeling of the wish fulfilled the inner self will direct you to do what needs to be done to manifest your desire. If you follow your impulses and intuition you will create what you are after. This is conscious co-creation manifesting.


A website article.


How to manifest success with metaphysical principles.
A website article.


“I learned how I create my reality by studying the proper worldview for 50 years. Co-creation manifesting is just what I do and how I manifest my life.”

— William Eastwood.



Eastwood today.
“Consciousness is altruistic, and that means that you are an amazing, powerful and beautiful person.”

— William Eastwood





Mind Forms Matter research



A new picture of reality has emerged since Einstein published his theory of relativity in 1905. Quantum mechanics has proven elements of classical physics to be incorrect.




Albert Einstein thoughts create matter physical illusion


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

― Albert Einstein



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News of this discovery was blocked by the media and the scientific establishment because it threatened power holders in big universities and clashed with the status quo. Specifically, it takes power away from those who hold it over others and invests the common man with power and control over his destiny.

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The world is in a dangerous trance, and 'The Holographic Universe — Journey Out of the Illusion,' breaks that trance and reveals the greatest news story ever, that should have happened but didn't, yet will now.

Eastwood takes power away from those who hold it over others and invests the common man with power and control over his destiny.

"Your environment is a projection of the mind that you control. You can create anything you want in life."  — William Eastwood.

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Your mind forms matter. To improve your life it is necessary to to change your mind in many ways. The best way to change mental habits is by using affirmations. I look at my affirmation list during the day and at night because I know it is not going to hurt me to be positive and feel good. I also know that looking at ideas that I need to keep in mind in order to stay positive is going to help me during the day, every day.



“The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.” ― Albert Einstein


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“Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them.”

“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels. ― Albert Einstein


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How do I manifest my life?

You manifest your life naturally and automatically in the same way you breath. Work is done on inner levels to manifest your beliefs, thoughts and emotions in the same way your cells replace themselves. The work is on a deep inner level on your behalf. But you direct the process by your beliefs and what you think and feel.



A website article.




How do I create my reality? What is co-creation manifesting? How do I manifest my life?


Our four sites explain how you manifest your life and reality.


Click above for definition, description and article.



A website article.


Your life is a projection

Your eyes project.

The physical world is a projection of consciousness, like a hologram. Your eyes project the hologram.

When your finger touches the table top in front of you it does not feel like a projection,  yet physicists know that the table is not solid. The table is empty space filled with minute explosions of energy that race into reality to form virtual and actual particles. All particles are merely points of energy.


You can become younger right now

"It is possible to become younger in this moment." — William Eastwood.

Eastwood manifests
William Eastwood.

All time is simultaneous. Through emotional association we can activate cellular memory playback of times when we are young. This is because the past is still alive. To the body consciousness it is a condition of nowness.

You can also activate cellular memory by means of willpower and dream recall.



world without borders page
A website article.



Hologram of consciousness?

Is your life a hologram you are creating?

Science is getting closer to obtaining an understanding of the nature of reality as  and reveal.

THE NEW PARADIGM The Amazing Facts

Reality, being a holographic projection of your five senses, is not singular. Each person creates their own hologram. When born, we tune into collective beliefs as to what exists and this enables each person to agree on the fundamentals as to what exists. The result is a belief in a singular reality we all inhabit, yet the one world, one time-line traditional view of reality is a myth.

To understand reality and how you have control over what you experience try free real school, advanced metaphysics, or get the scientific facts and help creating the life you want on this site at How does consciousness create reality? or at consciousness forms matter, mind forms reality.

Click above to learn more


You are in your own hologram article.


You can become younger right now

"It is possible to become younger in this moment." — William Eastwood.

Eastwood manifests
William Eastwood.

All time is simultaneous. Through emotional association we can activate cellular memory playback of times when we are young. This is because the past is still alive. To the body consciousness it is a condition of nowness.

You can also activate cellular memory by means of willpower and dream recall.



world without borders page
A website article.


Click on image to learn more.


Click on image to learn more.



45 years of research goes into every book


What are you going to do to change your life?


