Myths that Cause Personal & Social Failure: Escape the Meritocracy

Smog filled city depicts wrong values of meritocracy and the need to escape its limitations to be free.

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13This is documented in the public record.

"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.


Myths that Cause Personal & Social Failure: Escape the Meritocracy

  • What are the myths that cause personal and social failure?
  • How do I escape the meritocracy?


I will answer these questions now.


What is the definition and meaning of a meritocracy?

Myths that Cause Personal & Social Failure WE. Escape the Meritocracy
William Eastwood.

In a meritocracy, merit and upward mobility are based on talent, and achievement, rather than factors such as heredity or wealth, sexuality, race, gender or age.

However, merit is decided according to the values derived from physicalism in the United States and other countries. A decision for a promotion and public perception is largely based on the myths and mainstream values of external science. Internal-based achievement is not usually recognized.

In any society, the long-standing consensus as to what determines merit comes from past generations. Values from the past are transferred to children and when they grow up, their values determine who deserves merit.

As you know, there are many problems in the world today. Those problems are largely a result of one thing—the attempt to solve problems and achieve goals using the wrong science.


"You cannot understand the universe if you do not take into account the source of that universe. Electrons are projections. Traditional science moves electrons around like children playing with blocks, whereas Internal Science gives us an understanding of how to create electrons, which is a far more valuable thing to know."

— William Eastwood.


David Bohm (the most influential physicist of the 20th century)

David Bohm, friend of Einstein-comments-Mind-forms-creates-matter-proof-facts-David-Bohm-273
David Bohm.

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, tells us that our physical reality is a holographic projection of the "implicate order."


Hugh Everett III (the originator of Many-Worlds theory)

Mind forms matter many worlds
Hugh Everett.

[The Many-Worlds interpretation is the] only completely coherent approach to explaining both the contents of quantum mechanics and the appearance of the world.

—Hugh Everett III


Combine these two views for Internal Science and International Philosophy.


The problem is the scientific ego, not lack of evidence

Eastwood today in Durango mind can and does form matter

There is more evidence that consciousness creates reality than there is evidence that black holes exist. There is more evidence supporting Internal Science than physicalism.


Scientists need to get their blocks in order

Experiment proves thoughts influence create matter reality
Children's experiment proves thoughts influence matter.

I see it all the time in the experiments of young school children. They meditate over jars of rice and the rice that receives hateful thoughts decomposes faster than the control and much faster than the rice that benefits from positive blessings.

The problem is that people see only what they want to see because their reality is a projection of their own beliefs. This applies to everyone that has an opinion and scientists often have the strongest opinions.

The ego of a scientist is the only problem, not lack of evidence. The evidence that shows that thoughts create matter is everywhere. You just have to be willing to look.


A philosophy of personal power

Thoughts are fields of energy that form matter. We have built a civilization on the division between mind and matter, yet both are the same — consciousness and matter are both composed of electromagnetic fields.

Thoughts combine with similar thoughts and transform themselves into probable events which contain the impetus and pattern necessary to evolve into the complexity of matter.

  • You project your own psychological energy out to form the physical world.
  • Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects.
  • Your life is a learning experience you chose in order to learn how to project energy.
  • Your life situation gives you clarity as to what you are projecting psychologically.
  • You are in your own hologram.


Mind forms matter according to the world's leading physicists. Bernard d'Espagnat.
Bernard d'Espagnat.

"The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment."

— Bernard d'Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.


What does that statement mean?

It means that your consciousness is connected to physical objects. You can attract wealth, money, love, health or anything you want with simple laws like gravity that apply to everyone equally.

By seeing reality as it is—as an interactive web of energy—you increase your ability to influence matter and events.

Can thoughts create matter? The question is answered


Our system of values is a meritocracy

A meritocracy advances the people who embody the values inherent within the culture and in doing so advance those values. Our values stress work and a materialistic and outward oriented focus.

Those who are perceived as having merit within the value system of our culture are most heavily scripted in conventional ideas. Attorneys and doctors, for example, adhere to the official worldview of mechanistic science and Darwinism.

