The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
- Internal Science by William Eastwood.
- International Philosophy by William Eastwood.
- Belief Projection Theory-(BP) by William Eastwood.
- The Inner UN by William Eastwood.
- by William Eastwood.
- The New Altruistic Movement by William Eastwood.
- An International Film by William Eastwood.
- Online Free Course & Daily Affirmations-by William Eastwood.
- 30 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
How Do I Use My Mind to Attract Positive People & Events? How to Consciously Create Your Own Reality
- How do I use my mind to attract positive people and events?
- How do I consciously create my own reality?
I will answer these questions now.
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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
How do I use my mind to attract positive people and events?

To attract positive people in your life, make an effort to imagine new people entering your life. When you do, feel it. Feel what that kind of event would feel like as if it were reality happening. And most importantly —
To attract positive people and events, practice owning what you want in thought and feeling. Deny lack and the evidence of your senses that are not what you want and adopt the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
To get good at anything you must practice.
Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions are electromagnetic energy that create events, objects and conditions.
How do I consciously create my own reality?
You already consciously create your own reality in the same way your heart beats or you speak words. Most people create by default. They do not try to control their thoughts because they have been taught that their thoughts don’t affect their physical reality. They instead accept the cultural ideas of the times, and they assume that they have little or no control over events in the world around them. This does not have to be the case for you.
If you do not buy into negative collective beliefs, you can create your own unique reality. Those who project the highest positive thoughts possible rise in life and fulfill their potential.
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If you understand and accept that you can consciously create your own reality, then it is possible for you to use your mind to attract positive people and events. Mostly this requires getting out of your own way, which means the universe will bring you the best possible events for you if you dismiss and reject negative beliefs that interfere with the way things actually work.
After you dismiss interfering beliefs, the next level of manifesting involves directing energy with purposeful intent. In contrast with getting out of your own way, this is not a passive activity. “Meek” used to mean the opposite of what it does now, and the statement that “The meek shall inherit the earth” means that those who are not afraid to direct energy with dynamism will get what they want in life and come into their own power. They will inherit the earth.

The best way to attract positive people and events into your life is to use a series of affirmations with forceful self-confidence and belief in the result. By belief, mean belief that what is desired is already a reality existing within and all around you. This is how you consciously create your own reality.
Wishing and wanting is not as powerful as being. It is best to spend at least a few minutes a day consciously creating your own reality by dwelling in the feeling of the wish fulfilled. This is not difficult to do, and if you get in the habit of doing this it becomes something you will look forward to doing. And when results appear you will be even more motivated to continue along the same lines.
I have reset pages on four sites that address a variety of beliefs that we have learned that tend to get in our own way. The affirmations I have developed over a period of years are designed to return you to your authentic self and power over events.
His mission is to help you!
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Science with a heart and soul!
Free daily affirmations and guidance
You attract what you are, not necessarily what you want. but what you are is far more beautiful and powerful than what you were probably taught. You can learn how to use your mind to attract positive people and events by being what you want to attract. By internalizing correct beliefs about yourself and reality you can transform your reality.
If you make a decision to use your mind in a powerful and positive way, there is nothing that you cannot achieve. If you are a positive person, you can attract and create the kind of events you want to attract. Most importantly, adopt the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
My first book, “The Solution,” explains the beliefs that hold most people back. It also reveals the most common mistakes people make when they apply metaphysics to consciously create their own reality and use their mind to attract positive people and events.
Take the higher path (by William Eastwood)
An eBook full of powerful links.
"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution." — Mario Fusco TP.D, RS.D, BSC. (Two doctorate degrees.)
BRAND NEW EDITION: Published November, 2023.
RECOMMENDED: My most extensive eBook.
"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.
When you exert yourself and these principles to consciously create your own reality you will be using your mind to attract positive people and create the events and goals you long for.
You can use affirmations to demand what you desire most. The energetic assertion of affirmations will get you what you want in life.
Manifest anything & stay safe under any circumstances / No matter what your situation is, you can change it
When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available on my free course.
They transition us to the new paradigm so that we can achieve our goals and live safely. They give us immunity from inner and outer threats of every kind.
Our course is posted on 4 websites (Each one is at a different stage)
You can tap in at any time. With four different pages you can always find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.
- Online course & affirmations.
- Online course & affirmations. You are on this site.
- Online course & affirmations.
- Online course & affirmations.
"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."
There is a definite process of learning we must go through to operate efficiently with the context of the new paradigm. Our course is meant to be easy, with a dozen or so affirmations and a few paragraphs of education material that changes every day and lasts for about two months, then repeats.
The course will help you to replace one operating program (worldview) with another. Otherwise, two worldviews with conflicting ways of doing things (and beliefs) can stalemate you.

