The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
- Internal Science by William Eastwood.
- International Philosophy by William Eastwood.
- Belief Projection Theory-(BP) by William Eastwood.
- The Inner UN by William Eastwood.
- Earth-Network.org by William Eastwood.
- The New Altruistic Movement by William Eastwood.
- An International Film by William Eastwood.
- Online Free Course & Daily Affirmations-by William Eastwood.
- 30 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING: How to think your way to success!
- Does the power of positive thinking work?
- How do I think my way to success?
- Why do toxic people seem to win?
I will answer these questions now.
Being positive is your path to success
International Philosophy—helps people to be safe and prosper by focusing on the positive characteristics in themselves and others. You at least refrain from creating negative energy buildup in your body and psyche by dwelling on what you believe to be the worst in human nature.
Then you switch your main attention to what is working in your life and the most brilliant and beautiful things you can imagine for yourself. All the while, you train yourself to think in affirmations with my daily affirmation post and books, which are filled with the best positive affirmations you can get anywhere.
If you are new to these concepts, you may need to clear up beliefs and reverse the momentum of energy flowing along certain tracks internally.
The content in this article is in the new edition of “The Altruism Code — Your Protection” which goes further in explaining the concepts (scheduled for release in February, 2025).
Be on guard for negativity
Everyone has their own version of physicalism, and their own version of negativity. It may be the Democrats, the Republicans, the Corporations, the anti-intellectuals, the degraders, the Muslims, the Christians, Catholics, the pedophiles, childhood trauma, viruses, diseases, or whatever. It doesn’t matter, it’s all physicalism because it is all about what’s wrong with people and that comes from physicalism.
Whatever or whoever you blame, it’s all negative and you’re creating more of whatever it is you are blaming. There is nothing or no one to blame. Positive consciousness holds the answers we are all looking for. Physical reality is a product of inner consciousness. This is why Internal Science represents the solution to personal and social problems.
The fierce competition that seems to be operating everywhere in biology and nature is a mirage created by mass hypnosis. Our sciences have trained us to interpret everything we see in nature through the premise that all life is pitted against all life. And religions have almost always stressed sin.
Viruses or germs do not attack. They are cooperative entities that serve you in your body at all times. They will multiply beyond what is helpful when triggered to do so by a negative focus or fearful beliefs. How the food you eat affects you, is up to you. If you are thinking about how healthy the ingredients of a meal are while you are preparing it, those thoughts and that attitude will help ensure the food affects you in that way.
You can remain healthy with a poor diet if you believe you will be up to a certain point. Contaminated food, heavy artificial medications and toxins are not helpful. Your weight and appearance are a reflection of your inner images. A diet can cause weight gain because an action you take based on a belief you hold is a powerful placebo. See yourself as thin, beautiful and healthy and you will be so.
A focus on your power to direct, shape and create events, and the beliefs that say you are in control and outside forces have no power over you is your protection. Everything works to your benefit. The universe is an extension of what you are and serves you. Your thoughts and emotions are energy that continues and each positive thought you think goes out and does your will. Positive thoughts are like little people to some extent, in that they will actively seek whatever it is you need from the field of probabilities to manifest positive experiences.
The fabric of existence would separate at the seams if life was pitted against itself. There would be no planet in orbit and balance. There would be no life, plants and animals that coexist in a perfect symbiotic balance.
The universe is not mechanical, cold or indifferent. The universe actually cares about you, or you would not have even been created. The universe itself is one unbroken field of energy as Albert Einstein‘s friend, David Bohm discovered.
We are reading ourselves through a kind of bias perception that has resulted in the manifestation of what we have assumed is our selfish/sinful nature. We are becoming what we think we are, but what we have traditionally thought we are, is based on beliefs, and those beliefs come from our physicalism or tribal beliefs.
“Each person reads and experiences reality according to what they believe exists. If they hold a view of reality within themselves that is inherently limiting and/or negative, then this inner subjective reality and nothing else is projected outward into events and experiences so that everything conforms with their beliefs. They then cannot see anything outside of their own worldview. In effect, they become blind to any information that would free them from their inner and outer restricted reality.
