How to Travel to the Future: How to Materialize Money and Gold

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13This is documented in the public record.

"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.


How to Travel to the Future

If you want to know how to travel into the future, ask your inner self how to travel into the future before you fall asleep or as you are falling asleep. I asked my inner self how I could travel into the future, and I received the history of our entire civilization from many thousands of years in the future.

It happened when I was younger, but this is what I remember.

In my astral exploration I was given a gold obelisk which I placed on my forehead between my eyes. The knowledge of millions of people in the future past was transmitted directly from the obelisk through my third eye and into the screen of my imagination. Images flashed through my mind that included what the people of that civilization learned. It all was simply known to me. I experienced legions of information via telepathic direct knowing as I viewed endless scenes pass by in superlative detail and crystal-clear clarity. I was cognizant of all the mistakes this civilization had made as well as everything they got right.

This experience could be related to my plan to create a new kind of civilization. My ideas came from somewhere and their source wasn’t the outside world. Everything is connected and all things work toward good.

If you want experiences like the one I had, use your intent and take the time necessary to make it happen. It’s not going to happen if you don’t try to make it happen. It’s like learning how to play the piano. Some people will pick it up faster than others, but everyone must desire it, intend it, believe it possible and practice for however long it takes to get good at it.

Lucid dreaming is valuable for learning how effective intent and desire are. Intending something in a dream will cause it to materialize in the dream instantaneously. Desire will find a way through attraction to places and people or by manifestation in the dream. Visualization and emotions are powerful means to manifest. Putting yourself in the right circumstances and following your intuition are a must.

Lucid dreams and astral travel are valuable first-hand information acquired while out of time. I have gained hours, days and years of experience while no time has passed in the physical world. You can use what you learn to manifest your goals and desires. You can learn how to travel to the future and bring back much wisdom and many “goodies.”

You will gain faith and belief as a result of what you have learned in the dream state or during astral projection. You can have 200 years of experience and only be 50 years old. You can learn how to travel to the future to gain information from the future and use that information to make informed decisions.

The process necessary to begin is simple. You can learn how to travel to the future by having the desire to travel to the future and intending it.

Intense desire and the effort involved in trying to recall your dreams immediately after waking up leads to more dream recall. Training yourself to remember your dreams is the process of opening inner channels and this will serve you in many ways. All past and future events can be accessed once those channels are open.

You can learn how to travel to the future to access all events that exist in probable and reincarnational systems.

To travel to the past and future, intend to do it and hold that intent as you are falling asleep. When you wake up ask yourself where you were and what happened even if you don’t remember anything. Take notice of your feelings and ask yourself what kind of experience would lead to the emotional state you are in when you wake up. The effort made to open inner pathways and remember what you experienced as you wake up is like exercising a muscle, but it is a psychic muscle.


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Repeating various requests over time led to astral projection into the past and future and around my neighborhood, but also around the globe. I have astral projected through strange shipping ports and around the base of giant ships to a few feet over dogs tied up in a neighbor’s backyard. I enjoy flying over animals because they can see you and many dogs barked at me as I flew over them.

To astral project address your inner self with the questions you want answered and do that while drifting off to sleep. I did that while staring at a full moon as I drifted off to sleep on a cold winter night. The next thing I remember was an attempt to move my body and it wouldn’t move. I couldn’t get up or roll over. I struggled to lift a leg, but it was not my physical leg that rose.

You make rock out of your body and fly up in your bedroom, or you may awaken in a dream and realize that you are projecting. It is more common to project from the dream state. You can learn how to travel to the future by suggesting before sleep that you will project to the future from the dream state.

If you are experiencing anxiety or fear during the daytime, it may not be wise to embark on these journeys or to attempt to travel into the future or past. You must first have control over your mind. I am also always prepared to say, “May God be with you,” or wish a scary whatever peace and love. There are no objective demons but there are beings that we create out of our own misdirected energy. And if I feel that I have gone too far, I will begin the process of willing myself back home.


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You can diminish fear and worry in your life. The way to reduce anxiety and fear in life is by living in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, asking your inner power to guide you through events you have difficulty navigating, replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts, correcting beliefs such as the belief that there is a problem, treating yourself to pleasurable activities and rewarding yourself, practicing gratitude, eating and sleeping right, doing what you love, trusting yourself and the desires and inclinations that were given to you for a reason, not taking things personally, focusing on your accomplishments and the belief that you are doing everything right, and using all your abilities. There is a lot more to this subject, but those are the important points.


