NOBEL PRIZE WINNER’S FINDINGS – Proof Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Mind forms matter & reality says William Eastwood, scientist, writer & inventor


NOBEL PRIZE WINNER’S FINDINGS – Proof Mind Forms Matter & Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

  • Do Nobel Prize winner’s findings say that mind forms matter?
  • Is there scientific evidence or proof that mind forms matter?


True science says mind forms matter

You have a choice between two scientific paradigms.



“You cannot understand the universe if you do not take into account the source of that universe. Electrons are projections. Traditional science moves electrons around like children playing with blocks, but the science I provide gives us an understanding of how to create electrons, which is a far more valuable thing to know.”

— William Eastwood.


David Bohm

David Bohm, friend of Einstein-comments-Mind-forms-creates-matter-proof-facts-David-Bohm-273
David Bohm.

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, says that your physical reality is a holographic projection of the brain and five senses.


Hugh Everett III

Mind forms matter many worlds
Hugh Everett.
[The Many-worlds interpretation is the] only completely coherent approach to explaining both the contents of quantum mechanics and the appearance of the world.

—Hugh Everett III



Combine the above views for Internal Science and International Philosophy.


Feeling stifled by External Science, Eastwood went off on his own to develop a more accurate paradigm of reality to solve world problems and help everyone to create their dreams. He gives us Internal Science and International philosophy, by the people for the people.



Reemerging 40 years after working for a Yale professor in a research and development facility on a mysterious invention at age 13 — a modern version of an astrolabe accurate enough to be used by surveyors — and creating Internal Science, International Philosophy, publishing 30 BOOKS, and 500+ articles in five yearsbecause he has a PLAN.


Can I Make Things Happen with My Thoughts? film
A film for all ages.
Mind forms matter presents the Dragon Slayer Prophecy by William Eastwood
Based on a true & ongoing story.
The new scientist & Internal Science
A article.
Mind forms matter & your reality
A article.


Can mind form matter? What Noble Prize winners say

An explanation of how consciousness creates matter is inherent in wave-particle duality.

Proof that mind forms matter and thoughts create reality
de Broglie.

Physicist Louis de Broglie, Nobel Prize winner and author of the de Broglie hypothesis demonstrates all matter to be electromagnetic fields/waves of energy.

Niels Bohr, university of Copenhagen physicist and Nobel Prize winner, confirmed that matter is like a beam of light.

Everything has an electromagnetic primary energy state, which is “energy containing information.” What is a thought? A thought is an electromagnetic field or “energy containing information.”

proof-your-thoughts-form-create-your-reality-Karl Pribram-185
Karl Pribram of Yale.

Dennis GaborNobel Prize winner and professor at CERN² in Switzerland, British physicist Peter Marcer, and neurosurgeon Karl Pribram (Stanford & Yale professor), demonstrated that we do not see objects per se, but instead construct an image in the brain by extracting holographic images from the ZPF. 

The eyes then project that image out into space. Our other senses also project.  

In other words, your reality is a dream-like projection originating from the fourth dimension. From an inner dimension of consciousness, the mind projects and materializes the brain in time-space. According to thoughts you have had in the past, the brain then projects and materializes the events of your life.


Many top physicists do know that mind forms matter

It is the rest of science, media and the world who do not want to listen to what they are saying.

Max Planck says mind forms matter and thoughts create reality
Max Planck.

Max Planck, Nobel Prize winning father of quantum mechanics says, “I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.”

The Observer, 1/25/1931


Nobel prize winner

Mind forms matter according to the world's leading physicists. Bernard d'Espagnat.
Bernard d’Espagnat.

The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment.”

Bernard d’Espagnat

D’espagnat believed that science failed to understand “the nature of being,” and that quantum mechanics could provide that understanding, yet scientists failed to investigate.

Read more…


“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”

— Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize winner.


Mind can and does form matter Nobel Prize winners
Mind can and does form matter.

These Nobel Prize winner’s findings offer an entire paradigm explaining how it may be possible that your thoughts create your reality — your mind projects what you believe, think and feel.

In 1947, David Bohm became an assistant professor at Princeton University, where he met Albert Einstein. 

When observing electrons within groups, Bohm was surprised to find that when in groups, electrons seemed to behave like flocks of birds or schools of fish — as if they were somehow alive!

My recently published book, The Holographic Universe — Journey Out of the Illusion explains all of this and more, such as how the civil rights movements in the 1960’s and David Bohm’s work are connected.


Find out for yourself if the principles work

Proof you consciousness and thoughts create your reality is in the placebo effect.
Proof your mind forms matter.



Nicola Tesla.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”






Who is William Eastwood?

Mind Forms Matter presents William Eastwood, modern alchemist
William Eastwood.

By: Camille Flores



Mind Forms Matter community shelter in a storm



Myths about human nature are what cause the world’s problems and holding individuals back from having happiness and succeeding.


Thoughts create matter and mind forms reality

  • Hold the individual back.
  • Prevent success.
  • Cause poor behavior and world problems.


Use thoughts affirmations to create events
A website article.


“Did you know that your inner nature is good.

Current beliefs are based on the idea that human nature is not very good. Negative beliefs about human nature are the most unfortunate kind of self-fulfilling prophecies for individuals and society. These kinds of beliefs can prevent your success and good things from entering your life. They tend to ruin relationships and attract negative experiences.

“These kinds of core beliefs lead to distrust of people and also to behavior that is not worthy of trust. When people are not trusted, society unravels. This is what is happening in our civilization. This is so because the mind does form matter and reality.” —William Eastwood.


All people are good spirits inside
A article.




Mind can / does form matter assistance
William Eastwood (sitting on family tree) at age 22.


Eastwood is a descendant of the Plantagenet Dynasty (14 kings of England), American founders, and General Doolittle.



Great prophets are always prosecuted. Socrates was made to drink poison (Hemlock). The Socrates school was burned to the ground and Plato’s academy was destroyed. Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned.

See The Altruistic Movement or get the amazing true story. The Dragon Slayer Prophecy will reveal what is happening today.