“The negative focus on perceived enemies or opposition combined with the overlooked and unchecked power of consciousness and focus has been causing the world severe problems for a very long time only because we do not see the obvious.

“Most of the “evil” we see in the world is not because we are inherently bad, but because we believe we are. “
― William Eastwood
Returning power to the individual & solving world problems
The realization that consciousness creates matter gives the individual power over their reality. With growing awareness, increasingly people will feel less powerless before outside conditions.
The problems we are having now are a result of physicalism and its resulting negative views. When our underlying beliefs are corrected, world problems and divisiveness will clear up, and each individual will be able to create what they want in life.
It doesn’t matter if your philosophical beliefs are primarily religious, scientific or spiritual, for hundreds of years humanity’s primary philosophical belief systems have been built on physicalism and its resulting theories. Internal Science changes that.
Feeling stifled by External Science, Eastwood went off on his own to develop a more accurate paradigm of reality to solve world problems and help everyone to create their dreams. He gives us Internal Science and International Philosophy, by the people for the people.
The mind does filter perception on a conscious and subconscious level according to what you believe, think and feel. That alone will cause you to notice things that could help you achieve those goals you are focused on. However, that is only the perception portion of the mind’s functioning.

The mind creates and projects events before you then perceive them. The projection is composed of consciousness. Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions create your reality. If what you believe is negative, that is what will physically manifest.
Your thoughts are electromagnetic energy that guide creation and manifest in your life. The whole secret to creating a good life is in your thoughts. They have unlimited power to create your reality, and they are alive and composed of the life force that goes out and does your will.
What you are is good, not bad: This applies to all consciousness, & everything is consciousness
International philosophy is based on the idea that we are fundamentally good rather than naturally inclined to do wrong, with the knowledge that what we believe is physically manifest. Flawed beliefs generate flawed behavior in the same way a faulty operating program in a good computer will cause it to run improperly.

Our first responsibility is ourselves, not others. lt’s not selfish to love and appreciate ourselves as much as we do others, it’s responsible. Until we realize the beautiful and miraculous nature of who we are, we cannot see others in the same light, and we will not understand reality.
If you want your life to work, and to manifest abundance and prosperity, it is necessary to acknowledge the beauty in yourself, and then you will be able to see the worth and beauty in others. All the good you give others must come through yourself. If your worldview lacks affirmation of self in the deepest and most profound way, you will lack the ability to see others in the same light.
Your thoughts and emotions create your reality, but they are a result of what you believe. With affirmative and accurate beliefs about yourself and reality, you will naturally have positive thoughts about yourself and others, and you will be able to achieve your goals and even dreams in life. If you are plagued by negative thoughts, look at your philosophical beliefs about yourself and your reality.
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Why toxic people may sometimes win
Toxic people may win the battle because they are not hindered by energy blocks (explained below). There are principles like gravity that work as well for someone with bad intent as they do for an altruist.
A person can win a battle however and not win the war. Conviction, confidence and action, without excuse, will allow a person to win the battle, but how does one win the “war”?
Free enterprise is good, but institutions based on Darwinian physicalism reward behavior they presume is natural but isn’t, and in the long run will therefore self-destruct. If your worldview and behavior are based on certain dark myths that are considered natural, how are you going to be positive?
If the entire world is in prison, and they put you in prison, you may be the only one that is free.
Positive in shallow terms can only get us so far. The “dark myths” are not natural, and they are not positive. Understanding this point is critically important. Those who live by these myths do not see them as being dark (inherently negative) and so they don’t wake up. If they don’t wake up before the experiment concludes, they will lack protective positive qualities.
In order to survive what’s coming, we must learn true positive thinking.
The power of positive thinking: You are the miracle
Positive thinking works if you take action. Trying to be good to get ahead doesn’t work. The universe responds to those who work, not because they are working and not because a person who works is a good person. The universe responds to conviction and assertiveness. Action is a result of conviction. The person who acts is not waiting for someone or something to give them permission to do what they want to do, but to the person who does not question their right to have what they want.