Off we go to work because that is where our values lead. We struggle because that is what Darwinism produces, but there is absolutely no need for it.

Internal Science and International Philosophy provide more effective means to solve problems and achieve, both public and private.

The true nature of reality is different than what we were taught in school. You create your reality by what you think. I have been studying the principles for over 45 years and I assure you that this is fact.


A website article.


A website article.


Learn to Manifest Cash


What are the myths that cause personal and social failure?

The myths that cause personal and social failure are based on a false premise in science on which our civilization is built. Our myths tell us that we are physical accidents, and the old religions tell us we are sinful.

Our official mainstream worldviews are a hybrid combination of two belief systems. Negative core beliefs have generated thousands of disadvantageous and ineffective subsidiary beliefs.

All theories in science are based on physicalism, at least until recently.

You can escape the meritocracy and be free of false beliefs. That’s what my books and philosophy will help you to do.

The Meritocracy Got You Into this Mess: We Will Get You Out!

A meritocracy is a social and political system in which citizens are advanced according to their perceived merit. In a meritocracy, those who most strongly adhere to the belief system or values of the meritocracy get promoted and ultimately serve to guide others into the same system of values. Thus, we have a feedback loop reinforcing common myths.

A materialistic set of values leads to a materialistic science. Our perception is a product of our training and sciences. Much is not known because of this materialistic focus. Most importantly, due to our preoccupation with physical reality, we create our personal and collective world according to our beliefs, thoughts and emotions.



If our world is awash with problems, it is because we are making very serious mistakes. You may not be, but others are according to specific myths and values.


Man in paradise because he raised his energy through spiritual consciousness books at EN
If existence is a manifestation of consciousness and that consciousness is creative and good, so are you, because that is what you are made of.


How to escape the meritocracy

Working too much, not happy, not yet a millionaire? Will you become bitter in old age, or will you become a beacon and represent a joyful path out of the meritocracy for all those you know and love?

Are you restricted because you do not have the money you need to be free to do what you want and live the life you desire? If so, it can only be for one reason.

You may have already come to the conclusion that the methods of the world do not work. The reason those methods do not work is because they are all based on myths about reality. Your reality is a holographic projection of your thoughts. If you want to change your life you must change your thinking.

If you are not successful to the full extent you desire to be, you can begin to transform your own life and the world you are projecting today. If you are not sure if you believe that, find a way, because believing something may be possible is the first step. Your assumptions create your reality.


The main article continues below.



William Eastwood presents

William Eastwood presents: Thoughts create matter


Mind forms matter presents William website internal science international philosophy




How to manifest money and wealth

How to materialize cash money fast
An article.

How to create anything manifest thoughts matter
A article.

A article.

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A article.

A article.

You can make things happen with your thoughts and mind.
A article. article.

A article.

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A article.


The main article resumes:


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When you change your perception and understanding, your world changes as if by magic. You can escape the meritocracy and all its undesirable traps and conditions. The first step is to recognize the myths for what they are.

Think of society as producing a lot of chaos, ineffectiveness and frustration by advancing a distorted perception of life. It does this by advancing those who adhere most strictly to those perceptions.

This is what a meritocracy does. Our perception or interpretation of events, ourselves and the world we live in is a result of social advancement of those mainstream belief systems.


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But we see a breakdown in our civilization because those belief systems are based on several myths.



You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.

An ongoing true saga and battle for earth (soon to be in a revolutionary film)


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Mind Forms Matter research


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All books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


Audiobook manifest fantasies while you sleep
Listen, learn & manifest.


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Internal Science & International Philosophy.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


Mind forms matter Belief-projection-theory
A article.

The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
A article.

consciousness-creates-reality-mind-does-create-your-life-experience-thoughts-materialized-physically website article.

Mind forms matter presents new science.
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A article.

A article.

Your beliefs create your reality
An website article.

How do my thoughts create my reality?
A article.

Your mind forms matter visualization
A article.

MIND FORMS MATTER: How to be safe with non-linear time thinking worldview
A article.