Why the human race may not survive

The film that reveals what is going on behind the scenes.


The Dragon Slayer Prophecy film

I Am Not an Ordinary Scientist: Internal Science & International Philosophy

William Eastwood Family Tree early life




Find out for yourself if mind forms matter by using affirmations and then observing the result.



Help yourself to the most positive thoughts you have ever thought

Mind can and does form matter says William Eastwood
William Eastwood

I have originated a series of affirmations to displace inaccurate cultural beliefs with accurate and constructive beliefs that will allow you to have the most positive experiences possible. You will take the changes you make with these affirmations with you into the after death experience. If you train your mind in the way these affirmations guide you to do, you will avoid costly mistakes and repetition of negative experiences and you will manifest high quality and fulfilling experiences in this life and after.

“You are beautiful, and the universe is kind. Do not let anyone ever say otherwise. If you believe and affirm this, everything in your life will work. 

My daily affirmations reinforce everything positive about you”

— William Eastwood


Reality is a projection.  Matter is a hologram.  Consciousness forms matter.  Scientific facts.  Proof your thoughts create reality and form matter.  Your mind creates your reality.  Einstein.  Nobel Prize winners findings


Notes:Dennis Gabor(1900 – 1979) electrical engineer and physicist, who invented holography, for which he later received the 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Notes: The European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, is a European research organization near Geneva that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. CERN is also the birthplace of the World Wide Web (the internet).


Quasar Jet. Click on image to enlarge it.



Nobel prize winner scientists say conscious mind forms matter

NASA funded a research project at Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center in Palo Alto and at California State University in Long Beach to develop a spacecraft propulsion system drawing on the energy of the ZPF. Click here to see the paper, Advances in the Proposed Electromagnetic Zero-Point Field Theory of Inertia, by Bernhard Haisch, Solar & Astrophysics Laboratory, Lockheed Martin, 3251 Hanover St., Palo Alto, CA 94304.


NASA Interstellar Mission ZPF Research Contract

The Zero Point Field explained


Zero Point Field energy is consciousness emerging as matter. Virtual particles appear mysteriously out of an unknown dimension.


What Does the ZERO POINT FIELD tell us?


A website article.


Look at the entire paradigm and all the seemingly strange findings of quantum physics.  The more you do that, the more apparent it becomes that it all fits together perfectly to prove that mind forms matter and thoughts create events.

Facts that point to the metaphysical concept that mind forms matter can be found in the placebo effect, in the collapsing wave function, and the entire body of quantum mechanics.

Bell’s theorem (reality is non-local), David Bohm’s holographic reality, quantum tunneling psychology and more all point clearly to the fact that mind forms matter.


A website article.


Does mind form matter?

What do you think? Both thoughts and matter are composed of electromagnetic energy. However, scientists do not know what electromagnetic energy is.




If mind forms matter, wouldn’t science know?

Mind forms matter presents the facts: Science admits that it doesn't know what anything is.
Since everything is electromagnetic energy and science does not know what electromagnetic energy is, scientists don’t know what anything is.

The scientific establishment does not know what an electromagnetic field is.

If you ask a scientist what an electromagnetic field is, 99% will say “it is a fundamental entity, it’s not made of anything else, it just is what it is.” They leave that question to philosophers because they cannot answer it.

The orthodox scientific establishment of the past did not venture beyond the view that the physical world was the only world. They had very narrow views that were heavily defended. Reality, it was believed, consisted exclusively of physical matter, and matter was believed to consist of little solid particles.

Physical particles do not even exist, however. Physicists know that particles are really just explosions of energy on top of other waves of turbulent energy.

No one knows what that energy is. The rest of science operates as if things are solid and ignores what the physicists know. It is as if the arms and legs of science do not listen to the head.

Internal science, however, is another matter entirely. The holographic theory of consciousness is so qualitatively different from previous paradigms that science nor the public can process it. Modern thought is based on it. All theories on virtually all subjects are based on the paradigm of physicalism but all scientists now know that there are no physical particles, only waves of energy that appear to be solid and function in practical terms as if they were, but in fact they are not.


Consciousness forms matter Solid physical Particles do not exist
A article.

How does mind form matter?

William Eastwood explains mind forms matter.
William Eastwood explains the ways in which mind forms matter.

Once you have a thought, it continues to exist. After you think them, your thoughts fall down through levels of consciousness. As they do, they form probabilities which later materialize if conditions are right and sufficient intensity is reached.

All events and objects are composed of electromagnetic energy which attracts or repels according to reliable laws of physics similar to the law of gravity. As your thoughts merge with similar thoughts, they form dream events. Some of these probabilities manifest and some do not.

Humans have been blind in recent centuries, but this is all out in the open if you open your inner eyes. It’s not hard to do.

The first stage in which mind forms matter is quite obvious. When I have lucid dreams, I imagine what I want and those thoughts and intent form into dream objects and events. While I am dreaming, I can’t even tell that I am in a dream except for the control I exert over my dream. This propensity of consciousness to form events, therefore, is thus blatantly obvious to anyone willing to look.

Physical reality is the same except that there is a time lag between when you conceive of an event and its eventual manifestation. The translation and projection of prematter into matter happens on a level of consciousness that is beyond the reach of scientific instruments.

Like the leavening agent that is used in bread to make it rise, belief and faith make events happen. Not religious faith, but assumption and expectation.

What you focus on and what you believe, you create. Our physical reality itself is dependent on belief in order to exist. We create our reality in the same way we create dreams.

Mind forms matter by projecting its own substance into a three-dimensional physical dream. You are in a hologram composed of consciousness.


A website article.


You can make things happen with your thoughts and mind.
A website article.
You can be blind as a bat or very powerful
A article.



Something that will work

William Eastwood on world problems and climate change
Eastwood in Durango Colorado in 2023.

When it comes to solving world problems, the more conventional approaches don’t work — they are what got us into trouble in the first place. We are offering something different that will stop violence, division, unhappiness, illness, and will create peace and prosperity.



