Metaphysics of Money: How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success?

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13This is documented in the public record.

"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.


Metaphysics of Money: How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success?

  • What is the metaphysics of money?
  • How do I materialize money and success?


I will answer these questions now.


Don’t just put your foot in the door. If you want to do something great and be an exceptional person, go all the way over into the new paradigm. Your emotions create your reality and your beliefs generate your thoughts and emotions.


How do I use metaphysics to materialize money & to manifest success?

Saturate your mind with positive thoughts and emotions. Over time, your positive thinking will override whatever residual negativity persists. That’s how you use metaphysics to materialize money and to manifest success.

Work on beliefs. Change emotions.

I have learned to materialize money and success with metaphysics through constant application and repetition. I can’t believe how good I feel almost all the time now. Life is an endorphin rush and I’m not drinking or doing drugs. The natural high you get with success is way better once you get it, and I’ve got it.

It’s like an addition to everything positive.

To materialize money and success with metaphysics, you have to find a way to focus on your dreams. If you have work that takes your mind away from your dreams, you have to change that somehow.

You can’t overdo positive focus. When all you think about is your best self, best memories and highest triggers, you’re going to move in the right direction. Just keep going no matter what. Demand the best out of yourself and don’t stop.

When you’re doing your best, the universe supports you and your inner self sends you energy and synchronistic events. When you are in control and using metaphysics for success and money, you’ll want to exercise and improve yourself because you’ll be feeling so good all the time. It’s a lot like making love, only with everything.

I am extremely careful with every decision I make and I use strategy in everything. I appreciate everything I touch. I focus on the day’s achievements, my dreams and meals. Look at everything good and don’t look at what you don’t like.

I set my TV facing my bed with the computer on so that I can immediately look at a video of an airliner landing in whatever place I want to go. I have matching music and videos of beautiful, happy people on the beach. In my mind I’m there seconds after I wake up.

You have to be okay with whatever turns you on. That’s the way to get into high energy flow at the start of every day. I insist on all of that, and you should too. If you’re not doing it, learn to do it. If you start your day with negative thoughts, it’s going to be all the more difficult to reverse.

If your work is a struggle, you have to change that too.



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What is the metaphysics of money?

Metaphysics of Money Eastwood. How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success?
William Eastwood.

The metaphysics of money is a set of metaphysical principles that can be followed to materialize money and success. Metaphysics provides more effective ways to make and manifest money and success. If you haven’t yet done so, use my daily affirmations to develop positive and constructive thinking habits as well as to manifest money and goals. The whole mind is involved, not just isolated manifesting thoughts focused on materializing money.

Don’t think about doing it, do it. You will get better at it as you do it. I have provided you with the path I used that will work on all levels of your mind to clear out all blocks and lead you to what you want. Fumbling around trying to figure it all out on your own is time consuming. Why not just learn by doing?

Link to the daily affirmation / reset post. Say the mantras or affirmations and see what it does for you. You will see that it gets you feeling great and manifesting everything you want, not just money.


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William Eastwood wants to tell you how you can have anything you want.


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How to materialize money example

If I can materialize eleven twenty-dollar bills in one summer you can learn to do the same. You know that you are a master when money is manifesting out of thin air everywhere you go.

Money on the road.

A few months back I found an envelope with four $20 bills in it and no identification. A few weeks after that I found six $20 bills folded together. A week later when I was walking to the bank I thought I would try to manifest / materialize more. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and visualized $20 bills. I was focusing on how I felt the last time I found $120.

Unbelievably, as I opened my eyes they were already fixed on a folded and partially crumpled $20 bill. This is an example of materializing money instantly by deliberate intent.

Metaphysics of Money: How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success book
William Eastwood explains how he used metaphysics to materialize money & success in “How to Manifest…” (Available in paperback & eBook.)

Of course you are wondering what my secret is. I had been focused on making money for over a year, often saying affirmations while filling myself with the feeling of having and making money. The powerful affirmations I use are on my free daily affirmation post (link below).

It is something that happened because of the cumulative effect of my constructive focus and creative efforts. It is a result of specific affirmations that work on the whole mind that you should be saying every day by linking to my daily affirmation / reset and guidance post.

I want to mention that I was feeling on top of the world the morning I found the eleventh $20 bill. I was focused on the feeling of the perfect summer day near the ocean in New London, CT. Generally speaking, the more positive thoughts and feelings we have, the more likely it is that we can manifest positive events and objects like finding money.

