The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
- Internal Science by William Eastwood.
- International Philosophy by William Eastwood.
- Belief Projection Theory-(BP) by William Eastwood.
- The Inner UN by William Eastwood.
- by William Eastwood.
- The New Altruistic Movement by William Eastwood.
- An International Film by William Eastwood.
- Online Free Course & Daily Affirmations-by William Eastwood.
- 30 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
Attract Money Using Your Mind: How Do I Use My Mind to Create Money?
- How do you attract money using your mind?
- How do I use my mind to create money?
I will answer these questions now.
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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
How do you attract money using your mind?

You attract money using your mind by learning how to use the law of attraction and similar metaphysical principles. That which you think about and resonate with in your mind and emotions you attract more of.
Everyone has the ability to attract money using their mind. The intent and desire to do so activates those abilities. Then it is necessary to think about money in a positive way.
You are already using the natural power of your mind to attract events; simply shift your attention to making and having money. Use your mind to attract money by thinking about having checks arriving in the mail rather than having not enough money to pay your bills. You do not have to do this all the time, but just once or twice a day when you feel good.
Set a goal to receive money from an unexpected source and then become passionate in the way you think about it.

The best way to train your mind to focus on making and attracting money, is to use affirmations. Affirmations are the best way to reverse habits that repel money and adopt mental habits that attract money. That is why I provide a daily affirmation post with new affirmations every day and advice on how to use affirmations.
I look at my affirmations every day because I know that positive thinking and feeling good is not going to hurt me. It feels good to feel good. Looking at affirmations gives me ideas for how to channel my thinking that day to get on the right track and stay there.
This is the way to attract money. You need to make the effort and you need determination to make the process work.
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Free daily affirmations and guidance
You are NOT meant to suffer!
Reality is not the dark and gloomy picture that is often taught in the classroom and depicted on the news. There is no reason whatsoever to suffer in life. You do not have to work at a job you do not like in a grueling 9 to 5 life of pain and suffering followed by death and extermination of your existence. It isn't that way at all!
This way of thinking is a symptom of a flawed model rather than flawed people. Reality is far different than what most of us were taught.
Manifest anything & stay safe under any circumstances / No matter what your situation is, you can change it
When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available on my free course.
They transition us to the new paradigm so that we can achieve our goals and live safely. They give us immunity from inner and outer threats of every kind.
Our course is posted on 4 websites (Each one is at a different stage)
You can tap in at any time. With four different pages you can always find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.
- Online course & affirmations.
- Online course & affirmations. You are on this site.
- Online course & affirmations.
- Online course & affirmations.
"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."

Your mind is constantly thinking of thoughts 24 X 7. Many successful people have recognized that these constant thoughts are energy with great power to attract and manifest what they focus on.
How do I use my mind to create money?

How do I use my mind to create money? Dwell on the goal rather than the obstacles. Create a mental picture of yourself as being successful and then get excited about it. When you do this and act on your vision and desire you are using your mind to create money.
Like a thousand-mile journey, everything begins with a single thought. Thoughts lead to manifestation of things, situations and circumstances, and every thought and emotion either attracts or repels money. Resolve to achieve your goals. Inspiration will attract and create money whereas fear and a pining desperate need for money will tend to repel money.
Desire is good if it causes you to look at having money and generates inspiration to achieve your goals. Focus on your passions to generate desire. Desire is the fuel you need to create money and everything you want in life.
When you repeatedly think the same thought with strong intensity you accumulate energy on inner levels. Your mind is a transmitter, sending your thoughts of money or lack out into the universe. As soon as you start thinking about making and having money, you begin attracting making and having money. If you keep at it, you will attract opportunities that if acted upon will lead you to creating and having money, wealth and prosperity. Whatever you fixate on you create more of.
Everyone has the ability to attract and create money using their mind. If you focus on that ability and develop it, you will soon learn how to use your mind to create money. I have recently manifested large sums of money from sources I did not even know existed.
Prerequisites of a mind that attracts money
- You understand and accept that you can create what you want with your mind.
- You must clear limiting beliefs if necessary, so that all your beliefs are working for you.
- You must manage your thoughts and emotions consistently, every day.
The third requirement is a challenge for most because your mind is very restless and it’s always active.
How to manifest money and wealth
The main article resumes:
There is no problem that cannot be solved, no obstacle that cannot be overcome, no circumstance that cannot be transformed, no goal that cannot be achieved, and no dream that cannot be attained.

The science and art of using your mind to attract and create money and the lifestyle associated

Focus on what is important to you that you feel money will bring you. To help you remain properly focused, you may want to write down all the things you would like to acquire. Imagine the lifestyle you would like. A focus on all the components of success will help to accelerate the process of attracting money. The process of imagining and the emotions and subjects that come up during this process helps you to bring what you desire into your life.
You can walk yourself through an ideal day imaginatively. If you like a particular activity or item like a car, you can imagine your hands on the steering wheel and all the sounds and sensations that go with getting your favorite model car at the car dealership. The more intense your emotions the more effective the visualization in manifesting the car.
However, you can engage in the feeling of getting what you want, do it. There are an infinite number of ways you can do that. Your intuition is meant to guide you through the maze of probabilities that exists in both mental and physical terms.
If you want to attract and create money, these are the things you should know and practice. This is International Philosophy.
Attracting and creating money involves a multitude of activities and methods. Being positively focused, for example, is very important. You can emphasize the positive aspects of your life and current experience. because positive emotions are a match for what you are trying to create. Pay attention to the positive moments like eating a good meal, and record what you have achieved at the end of the day. Practice gratitude for everything you touch, for food, for having a warm home, the pillows… everything.