The paradigm of physicalism doesn’t include even a fraction of reality. To understand the universe and how it works, we must use Internal Science.


What is Internal Science & International Philosophy
An article.
Mind forms matter success page
A Mind forms article.


Are you safe? The beliefs you inherit can make you vulnerable to harm. Children who feel the world is too dangerous may develop autism. Threats are a product of belief. Insurance will not protect you from your own beliefs.


MIND FORMS MATTER: How to be safe with non-linear time thinking worldview
A article.
how do we create world peace, stay safe, help others, stop war, end violence and crime? Learn how to stop all problems
A website article.




Does your mind form matter? Yes, your mind can and does form matter and create reality. WE
A article.
Is the universe made of consciousness
A article.
The multidimensional self is real fact
A article.



Mind forms matter according to the world's leading physicists. Bernard d'Espagnat.
Bernard d’Espagnat.

“The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment.”

What does that statement mean?

It means that your consciousness is connected to physical objects. You can attract wealth, money, love, health or anything you want with simple laws like gravity that apply to everyone equally. I created International Philosophy to provide simple and easy to understand methods anyone can use to improve their life. International Philosophy translates clearly into any language.

By seeing reality as it is—as an interactive web of energy—you increase your ability to influence matter and events.


Mind forms matter via probabilities
A website article.
consciousness-creates-reality-mind-does-create-your-life-experience-thoughts-materialized-physically website article.
Mind forms matter can thoughts create events objects
A website article.
A public notification of a new science paradigm mind forms matter and reality
A website article.

Mind Forms Matter books & articles

Mind Forms Matter presents books & articles
All articles & books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Mind Forms Matter book panel

Internal Science & International Philosophy.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
Make things happen with your thoughts consciousness mind creates events
A website article.



“Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.

“But it has to be the right science”

— William Eastwood



The Dragon Slayer Prophecy film Eastwood
A article.
William Eastwood descendant of King Arthur Merlin Magician
An article.

A film from the future educating
A article.




“Your senses do not just observe events. Before your five senses observe an event, they first create it.” — William Eastwood



Founder of Earth Network & the Altruistic Movement


“If you hear a dog bark in the distance but do not see that dog, the dog is not constructed into matter in your physical world. To construct a physical object you must create it with your senses. When you hear the dog but do not see the dog, you have created sound in your physical world but not the dog.” — William Eastwood


“I am not saying that the brain constructs an approximation of the physical world — I am saying that the mind and brain create an individual hologram that correlates with the hologram others are creating so that we think we are in one physical universe. I connect the old science paradigm to personal and world problems so that when you visit my sites and read any of my articles or books, you see exactly how the previous science paradigm is creating those problems. Because I give real examples in this way, it is not so easy to discount the new Internal Science paradigm.” —William Eastwood



Mind Forms Matter easy to understand practical philosophy

Feeling stifled by External Science, Eastwood went off on his own to develop a more accurate paradigm of reality to solve world problems and help everyone to create their dreams. He gives us Internal Science and International philosophy, by the people for the people.

Mind forms matter & your reality
A website article.
How does your mind form matter and reality?
A website article.
Do your thoughts influence people & monkeys
A article.
How to create anything manifest thoughts matter
A website article.
Your mind forms matter reality Eastwood
A article.



Of course your mind can move mountains, your mind creates them in the first place!

Mind forms matter and creates reality
Your mind can move mountains because the mind forms mountains in the first place.




Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William E
561 pages. 2024 New Year’s edition.


This book is larger than it appears to be in the image above.

The Solution book. photograph of front cover
561 pages. 2024 New Year’s edition.




"Make All Your Problems Go Away" hardcover book.
A special trophy hardcover book with color illustrations.





Thoughts form reality mind creates events Holographic Universe Book


Holographic Universe Journey Out of the Illusion book ebook by William Eastwood






How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback






Mind Forms Matter presents You Are a Beautiful Person book

Mind forms matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.




Mind Forms Matter presents Manifesting Power Book

Manifesting power book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.



Mind Forms Matter presents Success Guaranteed

Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
2023 edition.




Mind Forms Matter presents International Philosophy

Book International philosophy of life success wealth happiness internal science by William Eastwood




Mind Forms Matter presents the Altruism Code

The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William




How do I get rid of problems, emotional pain and suffering first key book



Many more books are available here.


to the world

Mind forms matter presents the Dragon Slayer Prophecy by William Eastwood
Based on a true & ongoing story.
Multidimensional Time Travel: Astral Projection man-made planet
A article.



William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are

“I can prove it. If someone like me can do what I did you can do anything!”

Founder of Earth Network

Eastwood books on manifesting money goals metaphysics philosophy


At age 12, William Eastwood said, “I can change the world,” and he picked up a pencil.

Less than a year later, William’s school counselor called Yale University.


William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13

William Eastwood true story by mind forms matter
Click on the article above to learn more.


“People who go around learning on their own often turn out to be pretty interesting themselves.” — Carolyn Battista, 1979 Eastwood press interviewer.



Science by the people for the people

Feeling stifled by External Science, Eastwood went off on his own to develop a more accurate paradigm of reality to solve world problems and help everyone to create their dreams. He gives us Internal Science and International philosophy, by the people for the people.


Say thanks and help humanity

Say thanks with a book order or donation through PayPal so that I can continue to bring this information to you.

Mind does form matter: William Eastwood manifests treasure at age 7
W.E. at age 7.

“If you do good things, good things will happen to you.”

— William Eastwood quote (and corresponding miracle) at age seven.


More books are available here.


When you buy a book here you are doing a good thing because all proceeds are used to fund the mission and to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Many people need food and have children who are suffering, and this site is free for them to use to manifest what they need.


William Eastwood Earth Network Mission Great Civilization plan to solve world problems now
A website article.


When you buy through, the profits that would otherwise go to a 2nd big corporation serve instead as a donation to help people who desperately need help. is the manufacturer and carries the latest editions of our books.



NOBEL PRIZE WINNER’S FINDINGS – Proof Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood.

All rights reserved. This applies to everything on this page.