I have been manifesting money and treasure since I was a child.

You can manifest cash, goals and dreams simply by visiting my affirmation/reset daily post. It only takes seconds. it is a good way to stop just thinking about doing it to actually do it. Link to it in a bookmark and visit every time you have an urge to manifest or need to be positive.


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Audiobook manifest fantasies while you sleep
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Metaphysics and the principle of manifesting money is congruent with the findings of quantum mechanics and the Internal Science given here. Both thoughts and matter are made up of the same substance — electromagnetic energy. Matter is usually just a higher intensity energy. By dwelling on a positive thought, you add energy to that thought until it reaches sufficient intensity to manifest.


“The metaphysics of money consists of principles on how to materialize money and manifest success in all its forms.”

— William Eastwood.


How do I manifest success?

  1. The principles of manifesting require that you focus on the end result desired and live in the assumption of the wish fulfilled.
  2. Create intense desire and resolve for success by imagining your success vividly.
  3. Apply willpower to manifesting principles and follow through with actions when your intuition tells you to take action.
  4. If you immerse yourself in a study of the metaphysical worldview as given here, you can infuse the process with additional energy.
  5. Nonlinear thinking will also add greater effectiveness to the process (below).
  6. Desire is a source of energy, make it as intense as possible.
  7. Resolve can help to insure your success and comes naturally when you are on the right path and doing what you love to do.
  8. Use willpower at any time you feel frustrated or blocked. Willpower allows you to break through those barriers.
  9. Imagination can be pleasurable. Whatever brings you pleasure and allows you to picture getting what you want in your mind is very helpful. Develop the habit of imagining pleasurable events.
  10. When imagining, enter into the scene you are picturing. It is more effective to be living the ideal imagined state rather than looking down on it from the outside.



“The ‘Metaphysics of Money: How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success?’ is an extensive article that gives you secrets, tips and tricks to manifesting money.”

— William Eastwood.



How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback

Hold off on ordering this book until near the end of March when a new edition will be released.

Eastwood’s newest and best work made affordable


How to Manifest - A Guide book by William Eastwood 2024
Published in 2024.





Manifest whatever you want every day!






How do I materialize money and success?

Metaphysics of Money: How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success book
William Eastwood explains how he used metaphysics to materialize money & success in “How to Manifest…” (Available in paperback & eBook.)

Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions form events and objects. To materialize money and success it is necessary to project the correct combination of all three. Manifesting success is a learned art and science.

Like sex and politics, many people have highly charged and polarized beliefs around money. Years of straining and pining for more can produce millions of thoughts and emotions on the subject.

Every time you feel frustration because you need money or think “I don’t have enough,” you reinforce a belief in your lack of money, and this belief manifests as an inability to make enough.

A simple thought, “I need more money,” will manifest as needing more money. That is, the belief will tend to manifest a situation in which you need more money.

The way to deal with this is to introduce the opposite thinking by training your mind to think in affirmations. You can repeat affirmations before going to bed and when you wake up or use guided meditation by listening to our audio book while affirming and imagining what you want. Both methods will work to manifest money and goals.


Get the most advanced book on manifesting money.



Manifesting power book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.



A book by William Eastwood: Manifesting power book materialize money success health goals.


Available for you as an Ebook and paperback.


An internal ballast

Metaphysics of Money: How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success book
William Eastwood explains how he used metaphysics to materialize money & success in “How to Manifest…” (Available in paperback & eBook.)

A pattern develops. Tens of thousands of thoughts and emotions do not vanish. You may not notice them, but they are there within you working for or against you.

Every little negative thought is like a small weight that you attach to yourself. After ten years of thinking negative thoughts, you may not be able to move. You may try to make or manifest money and wonder why it is so difficult to do.

Thoughts actually combine with like-thoughts and grow in the subconscious.  You may think you are positive and work toward what you envision as your destiny to be a millionaire.

Associated thoughts and emotions will grow and evolve on inner levels. However, so does every “I need to make more money,” thought.

Your beliefs can operate just under the surface of your awareness, silently influencing your thoughts and ability to create money and abundance in your life. Sometimes your negative beliefs about money only come to the surface in extreme circumstances when you are desperate for money.


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Audiobook manifest fantasies while you sleep
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Affirmations can change beliefs, and when done properly will ensure success and positive experiences.

Manifesting is all about projecting the desired emotions

Negative emotions will manifest!