Appreciation gratitude are International Philosophy
A article.

Learn to Use Your Mind to Materialize Anything You Desire
A article.



The Dragon Slayer Prophecy film Eastwood
A article.

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A film from the future educating
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The main article resumes:


When we apply a particular method to achieve a goal, we do so according to our perception of reality. If, for example, our upbringing leads us to believe that actions matter, then we take action to achieve our goals. If we come to see the world as a threat, and people, diseases and government out to get us, we build up defenses and remain fearful and on guard for those particular threats.


A website article.


Our negative focus then creates more of what we fear most.  We do not realize this only because of the fog created by our myths. The country is now producing one disaster after another because that is what the majority are focused on.



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William Eastwood, Founder of the Altruistic Autonomous  Movement and EN


“Our belief systems are so toxic that some children decide it is too dangerous to communicate with the world and so they are born with autism.

“It would be one thing if the world was intrinsically as we believe it is, but it is not. The negativity and chaos we experience is a projection of a failed negative belief system. Children that are born with autism are reacting to their parent’s and society’s core beliefs.

“Everything from bullying to excessive demands on individuals—the source of all our problems—is born of distrust of human nature around which our civilization is built.

“Einstein’s friend, David Bohm, gives us a scientific paradigm that explains how this is possible. Our reality is a holographic projection of our beliefs, thoughts and emotions.

“To create a new and successful civilization we must discard the highly negative myths that caused current failure and in their place project beliefs that will produce success.

“The global altruistic, autonomous movement is a rapidly expanding circle of people who are recognizing the non-competitive, cooperative and non-selfish workings of the universe. These beliefs will generate different behaviors, institutions that are more friendly and an overall transformed projection of reality.

“Our social problems are a kind of healing crisis which are meant to lead us to the answers. The truth is more positive than we can presently conceive. But before we can get to the Promised Land, we must first escape the meritocracy, chaos and crumbling systems based on false beliefs.

“We are in a new spiritual age of metabiological awakening.”

— William Eastwood.




Mind Forms Matter got me smart

How your mind forms matter and creates reality
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission!

Mind forms Matter William Eastwood Books
25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission.


Book page (With book descriptions).


Why positive thinking may not always seem to work initially

When we try to focus on what we want, we get what I call static. The static is over a thousand past thoughts that reinforce the basic beliefs of the meritocracy to which we belong.

The static comes from these beliefs and thoughts. These are the voices in us that protest what we are doing that is going against the inner “laws” of our meritocracy. We are breaking an unspoken mental code, and we are often punished by these inner voices which often come alive when we are moving in a contrary direction philosophically.

This is why many people who try positive thinking give up and say it does not work. A thousand voices all rise up within them, and like little invisible people. These voices represent the beliefs of our elders, news broadcasts, teachers and authorities.

Our mind does form matter, but when we try to apply the associated principles, we are going against the most basic principles of our meritocracy. We really have no other choice. If we are going to achieve our goals and live a blissful life, we must go in a new direction. It simply must be done.

We have to change basic scripting or more of the problems like coronavirus and economic collapse will destroy our civilization.


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Those most trapped in the illusion will only listen to others with degrees that confirm scripting into the mechanistic paradigm. We only listen to those who are recognized authorities, and these are the people who have earned their recognition by associating only with others who are educated in the same myths.

There is one exception, the established world of academics will often refrain from attacking intellectual giants like Einstein and David Bohm. This affords them the opportunity to speak truth, the words of which we will begin with on this site.

There is another way of looking at the world. There is no time, and the past does not create the present. Instead, reality is a projection of probabilities. You select probabilities by what you believe, think and feel. When you understand this principle, you can take control of your life and reality.

Make a list of what you want in your head, on a device or on paper. Look at that list and decide now that you will have all of those items on your list.

As soon as you adopt and operate by the new paradigm taught here you will begin creating all of it, everything you have decided you should and will have.



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The age we are living in is not superior to previous eras in which people lived their lives according to myth but is a part of them. We are within a 5,000-year-old violent era and we are working all the time because our civilization is steeped in myth. 