Be the kind of person you want to attract

When you understand how you create your own reality, the next step is to use your mind to attract positive people and events. It is easy to attract positive people — simply be a positive person yourself. Be as positive a person as possible to attract positive people and events.
You consciously create your own reality. What this means is that when you change yourself, the world around you changes. This is powerful and precise science, and a Gandhi quote:
The problems we face in life are a result of repeating patterns we established early in life. To use use mind to attract positive people and events and consciously create your own reality you must often stop the momentum of previous patterns. Once this is done positive people will constantly be showing up in your life. To change patterns or anything, affirmations work fantastically well.
“Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them.”
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels. ― Albert Einstein
You can use affirmations to suggest that more loving people are coming into your life. You can suggest anything you want in an affirmation. You can affirm that more intelligent, beautiful, positive people or relationships exist or are entering your life. The same rules apply here as to any affirmation.
See the daily affirmation post for ideas and guidance. I have been incredibly successful in bringing kind people into my life by using these techniques, so I can say from firsthand experience that affirmations definitely work.
Creating more positive events is even easier to achieve with affirmations and suggestion.
Create Your Own Reality

Like attracts like. If you become a kind person you will attract others like yourself unless you hold beliefs that suggest you are a victim or if you have a pattern in life that attracts abuse.
The main article continues below.
The main article resumes:
Your entire worldview is involved in your ability to attract positive people and events. The compounded placebo or thought effect of many beliefs controls what you are able to attract and your ability to create your own reality.
How to manifest money and wealth
The main article resumes:
Do you see reality as being separate from you, or do you see reality as interactive and flexible?
Your life is not a concrete, immovable thing. It may feel that way because you cannot change it except by your thoughts. What you see around you cannot be changed through physical force. The old status quo will just bounce back, and your patterns will repeat.
You station in life, the opportunities or disasters that come your way are a result of your subjective activity. If you change your thinking, you will change your life. There is no other way to make changes in your life.
Has anyone ever told you that you must face reality? When you are afraid, is that kind of thought what you fall back on?
The statement that you must “face reality” is the perfect embodiment of myth. This statement clarifies the new paradigm by stating what it is NOT. We were taught to think of the world as a kind of immovable concrete reality existing independent of us. It is not.
What you see around you, your circumstances and opportunities are a projection of how you have been directing your energy. Your environment and station in life is malleable and a reflection of your thoughts and emotions.
What you assume to be true appears on the stage of life.
If you think that reality as a kind of immovable concrete thing of great weight, then that is what it will be. You may think your job is one of great struggle and responsibility. Then you are trapped by being forced to live within the heavy and sufferable context you are creating.
If you see reality as past generations did through the lens of myth then you will see yourself as a victim. If, on the other hand, you understand and accept the new view of reality being a projection of your assumptions, then you can let go of the attitudes of previous generations. You can then use your thoughts as an artist uses paints to shape your projection into a masterpiece.
When you advance further, you notice that your opportunities include only that which you have brought about through your assumptions, focus and emotions. Your free will is a factor of past thoughts and emotions because nothing is created in physical reality. A raise, for example, is a product of many past thoughts and emotions. It is not something that exists independently as a reality you have simply come in contact with because of your good luck or whatever.
I impel you to look at life as an artist looks at a painting he or she is creating. You are creating it, and you are a good, deserving and competent artist. Follow your bliss and passions and create the best possible reality with joy and excitement.
Keep your energy high through seeing the positive in everything and the opportunities you have and progress you are making.
You are a creator.
Probabilities are infinite and a miracle to behold.
The content above is taken from my new manifesting book.
Material from book is previewed in these and other locations.
45-YEAR STUDY: Read more…
Develop a skill and you will attract opportunities to use it. Go through the door in front of you and the next door will appear. Be quality and you will attract quality.
This is the ultimate and most powerful message that you can hear. The beauty of it is that it is true! It doesn’t matter what your situation is, that is irrelevant because you control your reality from the inside.
What is inside you is what matters most. Your internal reality is your power. From it comes all the events of your life.
The main article continues below.
Affirmations can change beliefs, and when done properly will ensure success and positive experiences.
Manifesting is all about projecting the desired emotions
Negative emotions will manifest!
Positive emotions will manifest!
Thoughts of abundance will manifest!
A sense of forward motion will manifest!
A sense of adventure, glory and discovery will manifest!
A sense of power and ability will manifest!
Joy will manifest!
Match the emotion of having what you want to manifest it!
Maintain those emotions for as long as it takes!
Control your thoughts and emotions.
Make each day an adventure.
"You are one click away from changing everything in your life for the better with powerful daily affirmations and lessons! If you read the affirmations on the course page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day.
"If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page or don't assert more positive beliefs, thoughts and emotions, nothing will happen." —Eastwood
We can transform the world with this information very easily: The New Altruistic Movement, my film and books are for that purpose
Our feature page is a platform for you to express your spontaneously altruistic nature and to receive the benefits of others who are expressing their spontaneously altruistic nature.
The main article resumes:
You are powerful when you believe you are
This is the knowledge that will set you free. It is of no use to you if you do not accept and embrace it, however. When you do accept it, you can achieve anything, change any situation and create anything you want.
When you change your beliefs, thoughts and emotions, so does the attitude of the world change toward you. You can generate any specific change by producing those thoughts that will bring about exactly the results you desire.
This means that you can use beliefs, thoughts and emotions as tools to attract whatever it is you want. You can have more friends and positive people around you and any positive development you are currently seeking in your life.
45 years of research goes into every book
What are you going to do to change your life?