The person who is truly positive and assigns value to themselves isn’t trying to do what’s right. They know their desire is good and has the right to be. That’s true positivity. It says, “I will get my desires fulfilled.”
When a person is unsure if something is right or wrong or if they have the right to possess it, then they lack conviction, are indecisive, and don’t direct their energy to take possession of it. When a person does not believe in the goodness of their spirit or their nature, they hesitate and question their desires.
On the other hand, a person who doesn’t question their right to have something goes and gets it. That person may be toxic, manipulative or seem to be a bad person because of the way they get what they want. But don’t make the mistake that the universe rewards bad people. The universal laws operate like gravity. They operate regardless of whether the intent is good or bad. The law of attraction and manifestation operates according to conviction, intent and confidence.
Here’s the problem: If in trying not to be bad, or trying not to make a mistake, you fail to achieve your objective, then no one benefits from what you have done because you have done nothing. But if you do not question at every turn, you direct energy, belief and intent like a laser to manifest your goals. In doing so you create. You are a powerful architect and producer. You are a creator and builder. You bring something into the world and the world benefits because you have.
Don’t be timid with your beliefs or life. Go out and make it happen. Being positive is knowing you are good and possess the rights, and trusting the universe, your impulses and urges. The universe speaks to you through your desires, what you are attracted to and your intuition and impulses. Understanding that the universe is of good intent is like understanding you are the miracle. If you do not trust your impulses, you do not trust yourself and the universe and energy stalls. Nothing moves. You don’t get into the flow and magic doesn’t happen. This is the dark place most of the world is in.
Once trust is achieved and action taken, life delivers. Positive thinking should be applied to everything, but positive thinking in the deepest sense is trust in yourself and the universe. When you understand that you are the miracle, magic happens. That’s when the universe functions the way it is intended to. That’s when you realize that you are far more powerful than any computer. That’s when you begin to enter your Promised Land.
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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

The power of positive thinking: How to think your way to success

The power of positive thinking is real. There is nothing more powerful than your own beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Your inner world of thoughts and emotions creates your physical reality. For this reason, there is a much easier way to be successful than what we have been taught.
You must get in touch with and believe in that power, to feel and see it working in your life. You will not benefit by doubt in yourself or the way the universe works. You will benefit by basing your actions on a firm conviction in the rightness of yourself and the universe. Again: You will benefit from belief in yourself and the goodness of the universe. That’s what International Philosophy and my hundreds of free articles teach, as do my many books.
Base your life on your goodness. Base your life on your ability to achieve what you want, on your dream and everything positive. Then practice positive thinking in all areas.
If you do this, many good things will be attracted to you and synchronicity will manifest many of your heart’s desires without you having to take action. But if you feel the urge or impulse to take action, then act. Do not hesitate. If action is required to achieve a goal, then act.
If you are attracted to something, it is because the universe is showing you your path to what you are seeking. Attraction serves you. You were born with certain likes and dislikes because these are what serve you. Your natural attractions tell you the direction that will lead you to your Promised Land.
If society say’s it’s not right, or for example, that it is not moral to want that because you are supposed to be attracted to the opposite sex, and then you hesitate, you lose. You are choosing society over the universe. That is not positive thinking.
Society’s norms are no match for the laws of the universe. If you side with what you want, you will prevail over all obstructions. Society’s rules or institutions in the past were designed to restrict. That’s all they do in most cases. They restrict people. Worst of all, many of them attempt to restrict expressions of love that do not fit the social myths of the Darwinian animal. Love is not bias or prejudice. It goes in every direction regardless of status, age or affiliation. Social norms are not the intelligence of the universe speaking, they come from the dark myths of tribal religion. They come from Roman Christianity.
If you want to use the power of positive thinking and think your way to success, first you must divest yourself of these negative ideas. They are operating in most people because they form the core beliefs of our civilization. Those core beliefs have been transferred into science (but not Internal Science) and have infiltrated all areas of human belief and behavior.