Off we go to work, suffering and struggling, but there is absolutely no need for it. You may already know all of this, in which case you can find articles or books on this site that go further into the principles, techniques and methods of manifesting.


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In global paradigm shift the stakes are higher and applying a new paradigm becomes a way to survive. The sooner you begin applying the principles of conscious creation the safer you and your loved ones will be.

As the old ways fail only those who are creatively adaptive will thrive.

You can use your thoughts to escape the limitations you currently experience. Once you have had some success, then you will have first-hand evidence that your thoughts create your reality.

The natural power to create the life you choose comes from an understanding of the facts about reality, and the truth is far more amazing than the myths 99% of the population insist on. Those myths are responsible for the problems that plague us now.

You can choose to be weak, and you can be a victim, or you can change your reality by owning your true power. Distinguish yourself from those who believe they are victims of their own life, physical reality, other people, circumstances and everything under the sun.


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Click on the spinning globe at the top of any page to go to the day's affirmation page.


Why is there so much disagreement in the world today?

David Bohm’s holographic universe will begin to explain how a civilization projects its primary beliefs into physical events in such a way as to be fooled by the results. What we see in life is a projection of our beliefs, not necessarily inherent facts.


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You can choose to be weak and you can be a victim, or you can change your reality by owning you true power.

Distinguish yourself from those who believe they are victims of their own life, physical reality, other people, circumstances and everything under the sun.


Primary myths

All the problems in our world, from personal discontent and inability to create desires and achieve goals to coronavirus, overbearing governments, economic struggling, crime, war and strife, are a result of two misconceptions.

  1. An inherent distrust of human nature. This is the yardstick by which we create our reality, personally and collectively. Remove this false belief, and we solve our problems, personally and collectively.
  2. A misunderstanding of how we create our reality. The world’s most advanced science tells us how we create our reality. Quantum physics should be listened to because it is actually just the study of life.

As soon as one clears these false concepts from their belief system their desires, goals and dreams will be unblocked and begin the process of physical manifestation.


If existence is a manifestation of consciousness and that consciousness is creative and good, so are you, because that is what you are made of.


Inner programs

Behavior is dictated by the inner programs (values or beliefs that we inherit from the culture we are born into). When that behavior is less than ideal, or if we cannot achieve our ambitions and goals, we need to look at our values and workings of our belief system.

Behavioral errors and inability to manifest and maintain a high standard of living and personal wealth are a result of incorrect belief systems. Ironically, those negative causal beliefs systems are reinforced by the very institutions that regulate, control and/or punish. The institutions are carriers of mainstream myths that cause undesirable behavior in the first place.

Institutions derive their power (the models on which they are based) from what the meritocracy values (underlying beliefs of the majority).


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Most people hold on to their worldview as if their life depended on it. Yet their success, safety and effectiveness in life all depend nonlinear thinking. Click on image to learn more.



Nothing is wrong with our meritocracy except for the values upon which we have settled.

The way out of a difficult problem or situation is to focus on your highest life purpose and the highest level of thought possible. When initially faced with an actual physical emergency you must remain calm and rational and analyze the situation and/or your options. Get help if necessary but seek your own intuition for personal life direction. Choose the best response and then proceed with confidence. Once that is done, drop all thoughts on the problem and focus only on the highest possible outcome or the resolution you have chosen as your goal.

If no good options seem to exist, do not rely on the conventional and rational process of thinking you learned from culture. Do not limit what you believe can happen. Physical cause and effect does not have to apply. Psychological cause and effect does apply. Use your thoughts and emotions to materialize a more favorable series of events.

Read more…

To begin to use your thoughts to manifest a more desirable sequence of events, focus only on the solution or the most positive memories or events in your life, your purpose in life and highest ambitions. Bring the highest possible energy into your body and manifest that energy as an event.

Energy can manifest events. By projecting positive energy, you can shift yourself to a more favorable sequence of probabilities. This is like a train changing tracks. list of articles.


