The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
- Internal Science by William Eastwood.
- International Philosophy by William Eastwood.
- Belief Projection Theory-(BP) by William Eastwood.
- The Inner UN by William Eastwood.
- by William Eastwood.
- The New Altruistic Movement by William Eastwood.
- An International Film by William Eastwood.
- Online Free Course & Daily Affirmations-by William Eastwood.
- 30 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
Metaphysical Websites List & Links: The Best Sites & Free Articles
- What are the best metaphysical websites?
- Where is the best metaphysical website list and links?
- Where are the best metaphysical sites and free articles?
What are the best metaphysical websites?
The best metaphysical websites are listed below. They contain the best metaphysical books and free articles.
For consistency of accurate material.

“Each of our metaphysical websites have an article page with a list of free articles, with a combined total of 500+ articles with links between the sites for maximum learning potential.”
— William Eastwood.
These are the best metaphysical websites. Sites and links are listed here. Dozens of the best metaphysical books and free articles.

50 years of research
Over 500 free articles
Become powerful.
Create wealth.
Manifest your dreams.
The most generous advice.
The most experience.
FREE daily affirmations and guidance


The longest list of best free sites, articles and links on the subject of metaphysics.
Manifest money and wealth, free sites, links & articles

Click below for a menu of over one hundred Inner UN FREE articles.

These are the best metaphysical websites with 500+ of articles. Sites and links are listed here. Dozens of the very best metaphysical books and free article links.
Where is the best metaphysical website list and links?
Click below for the best metaphysical website list and links.
“Each of our metaphysical websites have an article page with a list of free articles, with a combined total of 500+ articles with links between the sites for maximum learning potential.”
— William Eastwood.
AN EARTH NETWORK resource of reference articles
— a culmination of 45 years of research
A public information service to help you create the life you want
“Like public television for the world.”
— William Eastwood.
The science is overwhelming.
The holographic theory of consciousness is mainstream science in the process of displacing classical physics
By the world’s greatest physicists of all-time.

Everything you need to know to create anything and solve any problem, public or private.
- There is no singular, one-world time-line.
- You do not progress in a linear manner within time from birth to death.
- You are not a three-dimensional self moving through a three-dimensional world from birth to death.
- You and the world do not exist that way.

MISSION: Bring an end to suffering and conflict globally; distribute food and supplies to where they are needed most in the world; provide opportunity to all people across the globe; transition humanity to a new era; transform public institutions and private lives; form a new field of science, and reform education systems globally.
FREE daily affirmations and guidance

I am offering the world something that actually works

When it comes to solving world problems, the more conventional approaches don’t work — they are what got us into trouble in the first place. I am offering something different that will stop violence, division, unhappiness, illness, and will create peace and prosperity.
Read more... (William Eastwood’s Internal Science and International Philosophy.)
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
― Albert Einstein
“The Holographic Universe – Journey Out of the Illusion” opens with the historical context of a revolutionary series of giant events from a perspective never before shown.
Discoveries, activism and movements together give us a picture that is both profound and original in its nature. What is really happening in our civilization is made clear. It is bigger than anything else that has happened in recorded history.
Einstein's colleague and a group of renowned physicists made a discovery that was never properly conveyed to the public. It was too profound to be accepted in the mainstream and threatened the elite. As a result, we were not made aware of this discovery and the inevitable implications it had for civilization itself.
News of this discovery was blocked by the media and the scientific establishment because it threatened power holders in big universities and clashed with the status quo. Specifically, it takes power away from those who hold it over others and invests the common man with power and control over his destiny.
An author who worked in a private research and development facility for a Yale University professor at 13 years of age, tells you what you need to know about holographic reality in the most practical terms, and gives you a rare and unique perspective of reality.
This book is a culmination of insights gained from perhaps the longest existing study of the APPLICATION of the holographic universe science paradigm.
The world is in a dangerous trance, and 'The Holographic Universe — Journey Out of the Illusion,' breaks that trance and reveals the greatest news story ever, that should have happened but didn't, yet will now.
Eastwood takes power away from those who hold it over others and invests the common man with power and control over his destiny.
"Your environment is a projection of the mind that you control. You can create anything you want in life." — William Eastwood.
Take your journey out of the illusion. Get this book now and add it to your best book collection! It will change your life forever!
“I broke with physicalism to pursue infinite intelligence.”
— William Eastwood.
45 years of research has been put into a collection of powerful world-changing books that show you how to use Internal Science to create what you want in life.
Written for Earth Network by William Eastwood.
Books and a movie/mission
Books by William Eastwood to fund the mission. (This is a start-up. We are still seeking funding for a nonprofit mission.)
Your book purchase and/or donation via PayPal will help to fund the growing support of my mission and the movie (a film to change the world) that is underway to unite nations and aid global progress to transform society and save the earth.

