William Eastwood began his altruistic environmental work and life of humanitarian contribution at age 7.
After achieving his goal to help reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels and graduating as an environmental solar technician by age 18, Eastwood began to do something even more important for humanity.
Tesla’s comment pertaining to an Internal Science

“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena; it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
— Nikola Tesla
Einstein on what makes a true pioneer & revolutionary

“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”
— Albert Einstein.
“You cannot understand the universe if you do not take into account the source of that universe. Electrons are projections. Traditional science moves electrons around like children playing with blocks, whereas Internal Science gives us an understanding of how to create electrons, which is a far more valuable thing to know.”
— William Eastwood.
David Bohm (the most influential physicist of the 20th century)

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, says that your physical reality is a holographic projection of the inner “Implicate Order,” is projected by the mind to form the universe.
Hugh Everett III (the originator of Many-Worlds theory)

—Hugh Everett III
Combine these two views for Internal Science and International Philosophy by William Eastwood

At age 12, William Eastwood said, “I can change the world,” and he picked up a pencil.
Less than a year later, William’s school counselor called Yale University.

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
“Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges.” — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
- Internal Science by William Eastwood.
- International Philosophy by William Eastwood.
- Belief Projection Theory–(BP) by William Eastwood.
- The Inner UN by William Eastwood.
- Earth-Network.org by William Eastwood.
- The New Altruistic Movement by William Eastwood.
- An International Film by William Eastwood.
- Online Free Course & Daily Affirmations–by William Eastwood.
- 30 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
“People who go around learning on their own often turn out to be pretty interesting themselves.” — Carolyn Battista, 1979 Eastwood press interviewer.
Research by William Eastwood
I left the prestigious work in a research and development firm where I was working on an astrolabe type invention for Yale University professor, Everett Barber, because at age 12 I had found a way to probe into the ZPF to discover where our universe comes from. Few scientists have seen the source of physical particles, only their emergence after breaking through the time-space barrier of the ZPF. I couldn’t continue working in research and development because I was supposed to accept physicalism, which I knew was wrong. At 12 years old I had seen the source of our universe.
“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”
— Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize winner.
Since that time I have conducted 50 years of research on my own. To convey even a small fraction of what I learned, I had to create a new science and philosophy. I published “The Holographic Universe,” and then in 2025 I published “Internal Science,” which gives an account of my early experiments. You can also learn more by clicking on any of my free articles below.
"Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.
"But it has to be the right science"
— William Eastwood
Take your power & control back
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
― Albert Einstein
Journey Out of the Illusion
Journey out of the illusion
You do not have to be a scientist to understand that thoughts do create reality. I explain very clearly in the 2025 edition of “International Philosophy” how consciousness projects into matter.

Powerful philosophy
The eBook and paperback are the same book with different covers.
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Existential change is required for our civilization to survive & create something much better

I’m more about redesigning the social construct and material culture of our civilization than climbing the ranks of what already exists. When something has gone too far in the wrong direction and is dug in, trying to change it is like trying to change the laws of Rome. It’s not going to happen.
I didn’t get permission to redesign science and philosophy, and I doubt anybody will give it to me. A person who thinks outside of the box is not going to get permission from those who are in the box.
—Content from the soon to be released new edition of “The Altruism Code—Your Protection.” (See the book description below.)
Look in the eyes of those who need your help
Escape the negativity and apathy and be a part of the solution.

Now clear your mind and think of it this way.
Imagine your friends and family asking you,“How did you save millions of children?”
We can do it together but not alone.


A success formula for you & our civilization
The book you get when you order is better than the one shown here. The new paperback is 309 pages compared to the 157 page edition shown below.
Buy now direct from the manufacturer to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.