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You can use your mind to focus in on a sequence of events that a probable self is experiencing. This will draw components of that line of probability into your current life experience, displacing the negative sequence.





45 years of research goes into every book


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You do not have to suffer anymore. You just need to learn the facts and apply the principles. Then you will live happily ever after in the rich fulfillment of living your desires which you brought into this life for a reason, and that reason is to help guide you to what you want most and need for your pleasure and development.


Practical application of principles.


Informative tips, tricks and guidance to help you create your desires.


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Learn how a philosophy of life merges with a new science & Einstein’s colleague, David Bohm’s science.



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When you buy a book here you are not only helping yourself and making an important investment in yourself, you are helping the whole world! All proceeds are used to fund the mission and to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Many people need food and have children who are suffering, and this site is free for them to use to manifest what they need.


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"Make All Your Problems Go Away" hardcover book.
A special trophy hardcover book with color illustrations.


You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.

At age 12, Eastwood was convinced of what would soon become a new paradigm in science. Rather than appease professors and become acclaimed in orthodoxy, he took a course that would align himself with ordinary people everywhere. Although continuing his efforts to reduce fossil fuel emissions in the United States, he changed his direction in a call to help people everywhere. His efforts met with opposition.

The clash between worldviews and the sometimes lethal resistance to a new and more accurate understanding of reality and human nature can make our job extremely difficult at times, however, and so we thank you for your book purchase!

Profits from the sale of books are used to fund the mission; we offer a new paradigm to solve all problems and achieve all worthy goals.





How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback




You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.







Mind forms matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.



Manifesting power book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.


Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
2023 edition.




Book International philosophy of life success wealth happiness internal science by William Eastwood




The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William






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Mind Forms Matter got me smart

How your mind forms matter and creates reality
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Myths that Cause Personal & Social Failure: Escape the Meritocracy

© Copyright 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, By William Eastwood 



Primary article concludes here.



The Holy Grail

Nobel Prize winning physicists in the 20th century are responsible for creating quantum physics. From their work science has discovered the true nature of reality. There are no physical particles. Everything is composed of non-solid waves of energy.

Other fields of science, however, do not listen to what these physicists have discovered. If all of science were a human body, it would be as if the arms and legs of science do not listen to the head. Our modern field of science is therefore in a schizophrenic condition and this is causing all our world problems.

If we were to listen to the physicists whose job it is to determine the nature of reality, we would develop a new picture or paradigm of reality. Internal Science is the name I have given to that paradigm. If we were to base psychology on that paradigm we would develop a new psychology. I call that psychology International Philosophy.

International Philosophy is based on the science of exactly how thoughts form matter. Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects. You mind creates your reality.

If you apply the principles of International Philosophy, you can manifest whatever you want in life right now. If we can get enough people to do this we can solve world problems.

Our website articles tell you exactly how you can achieve your goals and how we can solve world problems.

We can reverse global warming and we can give money to everyone. There is enough wealth to go around for everyone. Wealth is a result of having positive beliefs about money. You can get there by following the God of you.

Our 500 free articles are filled with the practical information you need to create what you want in life.

Read Belief Projection Theory, watch "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" film, and be sure to use our affirmation and guidance pages every day. And if you can afford them, buy William Eastwood's books to support the mission to feed and care for everyone on earth and to transition humanity to a new era of peace and fulfillment before it is too late.



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Mind Forms Matter got me smart

How your mind forms matter and creates reality
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


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Categories: Myths that cause personal and social failure, Myth Causes Institutional & Political Failure, Climate Change & Gun Violence. The real cause of gun violence. Climate change is a result of myth. Our personal and social problems are a result of modern myth. Click on our site to learn more.



Myths that Cause Personal & Social Failure: Escape the Meritocracy

Our mainstream core beliefs are myths. The world is operating by a false premise. This is the focal point of my book, The Solution.

We have built a civilization on distrust of human nature. Your institutions may not trust you, but you must never distrust yourself. Your confidence and integrity is real. It is infinite and deep. Trust it. Trust what you are, and Trust Who You Are!



The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.

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