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“Thank you!”
— William Eastwood
Incredibly valuable books
Why do things always seem to get worse when we are trying so hard to make things better?
It is because we are trying to solve our problems according to a false premise and faulty science. The science paradigm that gave us technology is not entirely accurate.
Our current science manipulates a mirage. Technology is a result of manipulation of physical substances, electrons and objects. Internal Science and International Philosophy by William Eastwood allows you to create electrons, physical substances, objects and events. It is a far more practical and valuable science.
50 50 years of research goes into every publication
The Solution
New Edition: 561 pages
The Solution
This new edition is available only through, a major U.S. book seller.
Available in eBook or paperback.
As far as we know, neither Albert Einstein nor physicist David Bohm worked for a professor from one of the world’s top ten universities at age 13, but Eastwood did.
Eastwood gives you the means to solve world problems and create the life you want. The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want.
It is all here, in the solution.

“We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution.”
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“It’s like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that’s not on any of our websites.” — William Eastwood.
How to move from “hell” to paradise

Our most effective tool to manifest is an audiobook you just listen to during the day or before you go to sleep, and the law of attraction does the rest.
The habit of thinking in affirmations will serve you for the rest of your life.
If you do not change your mental and emotional habits, little is going to help you. Working harder will just make your situation worse.
There is a much easier way…
45 years of research goes into every publication
Manifesting technology — not a book!
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This hypnosis inducing goal delivery system gives you hypnotic sound and highly effective programming for success. Earth Network affirmations and this scientifically designed hypnosis goal delivery system will immediately free you from negative thinking habits and put you on the high road to success.
The accelerated state of the art manifesting technology we used in this goal delivery system goes beyond the word “audiobook” because it works like magic to materialize your personal order to the universe.
There is a better way to live your life. What are you waiting for? Make every day the best day possible and create your dreams with this new audio book goal delivery system.
New release on Audible, studio produced, narrated by Scott Eastwood.
Your Higher Power will manifest whatever you want
A musical message by the artist narrator, Scott Eastwood.
Also available in eBook format
The eBook is the same book. It also can be read aloud to you with most programs and apps.

“How Do I Make This the Best Day Possible? Manifest While You Sleep.”
These are the best current metaphysical websites. New sites and links are listed here. Dozens of the best metaphysical books and hundreds of advanced free articles.
Where are the best metaphysical sites and free articles?
Click below for a list of the best metaphysical sites and free articles. Or scroll down for some of our selected best metaphysical free articles.

The best metaphysical websites, links and free articles
Find the best mind forms matter websites and links in lists below. Hundreds of the best free articles on metaphysical philosophy, the scientific paradigm and metaphysics worldview. Article after best metaphysical websites, links and book list.
These are the best metaphysical websites. Sites and links are listed here. Dozens of the best metaphysical books and free articles.
45 years of research goes into every book
What are you going to do to change your life?
Click below for best book list.
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
― Albert Einstein
“The Holographic Universe – Journey Out of the Illusion” opens with the historical context of a revolutionary series of giant events from a perspective never before shown.
Discoveries, activism and movements together give us a picture that is both profound and original in its nature. What is really happening in our civilization is made clear. It is bigger than anything else that has happened in recorded history.
Einstein's colleague and a group of renowned physicists made a discovery that was never properly conveyed to the public. It was too profound to be accepted in the mainstream and threatened the elite. As a result, we were not made aware of this discovery and the inevitable implications it had for civilization itself.
News of this discovery was blocked by the media and the scientific establishment because it threatened power holders in big universities and clashed with the status quo. Specifically, it takes power away from those who hold it over others and invests the common man with power and control over his destiny.
An author who worked in a private research and development facility for a Yale University professor at 13 years of age, tells you what you need to know about holographic reality in the most practical terms, and gives you a rare and unique perspective of reality.
This book is a culmination of insights gained from perhaps the longest existing study of the APPLICATION of the holographic universe science paradigm.
The world is in a dangerous trance, and 'The Holographic Universe — Journey Out of the Illusion,' breaks that trance and reveals the greatest news story ever, that should have happened but didn't, yet will now.
Eastwood takes power away from those who hold it over others and invests the common man with power and control over his destiny.
"Your environment is a projection of the mind that you control. You can create anything you want in life." — William Eastwood.
Take your journey out of the illusion. Get this book now and add it to your best book collection! It will change your life forever!
Advanced Education. Extensive Free Articles. Metaphysics School. Humanitarian Initiative. Advanced Metaphysical Books. Consistent & Ahead of its Time. Free Education. Advancing Humanity. Empower Yourself
Mind forms matter best websites, articles and links
“Each of our metaphysical websites have an article page with a list of free articles, with a combined total of 500+ articles with links between the sites for maximum learning potential.”
— William Eastwood.
Scientific metaphysical article links