Myths that block energy & create invisible barriers to success
Laws represent the ideals of the majority, but when the majority is saturated in dark myths, that creates a big problem if you don’t happen to fit in to their ideas of what is natural and good. In that case, laws and institutions prevent you from going where you need to go. They are designed to do that because they are based on the mainstream conviction that we are somehow sinful or broken and cannot trust our who and what we are. Authoritarianism is based on the idea that you cannot make your own decisions. The authoritarian thinks he knows what is good for you and says you have to do what he tells you to do. The authoritarian wants to punish you if you do not follow his dictates. Institutions are often the same, and laws can be authoritarian.
You must trust the movement of energy through the universe, and that means you must have the right worldview. Very few paradigms allow you to trust your impulses. Most religions teach methods of blocking energy, and this is why the world is in disarray and chaos.
When I say that the universe is good, I am not saying that the universe rewards what we think is good moral behavior. I am saying that a person who believes they are good is going to go out and make things happen. They are going to claim what is theirs. They will get it because the universe manifests what we believe. Strategic thinking and self-promotion work. If you refrain from self-promotion to be humble, you are saying that you lack value. You don’t believe in yourself and the universe. In that case, you are agreeing with authoritarians and Roman Christianity.

Believe that you are the miracle
The universe will respond to those who act with confidence and conviction. That confidence and conviction can come from the Darwinian paradigm that says you have the right to survive at the expense of others, or it can come from the belief that the universe is friendly and the understanding that goes with it. You can be kind or cruel and still succeed either way. But those who understand they are the miracle also believe that all humans possess the magic of creation and are good souls. Those people will enter the Promised Land because they will be creating in harmony with the nature of the universe rather than according to myths.
Organize your reality according to your power and ability. These beliefs must win over the opposite beliefs we get from authority figures and mainstream education.
Trust, belief, expectation, assumption and faith are all the same things. When we are enjoying the moment, relaxing and trusting who and what we are, our positive thinking is on fertile ground and will produce amazing results. If we then go to work for certain periods of time as we please and work in surges, then life feels great, and we feel so good. Those good feelings help us to manifest what we want in life and our work is productive. Enduring results occur.
You have to be willing to take what you want without making excuses. Love is aggressive, but I say aggressive meaning assertive without excuse. This force is what makes the grass grow, and it’s the same force that causes you to walk on the grass. If you think, “I will not walk on the grass because I will kill it and the ants,” then you are not trusting the “aggressiveness” of love. If the child you love needs food, and if you must walk on the grass, what are you going to do. Save an ant and let the child starve. Pave all grasslands?
No ant will die against its will. The ants can take care of themselves and so it is with all life. You have to trust this principle. We create our reality, and others cannot create in our reality unless we give them permission to do so. It is the same with the ant or grass.
No one dies because of a stray bullet or a bad politician. The universe doesn’t work that way. We always decide what is going to happen to us on inner levels and we consent. If this doesn’t agree with you, check your worldview here.
Energy moves in the direction most beneficial to the individual in a way that contributes to the whole. The individual’s good is societies good because society is just a lot of individuals. But if we don’t trust that energy and block our impulses, we dam up the energy of the universe. The energy accumulating behind the artificial blockage must eventually escape. As energy builds, at a certain point, the dam breaks. This is an analogy for events we consider criminal or for social ills. We attempt a war on everything and block energy, but this just makes the situation worse. Instead, we need to trust our energy and accept the message in the impulse, acting on every impulse in a way that is most beneficial. The alternative is to block energy and create explosive releases at a later date.
You don’t owe anything to anyone. If you have children, yes you must be responsible to them because of the decision you already made to take care of them. But in being a parent, you are doing what you want to do. You are not sacrificing for your children; you are raising them because you get something out of it. You wanted to raise children, and you took what you wanted from life.
Life responds to that. The person that demands what he wants and takes action with confidence, serves as an example of how the universe responds to conviction and confidence.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
If you are trying to force things to happen and are focused on your actions and work alone, take a minute to relax. Let go of the strain and anxiety and clear your mind for a minute. Then remind yourself of the power of positive thinking. Simply by thinking positively and trusting yourself and the universe, you can immediately move all forces in your direction for whatever it is you want or are trying to achieve.
