The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
- Internal Science by William Eastwood.
- International Philosophy by William Eastwood.
- Belief Projection Theory-(BP) by William Eastwood.
- The Inner UN by William Eastwood.
- by William Eastwood.
- The New Altruistic Movement by William Eastwood.
- An International Film by William Eastwood.
- Online Free Course & Daily Affirmations-by William Eastwood.
- 30 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
What is the New Enlightenment? Altruistic, Autonomous Movement Philosophy
- What is the New Enlightenment?
- Can the New Enlightenment help me?
- Can the New Enlightenment help civilization?
- What is the Altruistic, Autonomous Movement philosophy?
I will answer these questions now.
The new enlightenment is growing awareness that for you says, “You are an altruistic consciousness, and you create your reality.”
All movements toward greater human rights are altruistic movements in that they assign greater good to humans. Humans are seen as being good and thus deserving of greater rights. Any movements that are backsliding see humans as being untrustworthy or corrupt and thus less deserving of human rights and certain liberties.

The United States of America is part of an altruistic movement. The philosophy of our founding fathers looks favorably on our individual human nature.
The US Constitution and the altruist movement are based on the idea that human nature is good rather than bad, and that therefore everyone deserves certain liberties. It tells us that we have the right to pursue happiness.
An example of an altruistic movement
According to the Declaration of Independence, all men are created equal and thus have certain unalienable rights, which includes the right to the pursuit of happiness.
The New Enlightenment will lead to a better world
By showing people their power and ability to create their reality we can empower humanity and change the course of civilization.
The tenets of the New Enlightenment
1. The universe is entirely composed of consciousness.
2. Consciousness is altruistic.
The acceptance of these two principles will create a great civilization.

The new Enlightenment is the realization that we are individualized portions of the consciousness that forms the universe, and that we create our reality through our own thoughts and actions. The emphasis being that through projection of positive thought and emotion we can manifest heaven on earth.
The above content is from “The Altruism Code…“
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Two more books related to help you understand these ideas and bring you along with the rest of humanity to the next level:
"Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.
"But it has to be the right science"
— William Eastwood
Take your power & control back
The first of five books that give us a path to a new civilization
The Solution
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"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."
— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.
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Buy now to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.
Healing civilization and saving trillions of dollars

My goals are extremely ambitious, and my book, “The Solution…” has numerous chapters on a method by which the Supreme Court of the US could enact an alternative to incarceration. An example of this act is given in the book.
Over a period of only a few years our police departments could be based on a new model of human nature. Almost everyone could very easily be removed from prison without any threat to the public and the entire society could be healed.
The Declaration of Independence tells us that, “All experience has shewn that men are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” We need to change the world rather than settle for less.
If we change our lives and others, in the future, fear and crime will virtually cease to exist. The views on which our current civilization are currently based will be considered primitive superstition and myth.
What is the New Enlightenment? Altruistic, Autonomous Movement philosophy.
Altruistic autonomous movement and the New Enlightenment
In 2000, William Eastwood founded Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals, Inc., in Connecticut, USA (PDF: Proof of Inc).
The full story is profound.
The philosophy is that of the New Enlightenment.

The New Enlightenment philosophy deviates radically from Darwinism, materialism, mind-body dualism, some of Freud’s darker interpretations of subconscious motivations, the theories of human motivation and models on which various institutions are based, and strong elements of religious belief over the past five thousand years.
Mind can and does form matter and your thoughts create your reality despite what anyone tries to tell you to the contrary.
The New Enlightenment

The New Enlightenment is due to growing public awareness of the role consciousness plays in the makeup of the universe. What you see around you is a projection of your mind and five senses.
The New Enlightenment is a widespread philosophical movement. You’ve been duped by physicalism science which is more concerned about defending its myths than probing into consciousness.
It’s important to know that you have control over reality because you create your own reality. Once this is realized there’s no looking back. The New Enlightenment will continue to grow worldwide.

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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
The Age of Enlightenment

The Age of Enlightenment in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries was a widespread philosophical movement in opposition to the previous age in which the Church dictated that only God could change the physical world man lived within.
The inventions of Benjamin Franklin, the Industrial Revolution and the United States of America are products of the enlightenment. The New Enlightenment says that an individual can change and improve his environment and quality of life through his own thoughts and subjective influence on events and matter.
At any time be completely changed by the application of thought.

What is the New Enlightenment?
The New Enlightenment is an intellectual and philosophical awareness that is expanding exponentially. It is the recognition that we create our reality and are basically good.

Can the New Enlightenment help me?
The New Enlightenment can absolutely help you because it teaches you how to create what you want in life. This knowledge gives you the power to change your life in any way you wish.

Can the New Enlightenment help civilization?
The New Enlightenment can help civilization because it provides the facts about reality that have been largely unknown. This knowledge gives civilization the ability to solve current global and national problems and move on to create a new era or age.
At any time, matter can be completely changed by the activation of conscious thought. Your environment is a product of your thoughts and feelings. By projecting the specific thoughts and feelings that embody your desires you can immediately being a process of change. You are in control of your experience.

The New Enlightenment is a natural extension of the American Enlightenment that resulted in the formation of America and gave us the Industrial Revolution. It is similar in that it is based on human power, integrity and universal rights. However, it is distinct and different from the previous enlightenment in that it is based on a new paradigm of scientific facts that recognize that the universe is an expression of consciousness and that individuals create their reality. The difference is that the New Enlightenment is not based on the false mechanistic scientific paradigm of early science, but on quantum mechanics.
C = Ef - EQUATION: Origin and Meaning
Now that we know that everything is consciousness, we can redefine ourselves as altruistic because that is the inherent nature of the consciousness that forms us.
The New Enlightenment recognizes the true nature of the universe and that consciousness is inherently altruistic. The universe itself is of good intent.