“Consciousness creates reality and thoughts form matter! If you want to be powerful you have to go by the facts about reality and that means discovering the truth! Otherwise, you are as blind as a bat and ineffective as a sloth!
“You probably know that a placebo is a sugar pill. If you are given a sugar pill and are told it will help you, it will.
“If it is not the sugar that manifests healing in the body, what is it?
“By admitting that placebos work, the medical establishment recognizes the power of a single or limited thought process to heal and cure.
“But every single belief, thought and emotion has a placebo or nocebo effect.”
When we apply metaphysical principles, we change more than a few thoughts or a single expectation. To understand the extent and power of the placebo effect we must compute it for more than a single expectation of healing for a limited amount of time. We need to look at the effect of changing our habitual thoughts, attitudes, our entire worldview and emotional states.
Our inner reality is an interwoven tapestry of previous thoughts and emotions that forms our belief system. It is the entire workings that manifests. You can’t measure the effect of just one thought without considering the effect of other ideas on which that thought is based. For every positive placebo you may have ten noceboes that render the the placebo only marginally effective. This is what scientists should be studying, but they are not.
When we do that, we will get a more accurate measure of the placebo effect.
When you apply thought in an advanced and clinical way, as given in my books, you combine all the finest advanced methods, techniques and procedures in a powerful unified approach to create a compounded placebo effect.
The compounding placebo effect is the thought materialization effect.
Thoughts do materialize. When we understand that they do and apply the proper science we:
- Take control of our life.
- Quadruple the effectiveness of our thoughts.
- Get an astounding overall transformation in the quality of our life.
If a single pill placebo can give you a 25% better chance of healing, imagine what 50 or 100 beliefs/placebos operating in you can do?
It is not the pills and the operations that are saving you, it’s your beliefs in them and the entire body of multiple placebos operating within you that give you all the good in your life.
Contrast that with all the nocebos that are giving you dissatisfaction and impeding progress in certain areas of your life.
Reduce the nocebos and increase the placebos, and you have a formula that will work.
“Our illnesses, pandemics and disorders are a kind of healing crisis which are meant to lead us to the answers. The truth is more positive than we can presently conceive.
“We are currently in global paradigm shift.”
— William Eastwood
Well trained thought is far more powerful than untrained thought. The more completely you believe your thoughts have power, the more power they will have.
Strengthen your confidence and sense of power and you will see those changes reflected in the nature of events around you and people’s attitudes towards you