Positive emotions will manifest!

Thoughts of abundance will manifest!

A sense of forward motion will manifest!

A sense of adventure, glory and discovery will manifest!

A sense of power and ability will manifest!

Joy will manifest!

Match the emotion of having what you want to manifest it!

Maintain those emotions for as long as it takes!

Control your thoughts and emotions.

Make each day an adventure.


Powerful & effective affirmations & lessons to change your life immediately THAT DO WORK!

William Eastwood's official photo of gentleman author

"You are one click away from changing everything in your life for the better with powerful daily affirmations and lessons! If you read the affirmations on the course page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day.

"If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page or don't assert more positive beliefs, thoughts and emotions, nothing will happen." —Eastwood


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New affirmations every day.


We can transform the world with this information very easily: The New Altruistic Movement, my film and books are for that purpose

Our feature page is a platform for you to express your spontaneously altruistic nature and to receive the benefits of others who are expressing their spontaneously altruistic nature.



The main article resumes:


“The ‘Metaphysics of Money: How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success?’ is an extensive article that gives you secrets, tips and tricks to manifesting money.”

— William Eastwood.


Nothing is impossible, so never make your dreams contingent on anything else. I discuss this in depth in my books and in other articles.

The truth is that the events unfolding around you are projections shaped by your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Your beliefs create continuity, not physical matter, because physical matter does not create anything. Past states of living systems do not create anything, only consciousness creates matter.

Our methods of achievement are based on a false premise, as is our economic system and all other models on which our institutions are based.




How Do I Manifest Success?  Metaphysical Principles.  Manifesting Education.  Learn How to Materialize Money.  Manifest What You Want In Life




It's all so easy!

Assumptions are belief. Anything you assume to be true you tend to create physically.

If you want to change your life, just change what you are telling yourself is true in your head. A situation can have any outcome. The outcome is set by you. If you tell yourself in your head, this is going to work out, or, the result will be positive, then that is what you tend to create. This is why affirmations are so valuable.

Begin to change your life by applying affirmations on a daily basis. If possible, learn to think in affirmations.

Manifesting anything you want in life is easy when you know how. Begin to create your dreams now!



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Available as a paperback or eBook.


“The metaphysics of money consists of principles on how to materialize money and manifest success in all its forms.”

— William Eastwood.

Pay attention to your thoughts about money

Pay attention to all your thoughts bearing on the subject of money and your ability to make and have it.


How I made a lot of money with metaphysics
Success is guaranteed if you apply the principles correctly.


In-depth introspection or joint discussions can bring your ideas to conscious attention. But the best way to be aware of your thoughts and beliefs around money is to simply pay attention to your thoughts and feelings all the time.

Take notice when you feel positive or negative and trace the feeling back to the thought that is generating those emotions. You can learn from them.

Pay attention to your self-talk. All day long you ceaselessly tell yourself this or that is true or not true. This is how you form your reality.

If you think, I’m tired of this (lack of money, lousy job…whatever,)” or “I don’t know how I am going to keep at this,” those thoughts manifest more of the dissatisfaction they attest to.


Getting upset or falling into desperation or poor moods is the mind’s attempt to deal with the problems it perceives, yet these methods don’t work unless they are short lived turning points in life. Being upset with a limiting circumstance can rouse you to action and give you the will and strength you need to follow through with a new life program and resolve to be wealthy.

Negative emotions can move energy. They are as natural as storms which are highly creative and nourishing for vegetation. But more often than not the negative energy that holds people back is more like a toxic waste dump than a refreshing spring thunderstorm. And you have to know the difference.

Limiting thoughts and worry are energy that works against you. You can have a big heart and be the nicest moral person in the world, but if you worry and hold doubts about money you won’t be able to attract it or hold on to it. It’s not about being a good person and doing what’s right, it’s about laws of physics. Positive attracts and negative repels.

I am good and I am blessed.

However, your sense of what is moral affects how you feel and what you believe you can have. So, in effect, you are affected by your values.

The world is living by the wrong paradigm. To create more of what you want you have to acknowledge what you do have, appreciate and expand on it.

Whatever you pay attention to grows. The very act of giving conscious attention to a dime found on the street increases the underlying energy “of receiving free money.”

I have all this money.

To get past limitation you usually must stop having thoughts about not having enough. To do this you need a strict regimen of positive thinking. You need to and focus on everything you do have and everything that is good and is working in your life.