The beginnings of the first enlightenment
The Protestant Reformation was triggered by Martin Luther. The Protestant Reformation then led to a European Enlightenment which then led to the American Enlightenment which led to the creation of America and the Industrial Revolution.
There are a series of important developments in history that could be interpreted as altruistic movements. These developments and movements point clearly to a pattern of attributing worth to human nature.
True enlightenment always recognize our inherent good nature.

Martin Luther gave us the modern world. The church told people what to believe until Martin Luther broke the shackles that kept us in the Dark Ages.
In 16th century Europe, Martin Luther exposed corruption in the Church of Rome. He asserted that church priests did not have the exclusive right to interpret the Bible.
This rebellion sparked the Protestant Reformation which led to the first Enlightenment.
Martin Luther translated the Bible into English and made it available to commoners. This undercut the ability of the powerful Church of Rome to control commoners. Since commoners could not read the Bible, they would have no recourse but to believe whatever they were told.
The alternative would be to fear eternal damnation as the priest would claim was their due if they didn’t abide by rules and views coming from kinds and those who claimed divine influence.
The control of the population through thousands of years of fear-based manipulation leads to the internalization of society’s rules and laws as well as guilt and fear in every child.
In the time of Martin Luther and earlier, commoners were simply told that they were sinners with no avenue for redemption, and that they had to suffer, pay taxes and worship their Divinely-appointed rulers. The same pattern still prevails, although different terms are used.
At this time in history virtually everyone in Europe believed that God controlled virtually everything. There was little room to improve their lives or increase their happiness.
The elite and commoners alike questioned whether free will even existed. The consensus was that there was not any.

Even today, although to a far lesser degree, children are domesticated by a process of reward and punishment that is identical to what we use to domesticate animals. Children are punished for disobedience and rewarded for compliance or conformity.
Martin Luther’s 95 complaints about the church were distributed by the means of the new technology of the printing press. For the first time in history the communication network of the church was undercut.
When brought to trial, Martin Luther stood by his views. As a result, he is labeled an unrepentant heretic by the Church of Rome. And his writings are confiscated.
The question now is, will he be burned at the stake?
Martin’s Escape
Martin Luther is kidnapped and ushered away to safekeeping where the Holy Roman Emperor cannot get to him.
What follows is the Protestant Reformation. Various tribal leaders throughout Germany and England take back control of their people and regions from the absolute power structures of the church of Rome.
The official tenets of the church created a sense of guilt and sin.
The same kind of thing is happening again in a historical context. The correction currently underway is what I call The New Enlightenment.
Both the Protestant Reformation and The Enlightenment movements rejected the guilt trips imposed on the governed
This was the beginning of a new era marked by freedom from a sense of guilt and sin.
Protestant Reformation

Martin Luther delivered Europe out of bondage by control of the church. The result was a movement called the Protestant Reformation.
The Protestant Reformation cleared the way for the enlightenment, which was a rational movement based on the idea that men could improve their lives by their own good deeds and actions.
Before Martin Luther made his appearance, the people of Europe were stuck in a very closed and narrow worldview.
Men did not really believe that they could improve life. They strongly believed that God had created the Earth as it was meant to be and that it was not man’s place to interfere with that order and the Divine wisdom behind it. The idea that men could improve their lives and the world around them through their own thoughts and actions was a radical idea at the time. This new idea is fires the enlightenment.
The original Enlightenment led to the Declaration of Independence, the founding of America, the Industrial Revolution and the high quality of life we enjoy today.
Our founding father’s philosophy and intent
According to the Declaration of Independence, men are equal in their unalienable liberties.
The United States of America is part of an altruistic movement. The philosophy of our founding fathers looks favorably on our individual human nature.
The US Constitution and the altruist movement are based on the idea that human nature is good rather than bad, and that therefore everyone deserves certain liberties and the right to pursue and achieve happiness in life.
Conversely, radical negativity in American worldviews is expanding exponentially at this time and needs to be checked.
"Consciousness creates reality and thoughts form matter! If you want to be powerful you have to go by the facts about reality and that means discovering the truth! Otherwise you are as blind as a bat and ineffective as a sloth!


The main article continues below.
Affirmations can change beliefs, and when done properly will ensure success and positive experiences.
Manifesting is all about projecting the desired emotions
Negative emotions will manifest!
Positive emotions will manifest!
Thoughts of abundance will manifest!
A sense of forward motion will manifest!
A sense of adventure, glory and discovery will manifest!
A sense of power and ability will manifest!
Joy will manifest!
Match the emotion of having what you want to manifest it!
Maintain those emotions for as long as it takes!
Control your thoughts and emotions.
Make each day an adventure.
"You are one click away from changing everything in your life for the better with powerful daily affirmations and lessons! If you read the affirmations on the course page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day.
"If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page or don't assert more positive beliefs, thoughts and emotions, nothing will happen." —Eastwood
We can transform the world with this information very easily: The New Altruistic Movement, my film and books are for that purpose
Our feature page is a platform for you to express your spontaneously altruistic nature and to receive the benefits of others who are expressing their spontaneously altruistic nature.
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The main article resumes: