The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
- Internal Science by William Eastwood.
- International Philosophy by William Eastwood.
- Belief Projection Theory-(BP) by William Eastwood.
- The Inner UN by William Eastwood.
- by William Eastwood.
- The New Altruistic Movement by William Eastwood.
- An International Film by William Eastwood.
- Online Free Course & Daily Affirmations-by William Eastwood.
- 30 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
Can Human Sexuality Be Interpreted Differently? A New Hypothesis About Sexual Attraction
- Can human sexuality be Interpreted differently?
- What is the new hypothesis about human sexuality?
- How is sexual appreciation and attraction evidence of altruism and unity?
I will answer these questions now.
This is an ongoing article. When I revisit it I will make corrections and improve on it.
Sexual rules of behavior have been used as tools to keep humans weak and subservient. So strong are sexual taboos that we are forced to experience a shallow and negative manufactured psychology, lacking all understanding of our true spiritual oneness and our true psychology.
This is a central reason for the failure of our civilization, excessive egotism, exaggerated male competition, war, violence and conflict. Early man experienced none of this but instead celebrated the beauty and unity of existence with active sexual freedoms between all ages and both genders. The founders of Western Civilization (Plato, Socrates and many others) also confirmed that not only is the expression of love between men and boys natural, (as an example) but is a necessary pathway for boys to enter the adult world with love and compassion for other males—the ways of proper civilized behavior.
There cannot be good love and bad love. Love is love and energy is energy. Only the expressions differ, but love is not prejudice. It does not see age, gender or affiliation, but goes forth as an affirmation of who it loves.
Our governments are enforcing ignorance by regulating education on these matters, or even worse, disallowing the expression of love. When this happens, the energy is still carried along like a river that has been detoured. If all outlets fail, it backs up. The further it backs up the more violent the release when the dam finally breaks.
When we hug or kiss we don’t fear that we are going to hurt our “victim” and so we don’t. This is because we completely trust that kissing and hugging is good and we don’t have one impulse after another backing because we are not allowed to kiss. If we were to disallow kissing we would have serial kissers.
What you are is good, not bad: This applies to sexual expression
International philosophy is based on the idea that we are fundamentally good rather than naturally inclined to do wrong, with the knowledge that what we believe is physically manifest. Flawed beliefs generate flawed behavior in the same way a faulty operating program in a good computer will cause it to run improperly.
“Consciousness is altruistic, and that means that you are an amazing, powerful and beautiful person.“
— William Eastwood.

When someone says, ‘You can’t change human nature,’ you create as fact what you presume exists, because this is the nature of beliefs. Our institutions and everyone who agrees with this statement creates it as their reality. I can’t think of a worse thing to do besides completely misinterpreting good and evil. Sexual expression is not evil or perverted if it does not follow an erroneous path dictated by an authoritarian carceral state. What you are is good, and that includes your sexuality.
Saying, “You can’t change human nature,” is essentially proving you’re an idiot.

Whatever we demonize in humanity we demonize in ourselves. You can’t say, “Those [whatever group you dislike] are perverted but I’m normal and so I am okay.” Whatever activity bothers you, it is either a part of human nature or it is not. You can repress it or deny it but you don’t fool your subconscious and certainly not your inner self. It is at least latent within you if it is a real part of human nature.
We are creatures but we are composed of spiritual energy. Sex can be an expression of exuberance or love, but either way, it is not inherently selfish or degrading. It tends to follow the heart, our appreciation for who we are, and it sees the beauty in the beloved.
Love bonds person to person and family to family and in doing so forms the fabric of civilization. If we disallow it, society unravels.
Because we are all cut out of the same spiritual energy fabric we are all expressions of intelligent love. It is only when you distrust what you are that problems arise. If you can rejoice in who and what you are you will live in a perpetual state of love and thanksgiving. When that happens, everything you create is beautiful and you operate at your best.
You are born loving and trusting in yourself. You are born wanting to add value to life. You are born wanting to better yourself and help others. When you realize this there is nothing to run from or be ashamed of. There is no terrible sexual force that must be stopped at all cost. Such a thing does not exist except in the minds of those who create it.
The problems we have now began when our myths took root about 5,000 years ago. If you want to learn more about that, click the image below.