Segment intending is the process of using your intent to make things happen the way you intend or want them to happen. “Segment” refers to a segment of a day or life. If you affirm that this is going to be the best day of your life, you are affirming how you would feel if you really were buying the car, you always wanted or somehow walking into the ideal situation you are envisioning. This can be done with all activities from taking a walk to visiting a friend. See the outcome you want in your imagination and intend to create that outcome.
To create anything, intend it.
By doing this you bring the positive desire into existence. Things and events are created at the moment of conception, but we then have to catch up to the event in our physical time-based system. The act of imagining is manifesting. You are creating what you want at that moment, making it real in simultaneous time, but in linear time you don’t usually experience instant manifestation. From your perspective, at the moment of visualization of a car, the car exists instantaneously in “the future” or in “a probable future.” Whether you will experience what you instantaneously manifested depends on whether you can stay on course to that probable event. Doing so is a matter of maintaining proper focus and belief. Not continuous focus, but proper intermittent focus which is ascertained intuitively.

Once a day is good for writing goals down; in particular, a three-to-ten-minute period of focused visualization in which all distractions are cut out. The key to effective visualization of this nature is in not allowing your mind to wander. For a few minutes a day focus on only what you want as if you had forgotten this reality and entered into the one you want fully. You are aware of nothing but you’re living in the ideal life with all the thoughts, emotions and sensations that naturally go with that absorption in the ideal.
At other times you can think of your goals in other ways. You can keep the right energy alive in the background or forefront of your attention according to your current activities, desires, intuition and inner will. Inner will represents what you want to do. Forceful will is more like redirecting the mind to establish new mental habits.
Inner will is usually the better path because it is based on the impulses you receive from within, based on your inner intelligence. Impulses are the life force, and they come from the inner self to guide you toward what will serve you best. This applies to thoughts and actions. You must trust your impulses and learn to follow them to realize this fact. Do so in appropriate ways only. If you have an impulse to strike out at someone, it is a result of a long process in which you ignored other impulses to communicate with that particular person.
Following impulses when they are small can relieve pressure and prevent energy from being dammed further and building up to create stronger impulses.
learn to follow your desires and intuitive direction. Tune your mind properly. Create a sense of having it open to all inner direction and stimuli. Pay attention to mild thoughts and emotions that are in the background. This is where your best cues and ideas come from.
I like to sense the coexistence of multiple dimensions around me. Atoms flash in and out of our time-space coordinates and we only perceive their intrusion into this system. We don’t see them when they intrude into other systems, but we can follow them, and we can follow our thoughts into those other areas to retrieve insights and to expand our consciousness. I sometimes imagine three-foot diameter warps hanging in the air around me.
When you imagine yourself in a physical location you send out a nonphysical energy body to that location from which you can observe what is happening there. Try doing this with your favorite vacation locations. It can be a very refreshing and rejuvenating experience. It is also practice in developing your inner senses and abilities, which is a very advantageous thing to do.
At times it is good to dream or to let your mind wander. Doing so will bring up those issues and thoughts you may need to help you develop direction and focus. New ideas and fresh creativity come into your mind when it is allowed to wander and daydream. Daydreaming can be a very practical activity at times. At other times you will want to focus.
I like to google “4k driving video of the Amalfi coast in Italy,” and then I click on the best result and watch the video. They refresh and focus my mind on what I want my life to be. This is especially helpful to me in winter months if I am in a cold climate.

Methods of daily visualization

When you focus on a goal, you can make it a specific kind of ritual. That can be done by focusing the mind using various methods. You can sit under a tree and picture what you want. You can visualize before you open your eyes in the morning. You can write down what you are focusing on with a pencil in a special notebook or by using a computer keyboard in your office or bedroom.
Sometimes a computer will suffice, but I like using a notebook because it involves a physiological response that engages the cells and cellular memory. When you write something down, everything you are doing and thinking while writing is etched into the entire mind-body system. To write a thought down, your fingers must be involved in a very complex process that mimics simple inner intent (your intent). They must follow your thoughts to get what you are thinking down on paper. Because this process is recorded as a body memory, once I write something I can come back to it at any time and reactivate the emotions I had at the time I wrote it just by looking at my handwriting.
Creating handwritten accounts of positive emotions and events is the same as building neural pathways that serve as avenues to recreate the same in the future. The two processes can work together. They complement each other. To write something necessitates focusing on the writing process, where the pen hits the paper, and this cuts out distractions, allowing the mind to focus.
The focus and the action are part of the process of manifesting. Writing down positive thoughts and emotions is a form of manifesting. Recording your desires in writing in present tense is a powerful way to manifest. It is a manifesting process in which you bring your ideas into the physical world in the form of physical writing.