“Most of the ‘evil’ we see in the world is not because we are inherently bad, but because we believe we are. Most of us are spontaneously altruistic and loving, and as you will learn if you read my material, consciousness itself is altruistic on a fundamental level. That’s why you will see the word ‘altruism’ and ‘altruistic’ a lot in my literature.”
― William Eastwood
The core principles on which MISSION GREAT CIVILIZATION is based
My intent is to return natural power to the individual by means of an accurate new science (Internal Science) and practical life philosophy (International Philosophy).
Civilization is made up of individuals. We can therefore transform our civilization by restoring the natural power and altruistic nature of the individual.
True humanitarianism and uninterrupted personal power can only exist on the foundation of understanding and love that comes with the science and philosophy I have introduced.
It’s not just positive thinking and feelings that will bring you happiness and the ability to manifest your highest ambitions, it is a deep appreciation and understanding of the Intelligent Light of which you are composed. You are an altruistic force in the universe, and your power, effectiveness and joy in life is possible only with a deep and abiding awareness of the fact that you are.
With the realization that we are consciousness, and all are one, people will begin to realize that harming another harms their ability to progress in life. Other similar lessons will result in the diminishing of acts that harm others.
As these facts are internalized intellectually and emotionally, criminal behavior, violence and social problems will begin to dissolve in individual lives and then in civilization as a whole. Most diseases, poverty, violence, divisiveness, pain and fear will begin to vanish.
Consciousness is altruistic, loving, trusting, creative and cooperative. But those that do not operate within this paradigm are forcing negative experiences on themselves and choosing to enter probabilities in which they learn firsthand what our traditional heritage of false physicalist beliefs can produce in terms of behavior, divisiveness, cruelty, failure and violence.
The majority of people in the world today are using the mind in the wrong way because events are a projection of the mind, and our schoolteachers probably did not know that. The mind and five senses are a projector. The way the mind is used and focused, a person’s beliefs and attitude, determine what a person projects — experiences — as their reality.
If problems exist in the world, it is because we are creating them by default. Our core beliefs about human nature and reality are projected into form. Beliefs are a force. Those of us who understand, can help others. We will benefit from this more than we can in any other way, from taking any other action.
The fastest and most direct path to success, natural power and happiness in life is through what I call “The Altruistic Movement.” This movement is the energy of which you are composed, and not an institution. It is a powerful principle and movement of energy at your core. When you reach a certain point in your development, you will begin to sense this power and love underlying everything. As you do, you will seek the best, most effective path to help others.
This is the soul’s call to you. This is the powerful altruistic energy movement that creates our reality. You are a portion of that movement. Your realization of this fact is the degree to which you possess natural power and creative ability to create desirable events in your own life.
People who can help the world are “obligated” to help. By that I mean you owe it to yourself. You must be worthy of your own good nature at its core. If you do not use your abilities and intelligence in a way that helps all parties involved, then you invite both psychological and physical problems into your life. If you have problems and circumstances that disturb you, the best way to extricate yourself is by taking the most direct and effective path to your altruistic power through helping yourself and others.
That can only be done through a correct belief system.
When you understand your inherent natural altruism, you connect with the energy of which you are, and this alignment gives you the natural ability to use that intelligent force of unlimited energy to transform everything you touch and that includes your own life. You are the one that is going to benefit the most from this.
MISSION GREAT CIVILIZATION therefore requires understanding to work. A great civilization more beautiful than we can imagine will come out of using the right science and philosophy, and this is the purpose of Internal Science and International Philosophy.
Internal Science is science with a heart and soul. I cannot overstate this fact.
When people do not believe in this goodness within that belongs to all life, they can act in ways that are detrimental to themselves and others. Terrorism and harm exist to the degree that we do not recognize our true nature. All consciousness, at its core, is altruistic. All the figures in history that harmed others believed the opposite. Even many good people who are out in the world doing good deeds can inadvertently be harming others to the degree that they misunderstand the goodness within all souls.
All the withholding of abundance and love is a factor of misunderstanding human nature and reality, and this is the prime thrust of my work, conveying this fact. All life and all energy is altruistic at its core.
Any prison you go to, any place where people suffer, and you will find a lack of understanding of this principle. The fundamental cause of all suffering can be traced to specific beliefs. These disruptive and damaging beliefs have been passed down to us from our ancestors under the guise of goodness or under the false impression that punishing or harming “bad people” can help good people. Restrictions and harm to others can never help anyone. There is never justification for degrading others, and doing so can trap even the person with the best intents at a lower level of understanding, leading to a perpetual stalemate.
When people understand the facts conveyed by the science and philosophy I am conveying, they will be highly motivated to extract the hindering social beliefs from their own psyche so that they themselves can enjoy the best life has to offer. It will not be something that they necessarily force themselves to do. They will be highly motivated, because they will understand that they can have whatever they want in life, as can anyone, but only to the degree that they completely understand the altruistic nature of themselves, all energy and life itself.
We are all in the Altruistic Movement. The degree to which you realize this is the degree to which you will thrive and find true happiness and fulfillment in your life.
Join me then, please, and we can transform the earth into a beautiful paradise in which people joyfully share their love and kindness with all and lift all species to a higher level. Through understanding and kind acts aligned with this wisdom, we will express our natural power far beyond the norms that have held humanity back in previous generations.
These are the facts on which we will build a foundation for a new kind of civilization.
This material you just read is from the book, “Internal Science — The Way to Your Power and a Unified Civilization.”
"Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.
"But it has to be the right science"
— William Eastwood
Take your power & control back
If the universe is not solid, what is it?
“What we think of as being a physical particle, most physicists now agree, is a disturbance in a field of energy. But what is the nature of this field which reveals the appearance of virtual particles (ZPF)?” —William Eastwood
“What exactly, is in the field?”
“Scientists use diagrams to show examples of fields and particles, but diagrams only stand for the reality they depict. A diagram of a field of energy does not tell us more than a stick figure of a person drawn by a child tells us about what a human is. If the diversity of matter in our physical universe is a manifestation of a field, that suggests that the universe is in the field. This way of thinking is corroborated by the theories of [David] Bohm.
“It became obvious to me from the onset that the usual physical instruments scientists employed to attempt an understanding of the field were insufficient. A physical instrument cannot penetrate the field. If the universe is composed of consciousness, only consciousness can enter the field, physical instruments barely detect that it even exists.” —William Eastwood
I devised a plan to enter the field using my own consciousness
“Rather than accept the diagram of a field as being the reality it is attempting to depict, Internal Science goes into the field to see what is there in the only way that can be done. When I was 12, I decided to conduct an experiment to see firsthand what was there.
“What I discovered was an unlimited, multidimensional reality. From age 12 to age 37, I explored the multidimensional field from which particles arise. From what I discovered, I created Internal Science and International Philosophy.” —William Eastwood
You can learn more about his first experiment by clicking the image below.