Your beliefs create your reality
An website article.


The door to your inner multidimensional reality is not through a physical time machine and not even necessarily through your own psychic ability, but instead through altering your concepts of time. You can learn how to travel to the future by altering your concepts of time.

When you realize that past, present and future time exist now, and that the past does not create the present and future, then they will be able to break free from all limitations. Instead of existing in time, you exist centered in a field of infinite probable events.

This should be your default worldview.

Extending out from you are all possibilities, past, present and future. If you can make this your default worldview you can remove all limitations in your life and achieve anything you want.


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I learned how to materialize money and gold when I said, “I like my lucky when the sun comes out,” which is what I called materializing money and gold when I was four years old. A week before I wrote this I found a $20, $5 and $1 in the grass on a sunny morning when I was feeling lucky. Recently I manifested an Italian gold ring valued at $1,200.00 dollars and tens of thousands of dollars.


How to Travel to the Future: Alchemy on How to Materialize Money and Gold

William Eastwood is the author of 25 books

Mind forms Matter William Eastwood Books
25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission.


Book page (With book descriptions).


How to Materialize Money and Gold

How to Travel to the Future: Book on how to Materialize Money Gold
The just released, “How to Manifest…” by William Eastwood reveals how to materialize money & gold. (Available as paperback or eBook.)

To materialize money, gold and desires into material events and objects, create thoughts and emotions congruent with achieving the goal. Generate in advance the result desired in thought and emotion.

Do not strain but imagine with pleasure and confidence. What you imagine must seem believable. Time is needed before results will appear physically. Not all thoughts manifest. Intensity and conditions must be right.

You can learn how to materialize money and gold quickly with the right beliefs.

You can immediately begin to manifest your best thoughts by understanding that all time is now. Thoughts and emotions do manifest instantly but we must then catch up to them in time.

By living in the feeling of the wish fulfilled you overcome doubt and fear.

A consistent and determined focus on your goals and objectives will increase the probability of manifestation. You can learn how to materialize money and gold quickly through constant focus and repeated affirmations stating that you are materializing money and gold.


Affirmations to manifest anything you want instantly
A daily affirmation & guidance page.


How do I use mind over matter to materialize money manifesting goals dreams?
A website article.


Focus on whatever concepts help you most. Look at whatever concepts you need to keep front and center in your mind as often as possible.



How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback

Eastwood’s newest and best work made affordable


How to Manifest - A Guide book by William Eastwood 2024
Published in 2024.





Manifest whatever you want every day!






You can learn how to materialize money and gold quickly by focusing on times that you have found money or gold and how it feels.


THE SECRET: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Solve Problems & Achieve Goals
A article.


How I have materialized money and gold

When I was seven, I pointed to a rock in an old stone wall and asked my friend to hand it to me. Behind the rock there was a box full of large Canadian coins. That story is in my autobiography as is the story of the time I manifested platinum, gold and diamonds.


William Eastwood autobiography & 50-year study
A article.


Forgive me for going back to age 13 again, but that is when the following happened. I was with a friend digging in a bottle dump in the woods near where I lived in a town filled with old houses going all the way back to the early 1600’s.

How to Travel to the Future: How to Materialize Money & Gold watch
How to materialize money and gold.

In this dig I had already found a purse with change in it dating from 1900 to 1919, lots of custom jewelry and silver candle holders, so I knew this was a great place to dig. In less than two minutes I pulled out a woman’s Elgin watch from 1923.

I was able to cut glass with the diamonds mounted on it and PLATINUM was inscribed on the inside of the case. I was practically crying. I had found a 1923 Elgin watch with 36 real diamonds mounted on a solid platinum case with a solid white gold band.

I thought that it may have slid off a woman’s wrist while she was dumping food scraps in a kitchen garbage pail, and she never located it. I did almost 50 years later.

How to Travel to the Future: Book on how to Materialize Money Gold
The just released, “How to Manifest…” by William Eastwood reveals how to materialize money & gold. (Available as paperback or eBook.)

This is how you manifest money and gold. It doesn’t usually just appear if you are not actively engaged in some kind of process or activity to materialize it.

However, a few years ago I had been visualizing cash on the ground and materialized a $20 dollar bill. I had found 10 $20 dollar bills on separate occasions that summer and this was the 11th.

I was in an area known to be a hangout for drunken sailors near the shoreline in New London. I closed my eyes and visualized a $20 dollar bill. I held the feeling I had when I had found 11 other $20 dollar bills and as I opened my eyes the first thing that appeared was a $20 dollar bill. Somehow, I had materialized it or seen it right through my eyelids because my eyes were already fixed on it when I opened them.

How to Travel to the Future: How to Materialize Paper Money & Gold Coins
I bought many gold Krugerrands with money I earned in my twenties.

I have many other instances of materializing money and gold. I usually find it, but I have bought gold coins such as Krugerrans.

You can learn how to materialize money and gold quickly logical means and magical means.

The gold coins I purchased when I was making $400.00 working six hours days siding luxury homes while living at an ocean park. This is how I usually materialize money and gold. It comes through ordinary channels. You may buy it in a store, find it or someone will give it to you. It is extremely rare to materialize in out of thin air.

You can learn how to materialize money and gold quickly by watching videos of people finding money or gold and generating excitement and enthusiasm, desire and intent to do the same. You don’t know need to know how you are going to materialize money or gold, only that you will.

You can learn how to materialize money and gold the way I do through an understanding of probabilities and time, the law of attraction and how you manifest events in time.

We often create a past event when we materialize money, gold or other items. The probability of someone having lost something is inserted into the past. I do not believe that we cause people to lose something, but we tune into the probability in which they did, and so it is a form of materializing a probable event that could include finding money or gold. We create past events all the time but are not aware that we do. When we find money or gold, we may create a past event so that an object placed somewhere will appear in front of us later in time.

You can learn how to materialize money and gold quickly by changing the past or future, which then changes the present.


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It is our emotions primarily that cause events, but other factors apply. You can learn how to materialize money and gold  by visualizing and feeling the end result. You can learn how to materialize money and gold quickly by pre-living the rush you get when you find money. If you keep doing it because you love money, feel great and expect to get free money, you will materialize more money and gold. Follow your feelings and do what you want to do. If you do all of that you have a formula for how to materialize money and gold. Keep using that formula and it will work better and better the longer you do so.

Past thoughts will cause past, present and future events, but past events do not. Cause and effect apply to your thoughts but not to physical reality.



Who is William Eastwood?

By: Camille Flores

How Do My Thoughts Create my Reality? Internal Science by William Eastwood
William Eastwood.



Manifesting power book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.



A book by William Eastwood: Manifesting power book materialize money success health goals.


Available for you as an Ebook and paperback.


What is the William Eastwood material?

The William Eastwood material is written by William Eastwood on the nature of reality and how to free yourself from all limitations and create what you want in life.


How do my thoughts create my reality?
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The William Eastwood Material


  1. There is no singular, one-world timeline.
  2. You do not progress in a linear manner within time from birth to death.
  3. You are not a three-dimensional self moving through a three-dimensional world from birth to death.
  4. You and the world do not exist that way.


Life as we have been taught it is


Appreciation gratitude are International Philosophy
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Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William E
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.

The first of four books that give us a path to a new civilization

The Solution


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The Solution book. photograph of front cover
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The Solution book by William Eastwood.
The new eBook is loaded with links to many of the 500 free articles written by William Eastwood.

"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."

— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.

"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.

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Beliefs about time must go

How to Travel to the Future: Book on how to Materialize Money Gold
The just released, “How to Manifest…” by William Eastwood reveals how to materialize money & gold. (Available as paperback or eBook.)

Your beliefs create your reality and if you firmly believe in restrictions that do not exist you are subject to those restrictions, even though they are false teachings. When you escape the basic assumption of cause and effect in linear time, you realize that thought is generating the universe like a light bulb generates light. If you stay with the feeling of the wish fulfilled eventually you will create what reflects the energy you are emitting.

Your default worldview must be based on a firm and automatic conviction in simultaneous existence. You are in the center of a web of infinite probable events. All past, present and future events exist. But if you think that the past is set like concrete and that the future does not exist yet, then all you have left is the present.

You are not in a linear time system, you are in a field of simultaneous probabilities, and when you realize this, you will begin to break down the walls that surround you.

The nonlinear understanding and default worldview is the most critical to your success.


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Instead of duration in time, everything is destroyed and recreated millions of times a second

How to Travel to the Future: Book on how to Materialize Money Gold
The just released, “How to Manifest…” by William Eastwood reveals how to materialize money & gold. (Available as paperback or eBook.)