A change in consciousness occurred 5000 years ago. It involved the formation of the self-consciousness we have now which necessitated cutting ourselves off from our awareness of our unity. That unity is apparent when we are attracted to others.
Once we lost our ability to connect in a way that brought empathy, and to feel what others feel, pillaging and raping became a thing. There were no cavemen beating each other on the head before that time. If you look closely at the historical record you will see that war only became prevalent after about 3,000 BC.
We are the ones who are having problems with sexuality, and those same problems did not exist before that time. Our problems arose when authoritarian male gods were adopted and we began to distrust ourselves. This was the time of the birth of authoritarianism. Authoritarianism says that human nature is flawed and that those who are good have to keep those who are bad in line through force.
The transition in history to authoritarianism was due to separation (from others, nature and the inner love in all of us). This was followed by Roman Christianity and two world wars. Now our survival is threatened.
How do I know all this?
My research has brought me into direct contact with inner reality
As a teenager, I didn’t want to continue working in research and development because in the official world of science and education I was supposed to accept physicalism, which I knew was wrong. At 12 years old I conducted experiments that brought me into contact with the area behind what scientists call the Zero Point Field (click here to learn more about that). From that point on I knew that the accepted scientific paradigm was a myth.
“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”
— Albert Einstein
Since that time I have conducted 50 years of research on my own. To convey even a small fraction of what I learned, I had to create a new science and philosophy.
I published “The Holographic Universe,” and then in 2025 I published “Internal Science,” which gives an account of my early experiments with reference to sexuality. You can also learn more by clicking on any of my free articles below.
"Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.
"But it has to be the right science"
— William Eastwood
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My books are easy to understand. “Internal Science” and “International Philosophy” explain what I learned about sexuality.

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Spiritual unity underlies sexual attraction
Human nature is defined as base according to false interpretations of sexuality. Our sexuality is a result of our spiritual oneness and the strong urge to love others is a result of the nature of the pure love of which we are composed. The love that creates us forms all consciousness and universes. It is within our consciousness that forms our cells and bones. Love is a powerful force that holds our cells together and connects family to family.
When love is not allowed, we disconnect. The glue that holds the fabric of civilization together is love. Trying to block or disallow it is asinine. To regulate its expression is equally useless and impossible. If it is prohibited it will just go underground and that will compound our problems.
We don’t have to fear love or its expressions. Love doesn’t harm us, only hate does, and even hate is corrective. We can only hate what we love, and the more we love someone, the more upset we get when they let us down. But even hate leads us back to love. However, when man attempts to tamper with love and its expressions, to regulate it, suggesting only one form of expression of love is appropriate, all kinds of problems arise.
Embraced, love would unite us all and in a beautiful way that would result in a flowering of civilization like we have never fathomed.
Almost everything destructive in our civilization can be traced back to false and violent tribal concepts about human sexuality and restrictions on the expression of love. Our sexual nature and attraction to others has been demonized and then used to improperly define us as being animalistic in a negative sense.
Early scientists assigned the Christian Devil concept to sexuality
The mythical devil of the earth was transferred by early scientists into the subconscious so that in this view the male intellect became like God and the subconscious became like the Christian devil. The scientific intellect was supposed to suppress the animal instincts within in the same way the Christian God held the Christian Devil in check.
Early scientists were our new Gods to emulate.
This is authoritarianism.
This is all erroneous.
There is no good and evil, only an altruistic energy movement that connects us. That one unbroken energy (as Einstein’s friend, physicist David Bohm pointed out) forms the human psyche and matter. If we are all one, and created out of love, and if the physical is a manifestation of love, then the physical expressions of love are a reflection of our spiritual nature and spiritual love.
This is indeed, the case.
There is no distinction between the spiritual and the physical because our corporal body and drives are a manifestation of our spiritual life force. In demonizing our sexuality we deride our spirituality, place it apart from us and know not what it is. When we do not know our goodness we are like masons who do not know what a brick is.
We fear our spiritual nature so extremely that we are considered insane if we look within, and when we do, we are expected to face a dark subconscious with repressed sexual desires and savage impulses. Both religion and science are to blame. The inner world is one of light, not darkness.
The perceived division between the physical and the spiritual began at the same time tribal warfare began. It is at this time that cruel male gods were introduced. Those gods were created as models, like the father that a son emulates.
When as a civilization we worship male aggression rather than love between males, we make a mistake. Perceived separation may have helped form individuality and a consciousness that sees itself as separate from others, but that is accomplished and we no longer need to be separated from each other or inner reality to maintain psychological balance.
The “fall,” which resulted in our type of limited perception, is connected to the formation of ego consciousness that sees itself separate from others and all life. But we are not separate from others. If sexual freedom was allowed, we would understand our connectedness and Darwinism would perish as the primitive tribal myth it is.
Hatred, ill feelings and aggression between males would immediately subside. Wars would be unsupportable. Everything would change for the better.
“The Solution…” explains why we have demonized ourselves and sexuality.
The first of five books that give us a path to a new civilization
The Solution
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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
Human sexuality can be Interpreted differently when considering new science explaining reality differently. Einstein’s friend and colleague, the 21st century’s most influential physicist, David Bohm, proposed a theory that there is only one energy movement. If this is true, it means that we are all connected or perhaps that we are all part of the same energy.
It is true.
Most sexual activity is an expression of love or appreciation of beauty. It can also be an expression of exuberance. The dominance and submission paradigm is a cultural creation that results in uncharacteristic sexual behavior that is not intrinsic. The dominance and submission paradigm reflects the initial division in consciousness that led to separation. That is old news and needs to be done with.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”
Can Human Sexuality Be Interpreted Differently?
Previous theories about sexuality were formulated when scientists believed that everything was separate from everything else. If everything is unified, or is one energy, the new hypothesis that human sexuality is an intrinsic recognition that we are one, makes logical and intuitive sense.
William Eastwood's secret: His amazing affirmations
When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available on my free course.
They transition us to the new paradigm so that we can achieve our goals and live safely. They give us immunity from inner and outer threats of every kind.
"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."
William Eastwood reveals his secrets
The course (affirmation page) will help you to replace one operating program (worldview) with another. Otherwise, two worldviews with conflicting ways of doing things (and beliefs) can stalemate you.
The following was written on various dates and may still need further editing.
If we are all a part of a whole, then the parts would naturally be drawn to each other. The parts would appreciate each other. The parts would revel in a biological union that was an expression of a deeper level of unity. Human sexuality is energy. Energy is positive. Energy, like thoughts and emotions, seeks what is like itself and repels that which is unlike itself.
As we incarnate, we may switch biological sex, and as a result, we are attracted to the sex we were in our past or recent life. We see ourselves in the beloved when we join in sexual expressions of love.
We know each other intimately and are drawn to certain facets of what we are (that may not be present in our current lifetime).
Dominance and submission in human sexuality was invented when male tribal gods were introduced. Sex became a political and cultural tool to give the male power over his cohorts. This is not what sex is, but a cultural version.