In other words, the universe is working for you when you are positive. Your thoughts will do your will, and the universe will bring you what you want when you take that first step. As soon as you relax you are exercising a right to relax and you are demonstrating trust. The first is passive attraction that works like gravity, and then there’s assertive thought and action. You have one and then the other.
With clarity and support from the universe you take notice of what you are attracted to. The universe tells you what to do by giving you the desire for what will get you what you want. You must then act expediently on what you desire and are attracted to.
If society tells you that your desire is bad or selfish, don’t listen. Go for what you want. Unless an urge leads to an act that clearly harms another, follow your urges. Overall, the urges toward action within you are proof that you are alive, and the energy of the universe is flowing through you.

Nine points to create effectively
- Follow your bliss.
- Focus on the end result you are after.
- Base your life on your strength and ability to create your dreams.
- Do not let things happen to you, go out and make things happen.
- Make whatever you want, something you have to do.
- Be determined, persistent and do not stop.
- Apply conscious co-creation principles (work with your inner self).
- Don’t take advantage of people.
- Be kind, but be powerful and make things happen.
Our daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning you will change your whole life. But if you don’t go to this page and don’t do the work, nothing will happen.
Powerful affirmations, guidance and more
Magic every day, posted every day.
Affirmations will insure success and positive experiences.

“You are beautiful and the universe is kind. Do not let anyone ever say otherwise. My free daily online course and affirmations reinforce everything positive about you.
“If you continue every morning to use the affirmations I provide according the formula known as “The Altruism Code,” you will change your whole life. But if you don’t go to this page, don’t use the formula, or don’t assert more positive beliefs, thoughts and emotions, nothing will happen.”
— William Eastwood
The cause of division and failure:
If you do not act on your ideals in small practical ways, and if you distrust yourself, you will project that discontent out onto the world. With little or no tolerance, you will attack those you blame because all you see is duplicity.
The path to a successful civilization and self:
But if you think the universe is friendly and you act on your ideals in what may be small and ordinary steps initially, you are likely to succeed and live a good life. You will serve as an example to others, and in general, everything will work in your life.
Break out of the negativity in the world
Positive thinking will deliver humanity from what is a self-imposed hell for many who suffer from the effects of negative thinking. The problems we are experiencing in the world today are a result of personal and collective negativity and errors in thinking.
It is not generally understood that our definitions create as well as describe our reality. Thought or consciousness is an eternal and indelible substance that forms our universe.
When you get a feeling for the reality of thought as just described, you are better able to use its power to transform your life for the better. You become an individual rather than a subscriber to the collective myth of the sheep people being led off a cliff of negativity.
The world is in turmoil not because of the physical world, but because of the inner world of thoughts and emotions of each person alive. The collective reality is a product of collective thoughts. If you want a positive life and want to break out of negativity in the world today, you must be willing to consider the power of belief, positive thinking, and your ability to think your way to success.
People who do not believe in themselves do not act powerfully and go directly to what they want. They do not take it. They do not own it.
Even thoughts are aggressive (in a positive way). Thoughts assertively go get what they need for fulfillment and they repel and fight off their enemies or thoughts that are threatening to their survival.
If you have a baby and that toddler needs food, you are going to get food. You are not going to wait for it to come to you. Being positive is having positive beliefs about you and life and deserving of what it offers. That kind of positivity is real.
The world is in a dangerous trance
The world is in a dangerous trance, under an unnecessary damaging collective hypnosis.
Most people don't know how reality works.
The inability of a person to accept something that is opposed to their worldview is called cognitive dissonance, and this is the reason for the division and problems we are facing in the world today.
But when we do become aware of the facts, everything changes.
How you are creating a three-dimensional movie—your life

Imagine that in your living room you put on a holographic headset. At the click of a switch, you seem to no longer be in your living room.
Your senses are now telling you that you are actually on a tropical beach. As you reach down to touch the imaginary sand, sensor pads in gloves you are wearing give the sensation of pressure on your fingers.