Scientific Educational Articles On Our Other Sites
For consistency of accurate material.
Mind forms matter new age
We are entering a spiritual age of awakening. This is a personal and social evolution of a new spiritual consciousness.
The process begins when we begin to notice coincidences in our lives. This will occur when we raise our energy with positive thinking and through metaphysical principles of giving attention to that which we are bringing into existence.
When the right people enter our life or something happens to save us at just the right time we are fascinated and reassured at the same time. A sudden burst of positive emotion fills us and we realize that life is much more than what we were taught. Faith and optimism that we felt as children returns and we are bathed in a new energy and dynamic that is incredibly stimulating.
What you focus on determines what you will experience at some point in your future. What do you envision for the future? The picture that forms in your mind is likely to be your reality, give or take a bit, unless you change your thinking.
Other factors play a role also. If you read some of the free articles on these websites, you know that you choose between probabilities.
There are many probable futures. Which probable future you enter depends on your dominant thoughts.
Your future is determined by your own choices but you cannot choose something that goes against the balance of your thoughts. Free will is limited to what we create through selecting identity and focus of thoughts.
We are here to learn to direct energy properly, and to do that we must experience the consequences of our focus and dominant thought patterns. This is true within all realities, your beliefs, thoughts and emotions form your reality.
It’s okay to watch disaster movies, for example, but if you watch them all the time this can align you with that type of probability. Even if you don’t enter the type of probability depicted in the movie, the emotions and thoughts aroused can attract similar types of experience to you.
It is very important that you guide your thinking toward those eventualities which you desire to experience. You should also hold your emotional state on desired emotions and those emotions that match the kind of events you would like to experience.
If you want to see where you are going just look at what you are thinking and what you are feeling, and balance that with your beliefs about reality. If you believe man is destined to destroy the earth, then that belief is going to have a very strong effect on what you experience in your future.
However, if you imagine that things are going well and people are learning, then at least you have a chance of adverting that the dark future that could otherwise occur.
Events are usually not chosen until the last moment, so that if you are aligned with a dark probability you can change the direction you’re heading in simply by changing your thinking.
You determine the kind of future you will experience
You can live by the mainstream cult-like myth that will disempower you, or you can educate yourself with extensive advanced material here and make incredible strides in your life.
While most people are overwhelmed by personal frustration and the growing problems in the world, a lesser yet growing percentage of the population is moving in a completely different and more beneficial direction. The media does not generally recognize those who are evolving psychically and changing direction.
Those who are advancing are people who accomplish with their minds what others struggle to try to achieve. These advancing individuals are effortlessly manifesting more of what they want. They are more authentic and more closely resemble their inner self.
We are in a stage of metabiological evolution into a spiritual-physical being. We are becoming a little bit more like gods who project their thoughts into matter to manifest probable selves and events.
We are also evolving from a limited problematic global situation into an unlimited joyful reality. This is only beginning to happen, and is only apparent if you know where to look.
In the near future, many people will live in a different kind of world. This probable reality will be based on love rather than fear, and one in which we are co-creators rather than victims. This is the beginning of the greatest human adventure in all of history.
We are momentarily poised on the threshold of an incredible evolutionary event. In the future I foresee, every day will be the adult’s version of a child’s Christmas morning.
Behavior follows belief and not the other way around
The amount of money you make and amount of good that you allow into your life is directly tied to your worldview and beliefs about yourself and life. And these mostly come from society.
You Are a Beautiful. The Human Soul is Good. The Spirit Is Altruistic. Reasons Why the Soul & All People Are Altruistic Inside
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