Early achievements

EASTWOOD: “At age 13 I had my 100% solar heated and cooled homes built in my hometown for less than it costs to build a standard home. As a graduate in solar technology at 18, I had a contract with the American supply Company. At the Capitol of the constitution state the eyes of the world were on me as I unveiled a full-scale model of my solar systems at the annual energy exposition. Retailers from all over New England were signing on to carry my solar systems.
“I had to let all of that go to bring you this information.”
— William Eastwood (from the book, “You Are Altruistic.”)
“Political, scientific, religious, educational, medical and economic forces in our society are telling you that there is something wrong with you. I am here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you — that’s contemporary superstition being projected.”
— William Eastwood
William Eastwood’s work and accomplishments speak for themselves
William Eastwood is a pioneer in science. He is creating a revolution in thought, the extent of which depends on how well the world receives his ideas (he has so far, received over $60,000.00 in donations).
These were mostly for legal fees. Now we need funding for the mission.
Please, make a donation, (below) or buy a book today!

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There are over a billion people living in slums today, yet we have the philosophy that can get them out. All I need is a little bit of help.

My story
I have only recently begun publishing books on this science and philosophy. It is based on the idea that your thoughts are projected into events and objects, and that by focusing on what you want with joy and appreciation, you can create anything in life.
I could have continued on the path I was on as a teenager, getting scientific degrees and so on, even as early as age 12 I knew that the basic theories I would be required to learn in any university course I could take were false. It made no sense to me to continue my education to learn myths.
In high school and technical school, I felt stifled. It was a negative experience, and it was simply wrong. I had no choice but to go off on my own. And so, I spent 50 years creating my own science and philosophy.
I consciously made a decision to forgo the conventional path of acclaim. Physicalism was leading humanity into a very dangerous dilemma. My life purpose was always to introduce a new science and philosophy to lead people out of the dangerous situation the world was in.
I founded Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals to do exactly that. But no sooner did I do that, and government agents confiscated my work. It was only in October of 2024 that I was even permitted to begin explaining what the government did to me.
Most education is scripting in myths and so educated people often know the least. We have world problems due to science being stuck in physicalism. I am asking for your support to help us get beyond the chaos and confusion to create a new and more accurate science. Once that is done, we can solve world problems.
Please, buy a book today!
I began testing metaphysical principles as a young child and now have about 50 years of experience with results I can transfer to you.
I know what works and what doesn’t work. I owned three large homes on the coast of Maine, USA by age 22 because I manifested them using International Philosophy before it had a name.
I can tell you what you can realistically expect, and I know all the secrets, and all the mistakes most people make.
I discovered the concept that your thoughts create your reality in 1970 or earlier, and at age 12 I initiated a unique study that has lasted for over 50 years.

The holographic universe is just a concept to most people but not to me. I lived my life according to the principles of the holographic universe paradigm before David Bohm even published “Wholeness and the Implicate Order.” (Bohm was Albert Einstein’s trusted friend and colleague.)
My first major test of the concept happened when I was about 12.
I applied the principle that thoughts create matter using visualization. I imagined myself a great architect and solar inventor reducing America’s fossil fuel dependence and in the limelight. After doing that I felt a strong urge to take certain actions. I picked up a pencil and I began drafting the solar heated and cooled homes I was conceptualizing in my young imagination.
Within a year I was working on an invention in a research and development facility owned by a Yale professor, but that was only the beginning.
As a freshman in high school my low-income 100% solar heated and cooled homes were being built in my hometown. By age 18 I had a contract with the American Supply Company. At the Capital of the constitution state the eyes of the world were on me as I unveiled a full-scale model of my modular solar system at the annual energy exposition in Hartford Connecticut.
Solar design was never my consuming passion. Each achievement was a test of what would become international philosophy.
The people of earth need a universally accepted science and philosophy everyone can agree on to unite humanity and to bring about the vast potential of our civilization and all its individual members.
Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions specify which probability will collapse into apparent matter.
When we do not understand how we create our reality, we keep doing the same thing over and over again yet always falling short of our primary goals. At some point we make a compromise and settle for less in our life, telling ourselves “This is just how it is,” and we live our life unfulfilled. This is completely unnecessary.
It is time to realize who you are and the powers you possess to create your reality exactly as you want it to be. I will tell you how to do that in very precisely and in simple terms in my books.
Please, buy a book today!

“The man with the greatest soul will always face the greatest war with the low minded person.”
— Albert Einstein.
“I will reach out to every hungry person and dark corner on earth. When I am done, nothing will be the same.” — William Eastwood.

ABOUT US: William Eastwood, Earth Network, the Altruistic Movement & Mission Great Civilization
© Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, By: William Eastwood
Change can only happen one person at a time.