The owner of this website does not consent to the content on this website being used or downloaded by any third parties for the purposes of developing, training or operating artificial intelligence or other machine learning systems (“Artificial Intelligence Purposes”), except as authorized by the owner in writing (including written electronic communication). Absent such consent, users of this website, including any third parties accessing the website through automated systems, are prohibited from using any of the content on the website for Artificial Intelligence Purposes.  


Primary article concludes here.

mind forms matter science and philosophy image five
Consciousness creates the universe.

Categories: Proof your thoughts create your reality. How do my thoughts create matter & my reality? How does my mind form matter? How does mind form reality and happiness? Proof your thoughts affect & create your life, reality and matter. Click on our site to learn more. 


Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? Effect on People, Events, Objects, Reality & Everything

Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? Effect on People, Events Reality

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.




Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? Effect on People, Events, Objects & Reality

  • How can our thoughts affect others?
  • How do our thoughts affect people, events, objects and reality?
  • What would the effect be for the other person?

I will answer these questions now.


Mind forms matter Belief-projection-theory

What is Internal Science & International Philosophy

The Holographic Theory of Consciousness

How can I save the earth & all life?

Multidimensional Time Travel: Astral Projection man-made planet

internal Science multidimensional holographic

Who are we what is our nature myths

The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time

Consciousness forms matter Solid physical Particles do not exist

Manifest your best self


How can our thoughts affect others?

Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? WE. Effect on People, Events Reality Everything
William Eastwood explains how our thoughts can & do affect others.

Our thoughts can and do affect others because we are immersed in one continuous field of energy and because telepathy is always operating. Your beliefs elicit reactions in keeping with those beliefs.

People cannot kill you or harm you with their thoughts, however. You have protection.

On inner levels you filter out telepathic messages that do not conform to your beliefs. You do not receive hostile messages on a conscious level, for example, if you are not in a state of fear and do not believe that a threat exists. Your beliefs filter out what does not conform to those beliefs.

Your beliefs create your reality, filter your perception, release or inhibit your potentia,l and attract or repel people who can help you.


How do develop Human potential unlimited
A article.


How to influence people with your thoughts

On the deepest level, we are always communicating telepathically with those we know (and everyone). If you visualize yourself telling someone that you are now a success by explaining your intent or achievement, you send them that message and they pick it up.

If you imagine their reaction as one of acceptance, then you may get their acceptance as a result of your effort. However, some people may think of you in a certain way that they are not willing to change.

People have beliefs about themselves and others that serve a purpose for them. If a person is unwilling to adapt to your telepathic message of success or see you in a new light, then they may be an obstacle to your success.

Family members that pare you down in their mind can be problematic to your success. No one has the power to stop you from succeeding, but when we create events that involve other people, everyone plays a role in creating the event in which they are participating. If two children are selecting team players in gym class, they pick who they like most and you can’t control what other people do.

If your love life is lacking and if you visualize a romantic partner you may get what you are after. However, you may not, depending on available probabilities, and if you put yourself out there. You may instead elicit changed behavior from your current partner and he or she may change and you may get what you want that way. When you feel loved, your energy attracts love and you become more desirable.

The imagination creates reality. What you imagine in your mind you create according to very definite laws of physics. Who is going to want to love a brute who hates everyone? for example.



The main article continues below.



Mind Forms Matter research


Mind forms matter 500 free articles girl holding money

Internal Science & International Philosophy.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Do your thoughts influence people & monkeys
A article.

A article.

Multidimensional Time Travel: Astral Projection man-made planet
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A plan civilization science future from mind forms matter
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How does your mind form matter and reality?
A article.

How you can keep yourself safe
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How do I use mind over matter to materialize money manifesting goals dreams?
A article.

Use your mind to make the day go your way
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You can make things happen with your thoughts and mind.
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Astral projection future planet
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Mind forms matter presents: You can prove anything
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Mind forms matter presents all of science is a myth
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International Guaranteed Income for Everyone
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How to manifest cash and materialize money using metaphysics
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Make things happen with your thoughts consciousness mind creates events
A article.



Mind Forms Matter books

Mind Forms Matter 10 paperback book covers


Audiobook manifest fantasies while you sleep
Listen, learn & manifest.



The main article resumes:



Telepathic interactions are ongoing

People sense when you are thinking about them. When you attempt influence, they may sense it and may resist. If you do not think about a particular individual that wants you to do some work, and you take off to Timbuktu, they may sense that you are not thinking about them and get aggravated.

If you degrade an insecure person in your mind, they may be attracted to you, and they may respond by trying to win your favor or appease you.

If you love a person, you attract them, but if that person is degrading you in their mind, they may sense the connection and use your high regard to feel superior and to further degrade you.


Thoughts form matter visualization
A article.


Not thinking about someone that you know who likes you can draw their energy to you. People want attention, and if they desire communication with you, they will be compelled to communicate with you when they sense you are not thinking about them.

If you are having a conversation with anyone and you keep forgetting what you intended to say, it may be that it is not appropriate to say it.  Their belief system or aura may be blocking the concept you want to convey.


Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? Effect on People, Events Reality Everything Book
William Eastwood explains how our thoughts can and do affect other people, events, reality and everything in “Success Guaranteed…” (Available as paperback & eBook.)

Communication is two ways. You pull to you what will help you like a magnet attracts iron and vice versa. Your beliefs and needs elicit responses that will fulfill those expectations. People who are not intuitive can misuse the telepathic system.

If someone you know thinks you will fumble, and if you have any doubts, that person will influence you to fumble. If they think, “he’s an alcoholic and will never be able to handle the situation he is in,” then that can add to the problem. But if instead they think about times when you handled yourself well and affirm positive things about you (like a mother would toward a child), then there is positive influence. You may suddenly feel that you can succeed. You may adopt their belief that you are strong and can be victorious.

People transmit beliefs, and ideas can travel around the world in a flash.

People want to believe what others believe. This is a characteristic of the intellect. If everyone likes you, it is likely that more will do the same, but if a bully degrades you, onlookers may wonder what is wrong with you.