This is an analogy to explain the purpose of your body and brain. Your body and brain are like a holographic headset that allows you to perceive a 3D movie you call your life.
A success formula for you & our civilization
The book you get when you order is better than the one shown here. The new paperback is 309 pages compared to the 157 page edition shown below.
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The main article continues below.
The main article resumes:
What do you believe?

You are good and the universe is kind, but until we believe that, there is much confusion, chaos and even violence in the world. Who do we blame? We don’t blame people, we blame their beliefs.
As soon as you begin to affirm and see the goodness in yourself and the universe, you will begin to feel relief and things will begin to become clear.
Your positive energy is your protection in life, which is why I posted the Altruism Code book description at the beginning of this article. The book description illustrates the need for positive beliefs and thinking in a negative world, and just how important that positivity is to you. Without it we are at the mercy of a very negative world rather than our inner center.
When you believe that you are good and that the universe is kind, you begin to create a much more comforting and stable reality you can make sense of and be comfortable within. I am telling you that this is the answer that people are looking for. This is the silver bullet that will lead you to answer, solutions and relief.
The remainder of this article was written at various dates.
The power of positive thinking is real!
The power of positive thinking is real. But what we are really talking about here is belief systems. Until we believe that we are good beings and that the universe is kind and supportive, there will be much conflict and chaos in the world and in our individual lives.
If you want relief from the insanity out there and the confusion in your own life, it is a matter of switching over to a different paradigm of reality. If you want comfort, clarity and success in life, you need to understand the power of positive thinking. But even deeper than the power of positive thinking is your worldview.
The worldview that will bring you clarity and success is here on this site. Einstein mentioned it. The benefit of believing this is that it will materialize as a truth in your own reality.
I have said that the universe is holographic in nature. This means that everything you experience in your ordinary day-to-day life is a projection of your belief system. What you believe to be true is what you will be experiencing. This is the reason why we are seeing so much division in the world today. Different news stations cater to the different beliefs that people have. People create their reality within their belief system. Their reality is actually within their belief system. It is the belief system. And this is why there is disagreement. People are creating different realities. The only solution to the division in the world today and the only way out of the chaos and confusion is to understand what is taking place.
Again, what is taking place is that we are projecting our beliefs into reality. This is not some fringe, esoteric, purple unicorn idea. This concept comes from the most advanced quantum physics in the world. This Paradigm is intertwined with quantum physics. What we are experiencing in the world today is a result of physicalism, otherwise called materialism. This has been disproven by quantum physics. Physicists know that. We know that. The problem is that the world is stuck in old ways of thinking. These are two diametrically opposed world views. And this is the problem. People can’t just switch over to the new belief system. They can, but they don’t know how, and there is static and resistance from the energy of the old thinking momentum.
The reason why people cannot just switch over to the new paradigm is because the mind organizes its contents according to similarity of belief. I often refer to this as emotional association. If you believe something, it creates a certain emotion that is sort of like a barcode. The emotion associated with the belief is what gives the belief its strength and endurance. If you are miserable all the time, it is because of the beliefs that you hold. Beliefs will generate trails of thoughts and emotions, and these trails of emotions and thoughts will reinforce the belief system. Your beliefs will actually defend themselves. This is the reason why there is so much conflict in the world and personally. The negative beliefs of physicalism and materialism do not understand that we project our reality, and instead these belief systems project a very disturbing and negative worldview. Those who believe in the negativity do not think that they hold a belief system but simply say that this is the fact and the reality we are in and if you do not believe the facts then you are my opposition and you are ignorant. A lot of people in the world today are stuck because of this kind of ignorance and negativity.
When we believe the world is hostile and people are bad, then that is what we create. Pretty soon we cannot accept anything but this belief because it seems to be evident everywhere. Our beliefs are projected into reality. The evidence of our beliefs is everywhere in our personal and collective world. This is because the world is a holographic projection of what we believe. The world is full of chaos, violence, wars, school shootings, disease and just about everything negative you can think of. This is directly due to the belief system we hold combined with the fact that we do not realize that we are creating our reality. So what do we do?