The electrons that form seemingly solid objects are ongoing projections ― energy of nonphysical origin beaming into time-space. Objects are actions. If you could stop the projection of matter in the same way you turn off a light with a switch, your physical body and environment would vanish.

Your environment is a hologram continually projected in the same way a beam of light is. Everything is an ongoing projection. The glass you drink out of is a different glass every time you use it. The same holds true for your body.

Past, present and future time do not exist apart from you. Everything exists now in an unlimited field of which you are a part. The field of unlimited probabilities is an extension of the self.

Everything around you is continually being destroyed at the same rate at which it is being created. Reality is completely destroyed and recreated more than a million times per second. Like scenes flashed on a deck of cards with your thumb, the rapid succession of images creates the illusion of one continuous flowing reality from start to finish. When in reality each card represents a unique recreation.


Learn to Use Your Mind to Materialize Anything You Desire
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It often takes time and repetition to change the beliefs that control your alignment to certain past memories and events. If you use affirmations and follow my instructions on my daily affirmation and guidance pages, you will avoid this realigning first thing in the morning every morning for however long it takes to create a permanent change in probabilities, past, present and future.



You are NOT meant to suffer!

William Eastwood your mind can create what matters to you
William Eastwood wants to tell you how you can have anything you want.

Reality is not the dark and gloomy picture that is often taught in the classroom and depicted on the news. There is no reason whatsoever to suffer in life. You do not have to work at a job you do not like in a grueling 9 to 5 life of pain and suffering followed by death and extermination of your existence. It isn't that way at all!

This way of thinking is a symptom of a flawed model rather than flawed people. Reality is far different than what most of us were taught.


Manifest anything & stay safe under any circumstances / No matter what your situation is, you can change it

When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available on my free course.

They transition us to the new paradigm so that we can achieve our goals and live safely. They give us immunity from inner and outer threats of every kind.


course & affirmations

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You can tap in at any time. With four different pages you can always find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.


"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."



Mind Forms Matter got me smart

How your mind forms matter and creates reality
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


How to Travel to the Future: Alchemy on How to Materialize Money and Gold

William Eastwood is the author of 25 books

Mind forms Matter William Eastwood Books
25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission.


Book page (With book descriptions).


Mind forms matter manifest anything
Modern Alchemist’s Secrets.


The ancient Arabic alchemists were looking for a formula to create gold.

Eastwood found it. It belongs to everyone, including you.



An iconoclast who helps people achieve their dreams

“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”

— Albert Einstein.


Thought create fun dreams goals
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I provide you with everything you need to know to create anything and solve any problem, public or private.



“I worked for a Yale Professor at age 13 and owned three large homes on the coast of Maine by age 23 because International Philosophy works like magic.”

— William Eastwood.



How to Travel to the Future: Alchemy on How to Materialize Money and Gold

William Eastwood is the author of 25 books

Mind forms Matter William Eastwood Books
25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission.


Book page (With book descriptions).




1974-2024 — Intensive ongoing nonstop study bringing you the best information in the world.

I often advise people to look at reality as being magical.

In a magical state of mind you can make tremendous progress in life. Check in on my daily affirmation page on any of my four main sites whenever you could use help to get in the right positive state of mind.



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Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William E
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.






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You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
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At age 12, Eastwood was convinced of what would soon become a new paradigm in science. Rather than appease professors and become acclaimed in orthodoxy, he took a course that would align himself with ordinary people everywhere. Although continuing his efforts to reduce fossil fuel emissions in the United States, he changed his direction in a call to help people everywhere. His efforts met with opposition.

The clash between worldviews and the sometimes lethal resistance to a new and more accurate understanding of reality and human nature can make our job extremely difficult at times, however, and so we thank you for your book purchase!

Profits from the sale of books are used to fund the mission; we offer a new paradigm to solve all problems and achieve all worthy goals.





How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback




You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.







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How to Travel to the Future: How to Materialize Money & Gold

© COPYRIGHT 2024, By: William Eastwood.



Primary article concludes here.



Categories: Past, present and future times exist now. How to remove all limitations. William Eastwood philosophy. Click on our site to learn more. 

How to Travel to the Future: How to Materialize Money and Gold

When you first apply mind forms matter principles progress is gradual, like people being kind to you. Once you reverse the momentum years of negative thinking, however, changes become more significant, like raises, windfalls and unforeseen fortunate events.