You can create a ritual of writing down what you desire to create with your mind. To do this, write it down in present tense. For example, you could write “I am in my Oahu condo looking out through ceiling to floor glass windows at my favorite beach and winding park trails. I have three friends I love with me. I have a red Ferrari that I drive around on the island and people have noticed me and want to know me. I am living the lifestyle of a millionaire. I have a lover with me, and we snuggle together and, so on and so forth.”

You can use your mind to attract and create money. For example, you could add this into the previous writing: “I am holding a million-dollar check and I am looking out at the ocean.” While you write this down, picture your name and the amount of the check as vividly as you can and arouse as much passion and excitement as you can. You could say, “Everyone in my family knows I am a millionaire now.” Or you could imagine yourself on the phone excitedly telling someone that you have a million dollar check.
Usually, smaller amounts that are believable can be manifested within a short time, but larger amounts are good for manifesting long-term goals.

You can list people, ideas, resources and events that will facilitate the achievement of your desires. You can imagine anything you want. After you do this, pay attention to what you are attracted to. Your inner self guides you in this way. What you are attracted to and feel positive about is what your inner self is telling you to pay attention to or to pursue.

If you think about someone once, it may not mean a lot. But if the thought of them keeps popping into your head, it is likely your intuition telling you something, and perhaps you should call them. If thinking about the beach feels wonderful, this means something. Go to the beach or make it part of your plans. If that is not possible, look at the beach in a video. This is how you are guided by your intuition toward insights and actions that will serve you best. This is how the process works. This is how you use your mind to attract and create money and whatever you desire.
“You Are a Beautiful Person…” is a complete course on how to attract and create money with your mind. The more positive your beliefs about yourself the easier it is to manifest what you want.
How to manifest money and wealth
The main article resumes:
Everything happens twice

Everything happens twice, first in your mind and then physically. To create money or whatever you desire with your mind, you must first become who you want to be in thought, emotion and imagination. See yourself as a person who is healthy, wealthy, happy, prosperous and is enjoying every minute, hour and day living out your dreams. Create a movie in you mind in which you are the central character living the kind of rich life style you want.
See yourself as being in a solid position of wealth and confidence, with so much money you have financial advisors and wealth managers whose job is to make you wealthier. See the kind of friends, lovers and associates you are interacting with.
If you want to buy a new car, picture the specific model you want and the details such as the color, the look and feel of the upholstery. Making the visualization as real as if you had the car in front of you and were getting in it.
Picture yourself driving it to your home and parking it in the driveway where your friends and associates notice it. Add the emotion of joy. Feel the happiness, pride and excitement of owning it.
Money is energy, and energy obeys universal laws. By understanding these laws and acting appropriately, you can turn yourself into a powerful magnet to attract and create money, thereby enabling wealth and prosperity to come your way.

Money and success out of thin air
These methods can attract money from seemingly nowhere, defying logical notions of cause and effect.

I have been able to use my mind to attract and create large sums of money. I explain the techniques I use in the “Manifesting Power Book, A Guide to Materialize Money, Better Relationships, Goals and Dreams.” Over 50 years of experience goes into this book.
Manage you thoughts emotions on the subject of creating money

It is okay to saturate your mind with affirmations and a belief system that you have every right to be successful and to have all the money you want and need. You are here in this world to lead the best possible life of abundance and to be happy, healthy and fully successful in achieving all your goals and desires.
The only reason it is advisable to think on the subject of creating money only once or twice a day is because thinking about money more can cause some people to contract what they have with what they want. As long as you are not doubting it is okay to focus and dwell on having money and doing everything you can to create it.
Learn to correct your thoughts upon inception. If you find yourself having limiting thoughts or beliefs such as “can’t afford this,” or “it’s hard to make money,” “it’s a bad economy,” “money is tight,” or “money does not grow on trees,” create an opposite statement such as “I always have more than enough money, “Wealth is energy materialized by me,” “I deserve lots of money,” “I am filled with confidence in my financial abilities,” “I create money quickly and easily,” “I don’t have to work hard for my money,” “I have a strong belief in my ability to manifest money,” “It’s okay for me to earn as much money as I want,” etc.
If you have the money, get Success Guaranteed. Read it cover to cover. Keep it with you everywhere you go as a constant reminder of the required thought and emotional management necessary to create real wealth. Use it to remind yourself what you need to be always doing and thinking to create what you want in life. Change your energy and mind and you change your life. Everything on the inside is reflected on the outside.
Manifest Cash, Money & Treasure
Do you want lots of money?
I have visualized checks and manifested $20,000.00, $10,000.00 and $2,100.00 in the past six months. I know that thoughts create matter.

50 years of research
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Create wealth.
Manifest your dreams.
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In a Class of its Own
Young readers will create a much better future.
The main article resumes.
“Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them.”
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels. ― Albert Einstein
The books I write are based on Internal Science and International Philosophy, a new way of thinking that can be used to attract and create money using your mind. These methods are tested and work under all circumstances.