The Rosenthal Effect demonstrates that teachers who expect great things from their students elicit better grades than those who do the opposite.

Develop your intuition to communicate well with people and say affirmations like those posted on my affirmation pages. For example, you can affirm, “People like me and I like people,” if you have social anxiety or have been bullied. You feel the affirmation is truthful when you say it, or it could have the opposite effect.

This is why my affirmations are designed to make you more positive in a variety of ways and regarding many components of life.

Emotional states can change your energy and beliefs. Use my affirmation pages to elevate your mood and expectations. Expectations are emotional at first. Think positive thoughts about your future with positive emotions and you will raise your expectations, change your energy and beliefs, and attract and manifest that future.



The main article continues below.



Mind Forms Matter research


Mind forms matter 500 free articles girl holding money

Internal Science & International Philosophy.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Are some people stuckA article.

William Eastwood material is the universe made of consciousness
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What is consciousness panpsychism navigation icon
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It time travel possible?
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Where do all of my problems come from metaphysics
A article.

Mind can and does form matter and create reality. Who you are.
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Your mind forms matter reality Eastwood
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Astral projection future planet
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BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions
A article.

William Eastwood Family Tree early life
A article.

Donate Charity Mission great civilization Earth Network nonprofit we need your help today
Click above to find out how.

A article.

BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions
A article.

A website article.


Affirmations can change beliefs, and when done properly will ensure success and positive experiences.


Manifesting is all about projecting the desired emotions

Negative emotions will manifest!

Positive emotions will manifest!

Thoughts of abundance will manifest!

A sense of forward motion will manifest!

A sense of adventure, glory and discovery will manifest!

A sense of power and ability will manifest!

Joy will manifest!

Match the emotion of having what you want to manifest it!

Maintain those emotions for as long as it takes!

Control your thoughts and emotions.

Make each day an adventure.



Mind forms matter daily guidance. daily affirmations & guidance.

Here is where you change your life for the better




Mind Forms Matter books

Mind Forms Matter 10 paperback book covers


Audiobook manifest fantasies while you sleep
Listen, learn & manifest.



The main article resumes:



If you must do something to make your envisioned positive future a reality, you wil be attracted to whatever needs to be done to get there. But you must trust your impulses and act on your inspiration.



How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback

Eastwood’s newest and best work made affordable


How to Manifest - A Guide book by William Eastwood 2024
Published in 2024.





Manifest whatever you want every day!








Your thoughts create your reality


Does your mind form matter? Yes, your mind can and does form matter and create reality. WE


Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? Effect on People, Events Reality Everything Book
William Eastwood explains how our thoughts can and do affect other people, events, reality and everything in “Success Guaranteed…” (Available as paperback & eBook.)

You have an aura that is a product of current beliefs and past thoughts and emotions, and this directly impacts others. On inner levels people pick up your thoughts and emotions, and on a conscious level they feel them. They will know what you think only if it fits in with their belief system and if they are receptive. If they are confident, they may not pick up negative thoughts from other people, but they will pick up messages that further boost their confidence.

Telepathic cords connect us on a subconscious level. Beliefs are strong thoughts that radiate outward to affect others through these channels. Emotions also influence others.

On an inner level everyone is with you and not against you. On the level where creation takes place the inner selves of others help you and vice versa. Even those that may appear to be enemies on the physical level are often helping each other on inner levels.

Reality is basically cooperative, and the creation of events occurs because of the vast cooperation of all consciousness. We are all connected. Rising to challenges and striving to achieve makes everyone else stronger, but believing in your weakness makes others weaker.

Our souls know that. We are in this reality to learn. When we have learned that our thoughts create our reality, we can go to the next level of reality in which thoughts manifest instantly. The movie Groundhog Day has truth to it. You are on auto-repeat until you get it.

Every little thought and emotion send out ripples that can and do affect people, events, objects and reality.


Mind forms matter presents all of science is a myth
A website article.


Einstein & Eastwood: The new scientific authority
An article.


Mind forms matter by William Eastwood
A website article.


Mind forms matter presents Holographic reality.
A website article.


An example of how thoughts create an event
A website article.


Matter and consciousness are the same thing but in different forms and levels of intensity. Interactions occur above and below normal conscious thinking. You have more power than you think you do to affect others with your thoughts.

We do choose, however, what we will be exposed to in a broad sense, and we can close the door on any potential influence in advance. The same applies to others. This is important to understand. If we get stuck in a negative situation or circumstance, we have to work our way out of it. Because we literally create our reality, we are in control at all times. We just don’t know it.

Can do our thoughts affect others? Book explains effect on people, events, reality
This special, just released hardcover trophy book is full of color illustrations. It explains how our thoughts can and do affect other people and events.

The information I am giving you now does not come from accepted external science. If your beliefs are aligned with external science and social myths, your beliefs will reject and repel the information you need to break out of that vice to reclaim your natural power.

Unless you are viewing reality through the lens of Internal Science and International Philosophy, nothing I am saying will make sense to you. If this is the case, how your thoughts can affect others may not be clear.

This article is for everyone, regardless of their beliefs. Keep reading.




The main article continues below.



Mind Forms Matter research


Mind forms matter 500 free articles girl holding money

Internal Science & International Philosophy.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Mind forms matter Belief-projection-theory
A article.

The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
A article.

consciousness-creates-reality-mind-does-create-your-life-experience-thoughts-materialized-physically website article.

Mind forms matter presents new science.
A article.

A article.

A article.

Your beliefs create your reality
An website article.

How do my thoughts create my reality?
A article.

Your mind forms matter visualization
A article.

MIND FORMS MATTER: How to be safe with non-linear time thinking worldview
A article.

Appreciation gratitude are International Philosophy
A article.

Learn to Use Your Mind to Materialize Anything You Desire
A article.



The Dragon Slayer Prophecy film Eastwood
A article.

William Eastwood descendant of King Arthur Merlin Magician
An article.

A film from the future educating
A article.