What usually happens is people cannot do this when the going gets rough. The way we are trained in our civilization is to become upset and desperate when we cannot see where the rent check is going to come from. Worrying about money reduces the amount of money you have.

Always focus your emotions on having.

You can create anything you want in life when you are operating by the correct set of beliefs.




A powerful gift to yourself or others


Link to Amazon: International 5 STAR Review.


The paperback version makes a fantastic gift.

First Key
"You Are a Beautiful Person - The 1st Key to Freedom," the perfect meaningful gift that can change a person's life forever.


Available for you as an eBook or paperback.


A pillar article that includes multiple subjects.

Excerpts from our books on manifesting can be found in these other locations.



45-YEAR STUDY: Read more…






“The ‘Metaphysics of Money: How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success?’ is an extensive article that gives you secrets, tips and tricks to manifesting money.”

— William Eastwood.

The law of attraction is dependable

Money obeys laws that are neutral. Gravity does not ask if you are a good person before it pulls you down.

Going down.

Your thoughts are energy and energy manifests the same. If you have intense fear of running out of the money you need, or failing, then that will run you down into the ground faster than you can blink.

An individual’s beliefs and concepts about money can create a positive or negative charge connected with money. People then carry this charge with them for their lifetime.


A website article.


You can improve your ability to attract and hold onto money

Thankfully, if your beliefs and inner charged energy around money is negative, it can be changed fairly easily at will, and hence, one can reframe their relationship with money and abundance. You can bring the flow of money into your life under conscious control as opposed to letting it flow away in reaction to thoughts that it is doing so.

This is generally done by reframing and focus. Reframe your situation as positive and yourself as wonderful and successful and then focus on the positive evidence to build up that picture in the mind.

Metaphysics of money.

Create a hypothesis of greatness (or whatever) and then build on it. The more you believe your hypothesis the more it manifests, and the more it manifests the easier it is to believe.

Beliefs about your own worth and deserving have a bearing on your attraction and repulsion of money. Whether you believe you deserve it or not will manifest as your reality. If you think you have to earn it, you will. If you think have to pay a penalty for whatever you think you have done wrong, you will subconsciously find a way to punish yourself.

This is more common than you may think. People punish themselves in small and big ways constantly. Did you neglect to call your mother? If so, you may subconsciously take something important away from yourself.

Kind acts return.

Try helping people, the earth or animals and adding value to their lives. Tangible and intangible value given works on inner levels to help you.

There are neutral laws of magnetism, but the universe is inclined toward the positive and there is truth to the golden rule. The good you give you get back in one way or another.


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Audiobook manifest fantasies while you sleep
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Do people like you?

Everything is energy and energy either attracts or repels. Look at all areas of your life and all your beliefs.

Do lots of people freely give you money? Do you see money as flowing rather than something you deprive others of when you receive?

Friends affirm each other’s positive beliefs.

Your beliefs about the people who are going to potentially put the bacon on your table are very important beliefs in determining what kind of people and behavior you attract and manifest. If you are an artist and think people do not appreciate good art, or that it is difficult for an artist to sell art, then that will be what you manifest.


Your energy and beliefs are tools

Good beliefs are tools. They are your tools to build your life. You use beliefs to build your life in the same way bricks are used to build houses or prisons. You must believe you live in a friendly and abundant universe and that making money is easy.

Learning myth.

As people age their beliefs usually go in the other direction. They accumulate beliefs as to why things cannot be done based on experience. You can’t do this or that, or this or that won’t work. They then resolve themselves to their fate. They may say things like, I wish I took that once in a lifetime opportunity, or I wish I was young again but knowing what I know now.

You have to decide on beliefs that will bring you what you want and then you have to adopt those beliefs. Then you have to really believe them. You cannot just say you believe something, or just want to believe it. Deep down inside you have to really believe it, and this is not always so easy to do.

Do you think, “I can’t get a good job?” or “people don’t value my work?” If so, you will have beliefs why this is so. As you explore all your beliefs touching on the subject of money you become aware of your programming that is attracting and repelling money.



Anything is possible. Create your dreams. Start today.

The-solution-to-all-problems-door-0033 THE SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE UNVEILED: A sample of chapter one of the EN course.



Click on image to learn more.


Photo by: Zac Durant.


Metaphysics of Money: How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success book
William Eastwood explains how he used metaphysics to materialize money & success in “How to Manifest…” (Available in paperback & eBook.)