Click on image to learn more.


William Eastwood revolutionary new science introduction to an iconoclast
A website article.


CEU conscious energy unit new science William Eastwood thoughts create matter reality physical
A website article.



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At age 12, Eastwood was convinced of what would soon become a new paradigm in science. Rather than appease professors and become acclaimed in orthodoxy, he took a course that would align himself with ordinary people everywhere. Although continuing his efforts to reduce fossil fuel emissions in the United States, he changed his direction in a call to help people everywhere. His efforts met with opposition.

The clash between worldviews and the sometimes lethal resistance to a new and more accurate understanding of reality and human nature can make our job extremely difficult at times, however, and so we thank you for your book purchase!

Profits from the sale of books are used to fund the mission; we offer a new paradigm to solve all problems and achieve all worthy goals.





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For consistency of accurate material.


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How Do I Create My Reality? Co-Creation: You Manifest Your Life

© Copyright, 2019, 2021, 2022, By: William Eastwood.



Primary article concludes here.



The Holy Grail

Nobel Prize winning physicists in the 20th century are responsible for creating quantum physics. From their work science has discovered the true nature of reality. There are no physical particles. Everything is composed of non-solid waves of energy.

Other fields of science, however, do not listen to what these physicists have discovered. If all of science were a human body, it would be as if the arms and legs of science do not listen to the head. Our modern field of science is therefore in a schizophrenic condition and this is causing all our world problems.

If we were to listen to the physicists whose job it is to determine the nature of reality, we would develop a new picture or paradigm of reality. Internal Science is the name I have given to that paradigm. If we were to base psychology on that paradigm we would develop a new psychology. I call that psychology International Philosophy.

International Philosophy is based on the science of exactly how thoughts form matter. Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects. You mind creates your reality.

If you apply the principles of International Philosophy, you can manifest whatever you want in life right now. If we can get enough people to do this we can solve world problems.

Our website articles tell you exactly how you can achieve your goals and how we can solve world problems.

We can reverse global warming and we can give money to everyone. There is enough wealth to go around for everyone. Wealth is a result of having positive beliefs about money. You can get there by following the God of you.

Our 500 free articles are filled with the practical information you need to create what you want in life.

Read Belief Projection Theory, watch "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" film, and be sure to use our affirmation and guidance pages every day. And if you can afford them, buy William Eastwood's books to support the mission to feed and care for everyone on earth and to transition humanity to a new era of peace and fulfillment before it is too late.





SCIENTIFIC FACT: Reality is a dream your are having.

Photo by: Steve Petty.




William Eastwood's philosophy is based on a consensus of many physicists and theories backed by 45-years of studying various philosophies and testing them.


William Eastwood science articles

Introduction: Einstein, Bohm and Eastwood.

Overview of the science.

C = Ef = M

Holographic reality: Events are a projection of your mind.

A new science and philosophy of life.

Why science and religion told us our thoughts do not create our

There are no solid particles.

Exactly how thoughts create reality.

Secrets of the universe unveiled — Creation is continuous.

The Altruistic Movement.

The New Enlightenment.

The world is your creation; you can have anything you want

Eastwood: Universal author and free international philosophy; lineage, true story, interview documentation.

An  Einstein-Rosen Bridge has been opened! Time travel Colorado & what it has revealed about our future.

Secret Wisdom Books by William Eastwood.

This list above represents a mere fraction of our articles, but it consists of some of our best scientific articles.

Enjoy these articles, and remember, life is a journey, not a destination.


Categories: You manifest your life. Co-creation & Inner Self: How Do I Create My Life? What is conscious co-creation? How does the inner self create matter? Quantum physics manifesting. How Do I Create My Reality? Sub-Conscious Mind. Ego. Life. Click on our site and books to learn more.

How Do I Create My Reality? Co-Creation: You Manifest Your Life


My life is a dream. My inner self had to learn how to dream earth.

Co-Creation & Inner Self. Sub-Conscious Mind. Ego. Life.


The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.

Click on image for mind forms matter book page.