Mind Forms Matter books

Mind Forms Matter 10 paperback book covers


Audiobook manifest fantasies while you sleep
Listen, learn & manifest.



The main article resumes:


A philosophy of personal power

Thoughts are fields of energy that form matter. We have built a civilization on the division between mind and matter, yet both are the same — consciousness and matter are both composed of electromagnetic fields.

Thoughts combine with similar thoughts and transform themselves into probable events which contain the impetus and pattern necessary to evolve into the complexity of matter.

  • You project your own psychological energy out to form the physical world.
  • Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects.
  • Your life is a learning experience you chose in order to learn how to project energy.
  • Your life situation gives you clarity as to what you are projecting psychologically.
  • You are in your own hologram.


The problem of acceptance is prejudice, not lack of evidence

The Internal Science William Eastwood
William Eastwood today.

There is more evidence that consciousness creates reality than there is evidence that black holes exist. There is more evidence supporting Internal Science theory than physicalism.





Mind forms matter presents: You are in a hologram
A website article.


Mind forms matter presents: You can prove anything
A article.


Mind forms matter reality is psychological
Click above to learn more.


Mind forms matter your beliefs create your reality
An website article.


Mind forms matter says your worldview is your power.
A website article.


Mind forms matter presents C=Ef=M.
A website article.


Mind forms matter presents a new internal science.
An website article.


How to Create What You Want & Be Who You Want to Be: Tips & Secrets

Learn how to create anything you want in life. It’s easy to do.

Mind forms matter the life you want WE
A article.


The main article resumes:

The cells of your body exist first as pure energy. On this level every thought and emotion are retained (cellular memory). The future and past exist simultaneously, side by side.


CEU conscious energy unit new science William Eastwood thoughts create matter reality physical
A website article.


Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? UN. Effect on People, Events, Objects, Reality & Everything
The Inner UN.

Thoughts are the same substance as matter. The electronic device you are using is made of the same exact substance as thought and emotion. Only the intensity differentiates a thought from a physical event or object.

By thinking the same thought over and over you accumulate energy and intensity and in doing so increase the likelihood of manifestation of whatever it is you are thinking about.

Your beliefs determine what can and cannot manifest. Inner and outer expectations regulate which thoughts and emotions manifest.

Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? Effect on People, Events Reality Everything Book
William Eastwood explains how our thoughts can and do affect other people, events, reality and everything in “Success Guaranteed…” (Available as paperback & eBook.)

Events manifest when people want them to. You cannot force others to experience an event. Freewill is always operating. When we are with others, we can influence them by what we believe, think and feel but we cannot force experience on them.

Every person chooses what they want even in terms of influences. If they want to be influenced by you or want to be with you, they choose to participate.

Even children do this by choosing their parents. Nothing is forced on a person.

In social events that include many people, decisions are made to participate beforehand. Within that context chosen you can influence people for the better or worse.

When you focus on a particular event you want to manifest with another person, you develop probabilities in which you do. These probabilities exist on an inner level where you are in communication with that person.

When you focus properly on a desired effect or interaction, you increase the probability of manifestation of whatever you are focusing on.

Can do our thoughts affect others? Book explains effect on people, events, reality
This special, just released hardcover trophy book is full of color illustrations. It explains how our thoughts can and do affect other people and events.

In a group setting the highest intensity thoughts win. Coherency of thought and conviction determines which person dominates a conversation. The opposite of coherency is dispersed beliefs or thoughts that are not well focused. If you are not sure what you believe in a certain area or have conflicting thoughts and resolve on an issue, the person who is certain of what they believe tends to overpower your convictions, and this is true even if what they believe is not necessarily true or accurate.

The one with the stronger convictions and coherency of mind will attempt to influence you, but your beliefs have the final say. You have freewill and you do not have to be influenced. You can allow yourself to be influenced but you cannot be forced to accept another person’s beliefs without consenting.


A website article.





Take the higher path (by William Eastwood)

An eBook full of powerful links.


Mind forms matter presents The Solution ebook by William Eastwood EN
The new eBook is now available.

"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution." — Mario Fusco TP.D, RS.D, BSC. (Two doctorate degrees.)


BRAND NEW EDITION: Published November, 2023.


RECOMMENDED: My most extensive eBook.

"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.


Stop putting out worry, fear and doubts

how our thoughts can and do affect other people and events.
Eastwood’s practical life philosophy book that explains how our thoughts can and do affect other people and events.

Faith is a form of belief. A simple-minded person with strong faith in an outcome or positive event can manifest what they want more easily than an intellectual that lacks faith in a result.

When you stop worrying and focus on the positive result you want you will change your vibration.  If you raise your energy and increase your positive thoughts, your overall power to manifest positive events increases. The universe always moves you toward the realization of your desires and toward beneficial learning experiences if you get out of the way. Doubts and worries interfere with the process.

With an abundance of faith and positive thoughts you can manifest your desires effortlessly. The positive energy and faith you exude can clear negative and limiting concepts out of your subconscious. Every thought has a frequency. A happy or positive frequency can define associated memories within cellular consciousness. If you keep having similar happy thoughts and if you have positive beliefs and faith, these eventually flush out the opposite or negative ideas. They repel their enemies.

The mind may struggle between low self-image and high self-image when in the process of ascending to a preferred self-structure. Beliefs can fight for dominance in the mind.

Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? Effect on People, Events Reality Everything Book
William Eastwood explains how our thoughts can and do affect other people, events, reality and everything in “Success Guaranteed…” (Available as paperback & eBook.)

Once you achieve a new and more coherent self-image that lacks the kind of cultural beliefs that inhibit the universe from bringing you what you desire, fortunate and beneficial events happen more frequently.

When fortunate events happen all the time people take notice. However, people have elected to share experiences with you for their own reasons. If a person uses you to feel superior or more accomplished than you by comparison, they will resist acknowledging your advances, or will pare them down in their mind.

Social events can influence you, and you can influence others in shared experiences that the two of you or more have elected to participate in. If someone is disallowing your success in their own mind, either you find a way to change their beliefs about you or you must separate yourself from them over time until they are no longer even thinking about you in order for you to manifest your success in life.