I have been materializing money and treasure my entire life. At age seven I found a box of old coins in a stone wall. At 13 I found a 1921 platinum watch with dozens of diamonds on it. These were deliberate actions.

As I pointed out, not too long ago I found an envelope with four $20 bills in it and no identification. A few weeks after that I found six $20 bills folded together. A week later when I was walking to the bank and thought I should try to manifest more. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and visualized $20 bills. I was focusing on how I felt the last time I found $120.

Unbelievably, as I opened my eyes they were already fixed on a folded and partially crumpled bill.

A year ago I found a Italian gold BUGARI ring valued at over $2,000. A few months ago it was a gold necklace.

All through my childhood I located historical treasures dating back to the American revolution.


Revolutionary treasure
President James Madison and Thomas Jefferson are listed as subscribers in the back of the book I recently materialized.


Currently I enjoy book royalties as I follow my dream helping people in over 170 countries so far.


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Do you believe in your mind’s power to attract money?

Are you currently attracting money? To attract money your dominant belief must confirm that you have the power and are using it well. Anything less is shorting yourself.

Build the force.

Everyone has positive thoughts they can build on and negative thoughts they can weaken by not giving them any attention or strength. Your imagination, thoughts and emotions are always moving beliefs and reality in one direction or the other.

Believe in yourself and your power. Never think you have failed or allow confusion. Move confidently in the direction of your dreams and your success is guaranteed.

Always build on the positive. Simply resolve to build what you want rather than what you don’t want. Focus on your desires rather than your fears.

Wow! I am rich!

Simply become aware of the difference between a negative feeling and a positive feeling and you can win in life and become wealthy. A small child can do it. Will you?

Focus on it and feel it. This is how you create it.



consciousness-creates-reality-mind-does-create-your-life-experience-thoughts-materialized-physically website article.


Highly recommended article.


At any time, matter can be completely changed by the activation of conscious thought. Your environment is a product of your thoughts and feelings. By projecting the specific thoughts and feelings that embody your desires you can immediately being a process of change. You are in control of your experience.


A new science for a new civilization (By: Earth Network).


Not really a school in the traditional sense, just the truth about reality for free.
People getting on jet depicts The solution to public humanitys world global problems your private problems
Eastwood’s group of solutions for humanity.


BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions
A article.

Success is easy

Success is just mind over matter. You must train yourself to feel wealthy and successful all the time. Then that will be your reality.


Click on image to learn more.


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William Eastwood presents

William Eastwood presents: Thoughts create matter


Mind forms matter presents William website internal science international philosophy




How to manifest money and wealth

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A article.

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You can make things happen with your thoughts and mind.
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You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.

At age 12, Eastwood was convinced of what would soon become a new paradigm in science. Rather than appease professors and become acclaimed in orthodoxy, he took a course that would align himself with ordinary people everywhere. Although continuing his efforts to reduce fossil fuel emissions in the United States, he changed his direction in a call to help people everywhere. His efforts met with opposition.

The clash between worldviews and the sometimes lethal resistance to a new and more accurate understanding of reality and human nature can make our job extremely difficult at times, however, and so we thank you for your book purchase!

Profits from the sale of books are used to fund the mission; we offer a new paradigm to solve all problems and achieve all worthy goals.





How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback




You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.







Mind forms matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.



Manifesting power book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.


Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
2023 edition.




Book International philosophy of life success wealth happiness internal science by William Eastwood




The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William






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Mind Forms Matter got me smart

How your mind forms matter and creates reality
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Metaphysics of Money: How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success?

© Copyright 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood.



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Categories: Metaphysics of money and success. How do I materialize & manifest money & success? How to use the law of attraction to attract and hold onto money. Mind & consciousness forms matter & creates reality. How do I use metaphysics to manifest money & success? How to use metaphysical principles to make money and get rich. How to attract money using mind power. Can metaphysical principles be used to make money? Metaphysical ways to materialize money and success. Click on our site and books to learn more. 


Metaphysics of Money: How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success?

Are you currently attracting money? To attract money your dominant belief must confirm that you have the power and are using it well. Anything less is shorting yourself.

Metaphysics of Money UN How Do I Materialize & Manifest Success?
The Inner UN.

Always build on the positive. Simply resolve to build what you want rather than what you don’t want. Focus on your desires rather than your fears.

Simply become aware of the difference between a negative feeling and a positive feeling and you can win in life and become wealthy. A small child can do it. Will you?



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