The only way to change events for the better is to stop rehashing what you dislike in life and instead contemplate everything positive happening around you and in terms of possibilities. This action will ensure that the world around you will change.
The main article resumes:
Real work is done within an inner framework of existence. Reality is produced within.
Physical events are built below the subconscious according to the directions given to energy by your conscious beliefs, thoughts and emotions. The inner reality is a product of your conscious mind’s subjective activity.
The positive events in your life are your own creation. Those positive happenings you produced by your own positive thoughts and emotions.
This means that your positive thoughts and emotions will go out and attract similar events and draw them to you as well as creating entirely new probabilities or positive events.
Remain as positive as possible at all times. Keep this up and ultimately your life will turn into a glorious celebration of success and achievement. You’ll have a profusion of joy, laughter, magic you will remember forever, love and celebration.
For consistency of accurate material.
People who are always around negative people become negative themselves unless they decide consciously to break the cycle. The reason why people so affected attract negative experience and become trapped is because their beliefs, thoughts and emotions are energy that create their reality.
Also, once you have materialized a particular negative experience it leaves a kind of track, and this allows the same type of experience to manifest again, although it may be in a slightly different form.
When you hold specific positive beliefs, they lead to corresponding specific events and circumstances. As your new and more positive beliefs, thoughts and emotions work together to manifest as your reality, your inner psychological life will reinforce that new reality.
The magical investment value of books and affirmations
You are like a bank vault filled with money, gold and precious jewels. Every positive thought is a deposit. Every negative thought is a withdrawal. Your life is the interest. Shallow positive thoughts are like gold plated jewels and play money. Wisdom and understanding combined with solid belief and quality affirmations are like solid 24 karat gold and real diamonds. These are the thoughts that build integrity and value and procure high return on investment.
Every object in your environment is an extension of your energy. A physical book is a connection to the part of your inner self that "created" the book and understands the content. A book on a table next to you connects you to all those people who hold the knowledge associated with the book.
Every object around you is a holographic projection of your mind that connects you to the innermost portion of your soul that creates them.
If you want to break old patterns and habits of perception, bring books full of light and affirmations into your life and remain centered on what they represent — the truth you are bringing out within yourself by having them in your presence. Once you materialize something in your life, an energy pathway through which the object or event is created and maintained continues to exist, even when the object or event is long-gone.
A single affirmation is only a small deposit, but wealth and prosperity can only be built a single thought or act at a time. A mind that thinks in affirmations transforms everything it touches to gold. You begin the journey by surrounding yourself with good books. When you do that, everything around you speaks quality and intelligent love — the invisible infinite potential of which you are composed. That includes the qualities of prosperity, natural power, right and integrity.
Force yourself to continuously review beneficial concepts to keep them alive in your mind. Develop a realistic positive attitude. Keep your metaphysical books open to highlighted material and review it every day. Find something important to focus on daily. Rescript your mind one thought at a time; and when you do, commit to going all the way. Half-truths are like coal wrapped in holiday paper. Adopt a baseline of non-linear time thinking.
If you do this faithfully, your entire reality will begin to change for the better.
Again, because this is so important, when you manifest something positive, such as a book that represents the truth and the answers you are seeking, maintain that book and whatever represents what you want in your life as best you can. This creates an energy pathway for more of the same to come through into your life. It also connects you with the author and all others who are connected to the object and/or information it represents.
To keep concepts alive, repeat them in your mind over and over again. This is how you rescript your mind and change your reality. Our audio book — "How Do I Make this the Best Day Possible — Manifest While You Sleep" — is the perfect tool to reprogram your mind with everything you want to invite into your self and life. Just listen to it while you are going to sleep and you will have technicolor dreams of your most sacrosanct ambitions. Your unlimited potential is 100% a factor of what you input — the investment through whose interest will be the life you were meant to live.
This is the only way you can change the patterns in your life. If you want to materialize a better-quality physical experience, this is what you do. You bring what you want into your reality through your thoughts. I have done this, and I always have my favorite, most powerful books at arm's reach. I constantly review key points. You may want to create a kind of pulpit (as I have done) where you can keep books open to pages with highlighted text.
I urge you to buy whatever books you can comfortably afford from your favorite metaphysical authors. There are many other benefits in doing so. A purchase is an affirmation of your manifesting power and prosperity, and it is a testament of your determination to improve yourself and your life.
Practically and symbolically, correctly made purchases are extremely important, not just to you, but to all those who make these metaphysical books available to you.
As a heart pumps blood, the vacuum created in each pulse draws in more blood, and this is how energy behaves. You must give or outflow energy to receive. In religion and spirituality, this is behind the Golden Rule concept.
Your most valuable possession will always be yourself. If you do not invest in you, then you are saying that you are not important. Those who do not invest in improving themselves and their abilities, do not draw more (ability, quality, etc.) from the universe.
Learn to manifest quality and value in yourself. Learn the art and science of living a good life and manifesting what you want in life. Bring forth that which you seek.
When we awaken to our true nature, we begin to realize that we are supported and graced by an altruistic consciousness of which we are a part. When we become aware of how the universe works, we begin to notice how the universe bends in our direction and works to our advantage. We realize that from our best feelings, thoughts, intents and expectations flow fortunate, synchronistic events.
An entirely new worldview begins to set in. This is when an unquenchable thirst for positive metaphysical concepts will overtake you. The sacred tonic of fulfillment is the highest level thinking of which you are capable. Affirmations are the elixir of happiness, achievement and dreams, from which flows a greater fulfillment than we can imagine in our most wondrous moments.