This is how you can choose how not to be influenced by the negative thoughts of others.

Because your thoughts can and do affect other people, events, objects and reality, it is important to hold positive beliefs, to have faith in reality and in yourself and to think positive thoughts and feel high emotions.

Positive beliefs and thoughts can be obtained by recalling your best experiences in life and using affirmations to deliberately adopt more beneficial and positive beliefs. This I can help you with.



I will help you

William Eastwood in his 20s in Florida
William Eastwood.

You can extract yourself from the most difficult circumstances, and you can manifest your dreams and goals.

If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen.

Click the icon below for the affirmation page.


mind forms matter daily-affirmations-metaphysics-guidance-success-love-money help
William Eastwood affirmations & the way to success posted daily.


William Eastwood's Earth Network mission King Arthur's.
An website article.


Does Druid magic power secret knowledge exist?
An website article.



Manifesting power book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.



A book by William Eastwood: Manifesting power book materialize money success health goals.


Available for you as an Ebook and paperback.


The main article resumes:

Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? Effect on People, Events Reality Everything Book
William Eastwood explains how our thoughts can and do affect other people, events, reality and everything in “Success Guaranteed…” (Available as paperback & eBook.)

Events are created on inner levels of consciousness. We work with others on deep inner levels. If people want to contribute to your project, they must decide to do so and then work with you on this level to make those events happen.

If you lose your way they may drop out.

It is important to realize how much power you have to influence people and events. Start with your own thoughts and emotions. Expectations begin as emotions. An emotional feeling of success will gradually alter what you believe and expect. Live in the feeling of the wish fulfilled and you are using the law of attraction and manifestation to your advantage.

Understand the power of your thoughts. This alone gives them more power.

After you think your thoughts, they combine with similar thoughts in your subconscious and evolve into dreams and pre-matter events. When a pre-matter event reaches sufficient intensity, it manifests in time-space. This is how we all create our life.


Click on image to learn more.



Get your FREE PDF book (by William Eastwood)

EASTWOOD philanthropy: Powerful knowledge for all ages.


Mind can and does create matter presents a free book to help those in need
CLICK HERE TO GET OUR FREE BOOK: A thinking strategy for happiness, personal power and success!


How do your thoughts affect others?

Can do our thoughts affect others? Book explains effect on people, events, reality
This special, just released hardcover trophy book is full of color illustrations. It explains how our thoughts can and do affect other people and events.

Your beliefs elicit responses from people. If you change what you think about other people, they will pick up those thoughts subconsciously. People react to your beliefs about yourself, them and all subjects that concern them.

When you change your thinking toward people you initiate an inner process. The behavior of the people in your life toward you will reflect your assumptions. When you change your assumptions, you change that dynamic.

They pick up your thoughts about them telepathically. Their subconscious filters out what does not correspond with their beliefs. But what does fit their beliefs influences them on a subconscious level, and they feel that change consciously. The reverse also applies.


Mind can and does form matter and create reality philosophy
A website article.


People play roles in each other’s lives

how our thoughts can and do affect other people and events.
Eastwood’s practical life philosophy book that explains how our thoughts can and do affect other people and events.

If you think people take advantage of you then you set yourself up to attract people who do that to you. The people you attract are not puppets to your beliefs. Instead, they are attracted to you because of their beliefs. The bully in your life may be attracted to you because you see yourself as being a victim and because of other beliefs, thoughts and emotions you have had that reinforce that belief.

If you decide to change your beliefs, you may send out messages to such a person that you are changing and that you are no longer a pushover. That person may then drop you from their life and attract a different person who is easy to take advantage of.

There are many reasons for relationships and many webs of beliefs affecting the dynamics of every relationship. In general, however, if the people in your life are unwilling to reflect your beliefs about them (due to their own beliefs), they will leave your life and someone who does will enter your life.

The people in our life reflect our own beliefs. If you change your self-image to that of a highly successful person, soon people will come into your life that will see you as being successful. Those that are incapable of seeing you as successful will leave your life.

Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? WE. Effect on People, Events Reality Everything
William Eastwood explains how our thoughts can & do affect others.

The creation of any given event is a highly orchestrated result of all those who are in any way impacted by that event and its many probable ramifications. The creation of any physical event is a cooperative undertaking of vast proportions.

The entirety of inner reality science refuses to acknowledge is where our reality is generated. This is where cooperation is most apparent. Everyone is working together to help each other on this level, even those that may be adversaries on the physical level.

This is where the action is and where you influence people. Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions influence people. If you are confident, they will feel that and will respond accordingly.

Your inner world is your seat of power. Outer manipulations will not work if they run contrary to the inner dynamics I just explained.


How you affect others on inner levels

Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? UN. Effect on People, Events, Objects, Reality & Everything
The Inner UN.

Unbelievable amounts of work are done on inner levels to uphold physical reality and form events. The creation of the physical world and the events you participate in are a result of amazing amounts of work done within an inner framework of existence. All portions of the universe are in direct communication here.

You not only influence others on this level, but you work with them here. Mutual encounters or plans that require the input or participation of others are created jointly by all those involved or effected.

Reality is created on the inside and then manifests according to laws that govern manifestation of belief, thought and emotion. This is the only way physical events can be created.

The only way you can change events is to change your inner subjective reality. Change your thinking and your reality changes.

The best way to change thinking is through the use of affirmations.


The main article continues below.



William Eastwood presents

William Eastwood presents: Thoughts create matter


Mind forms matter presents William website internal science international philosophy




How to manifest money and wealth

How to materialize cash money fast
An article.

How to create anything manifest thoughts matter
A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

You can make things happen with your thoughts and mind.
A article. article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.


The main article resumes:


How do our thoughts affect people, events, objects and reality?

Can do our thoughts affect others? Book explains effect on people, events, reality
This special, just released hardcover trophy book is full of color illustrations. It explains how our thoughts can and do affect other people and events.

