Where is the evidence that mind forms matter?
- Where is the evidence that mind forms matter?
- Why is the evidence that mind forms matter ignored?
I will answer these questions now.
The most powerful evidence that mind forms matter is the existence of the universe itself. Einstein’s friend and colleague, physicist David Bohm’s science reveals that everything that exists is a single energy, and that therefore (as I said) everything physical is connected to and a variation of everything mental.
If the physical is a manifestation of energy and energy is mental, then the physical is a manifestation of the mental.
There are also experiments you can conduct. Children do it all the time. Take three jars and fill them with rice. Pray over the first with negative thoughts and do the opposite to the second. Use the third as a control. The rice that receives negative thoughts will decay faster.
The fact that the evidence is ignored, is also evidence that mind forms matter. The mind alters what is perceived. The Rosenthal Effect shows that a scientist’s beliefs affect the results of experiments despite controls used in experiments.
There’s a lot more evidence that mind forms matter than there is for black holes. The problem is not lack of evidence, it is refusal by stubborn people and scientists to admit that their worldview may be wrong. That’s all it is.
Our Minds Affect the Atmosphere
A Princeton University study by a collaboration of scientists and engineers worldwide offers scientific proof that our thoughts and emotions affect the earth’s atmosphere.
THOUGHTS AFFECT ATMOSPHERE Trillion to One Odds Against Chance Cognitive Dissonance
The scientific establishment attacked these findings and refused to acknowledge them. This denial is cognitive dissonance. It is the inability to see or look at facts. Cognitive dissonance is the turmoil in the mind of someone who is presented with facts that oppose his worldview.
The Unexplainable Human Evidence.
The facts are right under our nose. Every doctor is required to be aware of the evidence. Every medicine must account for the fact that mind forms matter in order to be legally sold in the U.S.
The proof is called the placebo and nocebo effect, and is taken as an oddity rather than the hard evidence it is. Scientific measurements have long ago established the fact that the placebo and nocebo effect is consistent — it always occurs when a person thinks.
Real Life Accounts of Thoughts Materializing Cognitive Dissonance
The reason why the facts in front of our face are still not recognized, is due to the power of belief to filter perception, which is also more evidence of the power of beliefs.
Your body is your thoughts materialized and so is your environment. This explains the placebo — every thought you have has an affect on the body.
If you think positive thoughts and your environment improves science has no way of proving one way or another if it was your thoughts or something else that caused those changes. Science is still not advanced (and willing) enough to get certain kinds of proof.
But quantum physics does disprove materialism and show us that thoughts and matter are connected and are basically the same thing. And REG studies show the direct impact of thoughts on physical devices as well as the atmosphere.
The facts are therefore explainable. They are only unexplainable to someone who has cognitive dissonance because of their life-long scripting in a false mechanistic worldview. Education is the problem, as Einstein points out.
“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”
— Albert Einstein
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Placebo & Nocebo Effect
Circumnavigated Facts & False Science