The first thing we do is get rid of this belief system. But like I said it is not so easy to escape. The only way you are going to find any clarity in your life and become successful is to understand the power of positive thinking and to apply it. You do this incrementally in steps, not in one motion (for the reasons I just explained).
You have a belief system that is built up your entire life that is reinforced by the entire civilization. You can’t just step out of it that easily because your beliefs reinforce themselves. And even if you do change, the entire civilization is going to fight you on this point. Everywhere you go you are going to hear the opposite set of beliefs, and this will tend to influence you. It doesn’t have to influence you, but it will unless you understand the power of positive thinking and begin to align your life and base your actions in life on this positive belief system.
You can use affirmations as ammunition to defend yourself and to reinforce the new positive beliefs that are going to give you relief, clarity and success in life. These are the beliefs that are going to protect you from others. Use the daily affirmation post to help yourself.
This is the solution. Base your life and your actions on the positive beliefs. The subsidiary beliefs based on those positive beliefs must be congruent. It will take some time for things to become congruent, so I advise going to the affirmation page every day, or at least a couple of times a week to be reminded of what you need to believe and focus on. As soon as you focus on the positive in your life, emotional relief is felt and the positive begins to manifest. Clarity begins to manifest. Things begin to make sense. But what inevitably happens with most people is that contrary beliefs start to fight back at a certain point. So while you’re focused on the positive, you will reach a point where you become exhausted and your negative beliefs kick back in and fight hard. They fight dirty and nasty and will try to pull you back into the negative worldview that has caused your problems In the first place.
Belief systems create momentum. There is an energy flow from what you believe. If you have a lifetime of negative conditioning and beliefs, then there is a river or rapids of energy like Niagara Falls that is in the negative direction. Theoretically, you can switch over to a positive belief system and experience relief immediately, but that is not always the way it works. International Philosophy and Internal Science are the study of how we can switch over to these positive beliefs and create a positive reality for ourselves. There are ways to do this that are faster than others and this is what I am concerned with in teaching.
Believe that you are a good person in that the universe is kind. Einstein said that this was the most important thing in life because he understood what I am telling you now. However, he probably couldn’t communicate its importance to the world. The reason why is because the world had no way of understanding it, because there was no belief system that could contain that insight. It was just too far beyond what the majority believed in his time. But it is simple and easy to become a positive person.
It is not so simple to base difficult decisions and practical living on the new way of thinking and its magical methods of achievement. People will tell you that you have to work hard, do what you don’t want to do, and fight all the bad things and bad people in the world. That is one way and it may work if that is your belief system. But it is far easier to create what you want in life by believing that you are a good person in a kind universe and basing your decisions and actions on those ideas. The determining factor is not necessarily just believing that you are good, (and that the innermost spirit in others is also good) but it is acting on that belief.
The way to switch over to a more constructive belief system and to utilize the power of positive thinking is to use your imagination and affirmations to maneuver the contents of your mind over to the new belief system. That means you should have post-it-notes on your refrigerator, books with highlighted passages, and conversations with people that will reinforce the new beliefs, and everything and anything you can think of to help you stay centered within the positive and accurate paradigm and understanding of reality. It becomes like a war between distortion and clarity.
Look at your whole life this way. Are you on the highest road? Indecision and having a foot in both worldviews is like having a conflict between the high road and the low road. This is really something that must be fought for, even if we are not up for a battle. No one is up for conflict or fighting, but until we switch over to the positive beliefs that may be what we experienced. And if that is what we are experiencing, the right side has to win.
People that have been into the internal science paradigm or metaphysical worldview for some time may have an easier time just accepting the fact that positive thinking is powerful and that they are a good person. It may be relatively easy for them to follow thought by acting on this belief system as demonstrated by their life decisions. People who are new to the concepts, however, may need more time to assimilate the new worldview and to deal with the beliefs that they have until they can make the quantum leap over to the positive thinking and align themselves with the truth.