Disbelievers prevent themselves from seeing the effect of their thoughts on others. One common reason why a person may not realize that their thoughts affect people, events and reality is because of their beliefs that their thoughts do not affect people, events, matter and reality is affecting events, matter and reality.

People may also experience mental blocks that prevent them from seeing what conflicts with their education and primary beliefs. In scientific terms, holographic reality explains cognitive dissonance.

The way to make all your problems go away is the same as the way to attract what you want most. Paradise is yours for the taking.



Click on image to learn more.


Your thoughts affect others on various levels of consciousness.


Can do our thoughts affect others? Book explains effect on people, events, reality
This special, just released hardcover trophy book is full of color illustrations. It explains how our thoughts can and do affect other people and events.

Albert Einstein’s friend, David Bohm, insisted that the mind could affect people, events and reality by creating beneficial synchronistic events through proper focus of attention. A synchronistic event is a seeming coincidence in which things mysteriously fall into place because a person’s thoughts have affected other people, events and reality. Either what you have been asking for materializes or the means to create it presents itself.

The only way this can happen is if there are inner channels through which our thoughts affect other people, events, objects and reality. David Bohm’s model of reality revealed exactly that.



William Eastwood revolutionary new science introduction to an iconoclast
A website article.


A website article.


A website article.


Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? WE. Effect on People, Events Reality Everything
William Eastwood explains how our thoughts can & do affect others.

We already know that our thoughts affect people, events and reality, it is just nice to know it is a concept that is validated by one of the world’s greatest minds. Raise your energy and you create more seeming coincidences where things work out better than you expected and what you want most falls into your lap.

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The Solution


A huge book.

The Solution book. photograph of front cover
561 pages. 2024 New Year’s edition.


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The means to solve world problems and create the life you want. The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want.

It is all here, in the solution.

The Solution book by William Eastwood.
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"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."

— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.


"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.




Can our thoughts affect people, and reality?  Everything is an effect of thought.  Your thoughts influence others and create objects and events



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When you buy a book here you are not only helping yourself and making an important investment in yourself, you are helping the whole world! All proceeds are used to fund the mission and to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Many people need food and have children who are suffering, and this site is free for them to use to manifest what they need.


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A website article.



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Thoughts form reality mind creates events Holographic Universe Book





Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William E
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.






"Make All Your Problems Go Away" hardcover book.
A special trophy hardcover book with color illustrations.


You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.

At age 12, Eastwood was convinced of what would soon become a new paradigm in science. Rather than appease professors and become acclaimed in orthodoxy, he took a course that would align himself with ordinary people everywhere. Although continuing his efforts to reduce fossil fuel emissions in the United States, he changed his direction in a call to help people everywhere. His efforts met with opposition.

The clash between worldviews and the sometimes lethal resistance to a new and more accurate understanding of reality and human nature can make our job extremely difficult at times, however, and so we thank you for your book purchase!

Profits from the sale of books are used to fund the mission; we offer a new paradigm to solve all problems and achieve all worthy goals.





How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback




You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.







Mind forms matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.



Manifesting power book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.


Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
2023 edition.




Book International philosophy of life success wealth happiness internal science by William Eastwood




The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William






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Mind forms matter to thoughts create reality

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Mind Forms Matter got me smart

How your mind forms matter and creates reality
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


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Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? Effect on People, Events, Objects & Reality

© Copyright 2019, 2021, 2022, 2024, By: William Eastwood.



Primary article concludes here.




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Mind forms matter to thoughts create reality

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Daily affirmations and guidance

Affirmations to manifest anything you want instantly
A daily affirmation & guidance page.


Mind forms matter can thoughts create events objects

Mind forms matter presents new science.

Mind forms matter presents how to create a miracle.



Mind forms matter presents probable selves.

BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions

About William Eastwood & His Earth Network

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Your success

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25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission!

Mind forms Matter William Eastwood Books
25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission.



How your mind forms matter and creates reality
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


The Holy Grail

Nobel Prize winning physicists in the 20th century are responsible for creating quantum physics. From their work science has discovered the true nature of reality. There are no physical particles. Everything is composed of non-solid waves of energy.

Other fields of science, however, do not listen to what these physicists have discovered. If all of science were a human body, it would be as if the arms and legs of science do not listen to the head. Our modern field of science is therefore in a schizophrenic condition and this is causing all our world problems.

If we were to listen to the physicists whose job it is to determine the nature of reality, we would develop a new picture or paradigm of reality. Internal Science is the name I have given to that paradigm. If we were to base psychology on that paradigm we would develop a new psychology. I call that psychology International Philosophy.

International Philosophy is based on the science of exactly how thoughts form matter. Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects. You mind creates your reality.

If you apply the principles of International Philosophy, you can manifest whatever you want in life right now. If we can get enough people to do this we can solve world problems.

Our website articles tell you exactly how you can achieve your goals and how we can solve world problems.

We can reverse global warming and we can give money to everyone. There is enough wealth to go around for everyone. Wealth is a result of having positive beliefs about money. You can get there by following the God of you.

Our 500 free articles are filled with the practical information you need to create what you want in life.

Read Belief Projection Theory, watch "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" film, and be sure to use our affirmation and guidance pages every day. And if you can afford them, buy William Eastwood's books to support the mission to feed and care for everyone on earth and to transition humanity to a new era of peace and fulfillment before it is too late.



Categories: Can and do our thoughts affect others? Effect on people, events, objects and reality. Can and do thoughts affect others? Our thoughts affect things. Reality is an effect of thoughts. Metaphysical philosophy. Consciousness forms matter & creates reality. Your thoughts create your life & existence. Metaphysical school & books. Quantum physics & consciousness. Click on our site and books for more information.


Can & Do Our Thoughts Affect Others? Effect on People, Events, Objects & Reality

Thoughts are the same substance as matter.

Thoughts and matter are electromagnetic energy. The electronic device you are using is made of the same exact substance as a thought or emotion. Only the intensity differentiates a thought from a physical event or object.

Events are a cooperative venture in which we manifest our beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Everyone does this. People either reflect your beliefs or they leave your life.



The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.

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