What you are reading is a tiny glimpse of the findings of a lifetime of research. The fact that the government confiscated that research suggests that our current laws guard even our theories about human sexuality. If our theories are enforced, it is likely that they are wrong. Anything that is true and accurate is self-evident. That which is true is not threatened by investigation or questioning.
The weight of our social myths about human sexuality is preventing a new hypothesis about human sexuality from reaching you. How can we be expected to know if human sexuality can be Interpreted differently if research on that matter is taken by government officials? The theory that sexual appreciation and attraction are evidence of altruism and unity may seem incorrect only because it is the opposite of what is enforced socially on many levels and in many ways.

A New Hypothesis About Sexual Attraction
Going forward in time, I will continue to write about human sexuality and how it can be Interpreted differently, in a much more positive way. I will explain the new hypothesis about human sexuality in greater detail in a way that is not objectionable or too graphic. I want to convey how sexual appreciation and attraction is evidence of altruism and unity.
The fiasco I experienced for a good portion of my adult life is a result of a government reaction to a simple hypothesis I was researching. I had just founded a corporation, Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals, to present my research to the public when that research was confiscated. I wanted to show the world what I had discovered—that our innermost nature is altruistic rather than evil.

All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
Are human sexual movies good or evil?
Since I was a child, I hypothesized that human nature was altruistic. I spent a lifetime researching that possibility. I examined everything, including sexual fantasies. Since I was about five years old, I felt that they were pointing to that premise. As I got older, I then conducted my research along those lines.
What I found was that much of what is taken as evidence of human duplicity actually can be interpreted in another way. Is sexual energy dangerous, or is it something else? Is it animal and lower, or is it a reflection of spiritual energy? Is it selfish or is it our powerful human spiritual unity expressed biologically? These are the kinds of questions I was asking in my research.

Consciousness manifests physically. Energy manifests as behavior. Sexual energy is simply positive energy (the same as all energy) that may or may not be manifested as sexual activity. If that energy is defined as being altruistic, then its biological expression is also altruistic. If you degrade the expression of the spirit, you end up degrading the nature of the spirit.

Love can be expressed in many ways. The idea that we must express love through sex has no basis in science. Anyone can express themselves in their own way. No one should feel pressure to express their love through sexual activity, but nor should those who want to express themselves through sexuality be restricted from doing so. Love does not discriminate according to social class, race or age.

Government agencies damming scientific research
I have disclosed the interference I have had from certain government agencies, but I am free of that now. As I said, we do have the ability to prevail over any agency or outside force. The main problem I now face is the effect they have had on public perception of who and what I am. They are like the inquisitors of the past identifying the witch. I have been set back for 24 years in my ability to reach the public. As of October 14th, 2024, however, the government has lost its ability to do further damage. I will be giving you more and more information as fast as I can.

What happened to me is already published (it was published in disguise with the title, “You Are Altruistic,” to mislead government agencies as to what the subject matter of the book was). The U.S. agencies that were monitoring me are operating in every city in the United States. They share information on me, yet that information is false. They are coordinated for the purpose of keeping people in prison. They do that by interpreting the information they receive as evidence of criminal intent. One agency will take the notes from a previous agency and add another layer, building on it until they have elaborate documentation of what appears to be criminal activity. They use polygraph tests and whatever means they have at their disposal to build on their theories of criminal intent. They do not believe what you tell them, but only what the other “inquisitors” say. They have many millions in funding to achieve their aims, and they have deep seated beliefs in the inner “evil” of those they monitor and imprison.
Because of the title of my books, they didn’t investigate the content. The book is largely about the illegal and unscrupulous tactics the government used to convict me. They presented portions of my research as evidence of a crime that didn’t exist. They simply told the jury that the hearsay or writing exhibited was evidence of a crime I was intending. They led them to believe that some of the events I witnessed in astral projections and dreams were crimes I had already committed.

I was researching our deepest human motivations through the lens of my worldview that took it for granted that past, present and future events were occurring now. Many if not most of my research journal entries regarding experiences in dreams, astral projection and past and present time were framed in present tense. Many entries about past and future probable events or simply vivid dreams and subconscious constructions were thought to be about actual events.

In my first court hearing I was subject to excessive bail because the prosecutor said there was going to be a highly publicized multi-state high profile investigation (none of which came up with a shred of evidence) but only scared the judge, who then set excessive bail. Many other tactics (explained in my book, “You Are Altruistic”) were used. Evidence was conjured and normal household items were presented as tools of criminal intent. It was baffling how the elaborate fantasies of prosecutors were taken seriously by a number of other entwined agencies. It seemed as if I had been transported to the Inquisition in the 12th century.

Everything I owned was taken and then filtered through the darkest of beliefs. These were simple minded worldviews that revolved around the belief that criminals were everywhere and that their job was to protect society from the “evil” in man. Everything I said and everything I owned was viewed as potential evidence of “evil.” As soon as they got hold of my journals, they made up their minds as to what they were. I think they thought they were disguised notes of criminal activity. Since this was my own research, I didn’t write it in such a way as to explain my beliefs about time or sexuality. I see sexual desire as evidence of unity and a physical manifestation of spiritual oneness. I don’t see it as the “devil in man” or evidence of aggressive and sexual animal instincts. Nor do I believe in the dominance and submission form of sexuality practiced by the people who were interpreting my research. I had a completely different view. There are numerous entries in my research that frame sexual thoughts as evidence of altruism, whereas the state filtered those entries through their beliefs to interpret them as examples of “evil.”
It was just a witch hunt, and they used what they confiscated as a resource to confuse and prejudice the jury. Thus, in effect, I was convicted for my research and my worldview. They were adamant and fuming that I should get 90 years in prison.
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It wasn’t just research on sexuality that was confiscated.
The Socrates school was burned to the ground and Plato’s academy was destroyed. Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned.
Had Albert Einstein been successful defending David Bohm in 1949, our official scientific paradigm would likely have already changed. Eastwood had a similar situation, only his work and retrocausality time experiments meant to benefit humanity were taken by government agents.
Books so powerful they were confiscated by the government
The government wouldn’t confiscate his books (and research) unless there was something in them that they didn’t want you to know.

An ongoing true saga and battle for earth (soon to be in a revolutionary film)