We know that the universe is a projection of consciousness and that we experience what we believe. Until we believe this in the heart of our mind there is much learning ahead. I encourage you to make the journey out of the illusion and explore the fact that you create your reality according to your beliefs. I implore you to believe in the power of positive thinking, in the goodness in your being. I want you to believe that the universe is kind and supportive and that there are many levels of reality that will come to your rescue immediately whenever you have a question or when things get difficult. Your inner self immediately begins to help you whenever you are confused or have problems, but it is much more difficult for it to do so when you don’t believe this or do not recognize the fact that this support is there. The purpose of the teachings on this website and in my books is to remind you that it is there, and to help you to take advantage of it.
You are good, the universe is kind, and support is everywhere. You can manifest your dreams and have anything you want in life. By adopting this paradigm you will create what you want in a much easier way than you may have been taught. This is what they didn’t tell you. This is the truth, reality is good.
The main article continues below.

Affirmations can change beliefs, and when done properly will ensure success and positive experiences.
Manifesting is all about projecting the desired emotions
Negative emotions will manifest!
Positive emotions will manifest!
Thoughts of abundance will manifest!
A sense of forward motion will manifest!
A sense of adventure, glory and discovery will manifest!
A sense of power and ability will manifest!
Joy will manifest!
Match the emotion of having what you want to manifest it!
Maintain those emotions for as long as it takes!
Control your thoughts and emotions.
Make each day an adventure.
"You are one click away from changing everything in your life for the better with powerful daily affirmations and lessons! If you read the affirmations on the course page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day.
"If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page or don't assert more positive beliefs, thoughts and emotions, nothing will happen." —Eastwood

We can transform the world with this information very easily: The New Altruistic Movement, my film and books are for that purpose
Our Earth-Network.org feature page is a platform for you to express your spontaneously altruistic nature and to receive the benefits of others who are expressing their spontaneously altruistic nature.
The main article resumes:
“Americans and people in all nations need to wake up from their sleep.”
— William Eastwood.
The power of positive thinking can transform your life — How to think your way to success!
You can think your way to success by reading any one of our wide selection of fantastic free articles, or through any of our powerful books. You have far more power than you think you do. You can think your way to success with positive thinking applied correctly. The secrets to success are right here.
Think Your Way to Success Books & 100s of Free Articles! Positive Thinking Secrets
- How do you think your way to success?
- What positive thinking secrets will tell you what you need to know to succeed?
How the power of positive thinking can transform your life — How to think your way to success!
How to manifest money by example
WILLIAM EASTWOOD: If I can manifest eleven twenty-dollar bills in one summer, you can learn to do the same.
I conducted an experiment to test the ability I had to manifest (find) money. The first hit was an envelope with four $20 bills in it with no identification. A few weeks after that I found six $20 bills folded together. A week later when I was walking to the bank and thought I should try to manifest more, I closed my eyes for a few seconds and visualized a $20 bill. I was focusing on how I felt the last time I found $120.
Unbelievably, as I opened my eyes they were already fixed on a folded and partially crumpled $20 bill.
In a second of amazement I recognized the color of money, then I looked for the denomination, and because it was a little crumpled it took a few seconds before I realized that I was looking at the number two on a twenty dollar bill!
I quickly scooped it up and put it in my pocket with triumphant glee as I scanned the street for more. I text my sister whom I was with when I found $120, and told her “I did it again!” She text me back “Good work.”
It is not hard to create money and manifest cash.
Of course you are wondering what my secret is. For this experiment to work I had to focus on creating money for over a year, often saying affirmations while filling myself with the feeling of finding money. It is something that happened because of the cumulative effect of my constructive focus and creative efforts.
I want to mention that I was feeling on top of the world the morning I found the eleventh $20 bill. I was focused on the feeling of the perfect summer day near the ocean in New London, CT. In general, the more positive thoughts and feelings we have, the more likely it is that we can manifest positive events and manifesting cash money.

The purpose of Earth Network books is to provide you with all you need to know to be successful in all areas—in intellectual and spiritual knowledge, business, finance, health, love and relationships.
There is no problem that cannot be solved, no obstacle that cannot be overcome, no circumstance that cannot be transformed, no goal that cannot be achieved, and no dream that cannot be attained.