The Solution to World Problems: How to Solve All Problems, Public & Private

Eastwood books on manifesting money goals metaphysics philosophy

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

Eastwood says that you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!



The Solution to World Problems: How to Solve All Problems, Public & Private

  • What is the solution to world problems?
  • How do we solve all problems, public and private?


I will answer these questions now.

The solution to all of humanity’s problems, both public and private

The solution to world problems is in the implementation of new science that reveals how you can control outcomes through your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. As each person realizes the power they hold to control events they will quickly want to learn more, and this is where you learn more.


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The solution is not just in the book, “The Solution…” but is FREE in our 500+ FREE articles, in film and in four other books that comprise the plan that includes a constitution for you and society. We have pages of material on how you can apply our new International Philosophy, explore your inner world with Internal Science and manifest anything you want with our manifesting articles and books.



“Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.

“But it has to be the right science”

— William Eastwood.



Consciousness is inherently kind and loving
The climate emergency, poverty & many other world problems can be solved.


50 year study by William Eastwood


2025 International Philosophy Internal Science civilization plan
Five books that present a complete plan to restructure civilization.



Five amazing books ( & a film) that give us a path to a new civilization



The first book in a series of five

“The Solution to All of Humanity’s Problems — & the Secret to Creating the Life You Want,” is a paradigm-shifting book that contains a path to restructure civilization, and the solution to all world problems, public and private. In this book, Eastwood gives you precise instructions and steps you can take to create the life you want.



Mind Forms Matter research




Book "The Solution to All of Humanity's Problems..."
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition, direct from the manufacturer.

The first of five books that give us a path to a new civilization

The Solution


This book is larger than it appears to be in the image above.

The Solution book. photograph of front cover
561 pages. 2024 New Year’s edition.


The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want.The most recent editions are made available first at, the book manufacturer.  To ensure you get the latest version of William Eastwood's regularly updated books, buy through



The Solution book by William Eastwood.
The new eBook is loaded with links to many of the 500 free articles written by William Eastwood.

"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."

— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.

"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.

Buy now to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.





Mind Forms Matter Header

Eastwood gives us Internal Science and International Philosophy.



“Don’t discount his insight!” (Amazon customer review)

bookstore manager book review expert
Matthew Griswold.

“I knew there was something I wasn’t seeing in life.  Eastwood shows you a way through the facade imprinted on us by standard teachings in religion and society. 

“Don’t discount his insight. Open your mind and give yourself a chance to thrive and help the world heal.”

Matthew Griswold, retired bookstore manager.



Science paradigms have been challenged

When you ask questions within the wrong paradigm you get the wrong answers. That is what is happening in all subjects and with all areas of inquiry. It is also the reason for the climate crisis and other world problems such as poverty and violence. We have a cold and heartless world because of errors made in traditional science paradigms.

The five books in this set focus on helping the individual. They tell you how to get your natural power back and how to create what you want.



The four remaining books in William Eastwood’s solution to world problems 5 book set



"Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.

"But it has to be the right science"

— William Eastwood



Mind Forms Matter research


Mind Forms Matter presents Internal Science
Get a paperback or eBook DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER to support our mission & to ensure you get the most up-to-date edition.

Take your power & control back



The third book in William Eastwood’s solution to world problems 5 book set



Mind Forms Matter presents International Philosophy
2025 edition of William Eastwood's cornerstone book, "International Philosophy." (Paperback & eBook.)

Powerful philosophy


International Philosophy book by William Eastwood on Mind Forms Matter
Released on February 22nd, 2025.


The eBook and paperback are the same book with different covers.

You won't find anything like this in your local bookstore — a revolutionary book introducing a new philosophy that can change your reality forever!

Your purchase supports Mission Great Civilization!





The fourth book in William Eastwood’s solution to world problems 5 book set




The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William
Your book purchase supports MISSION GREAT CIVILIZATION.

A success formula for you & our civilization


The book you get when you order is better than the one shown here. The new paperback is 309 pages compared to the 157 page edition shown below.

How does your mind form matter altruism code


Buy now direct from the manufacturer to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.




The fifth book in William Eastwood’s solution to world problems 5 book set




"This is your invitation to... paradise!"

—William Eastwood



"Make All Your Problems Go Away" hardcover book.
A special trophy hardcover book with color illustrations.


Make all your problems go away LIKE MAGIC!


How to move to paradise in your inner and outer world.


It is all possible to do now. You are a beautiful and powerful spiritual being capable of creating a new way of life and a rich and deeply satisfying existence.


Mind Forms Matter Book Make all your problems Go away like magic
A special eBook.



The eBook is filled with links to the best of the best articles on our six websites. Buy now to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.






William Eastwood has a new future mapped out with specific steps we must take to get there

Those steps include new science, new philosophy, new laws, a world constitution, a new field of science, a pilot community and a film to introduce it all to the world.

Together they represent a new unifying principle for humanity to restructure civilization.


Websites & ideas to restructure civilization at 62

Mind Forms Matter presents William Eastwood, modern alchemist
Eastwood is called a “Modern Alchemist” because he turns thoughts into gold.

2025 is the year we present a new science, a new philosophy, a new set of laws, a new constitution, a new field of scientific investigations & your invitation to a pilot community in Hawaii! To be presented in, “The Dragon Slayer Prophecy,” a film and true story.





You choose your own future


Why Are People Divided Their Thinking? Americans, Politicians


Avert the dark future that looms

There is a way we can go that does not include suffering


We can avert the dark future Altruism Code
Avert the dark future that looms with The Altruism Code.


William Eastwood has a new future mapped out with specific steps we must take to get there

In a five book series & film to unite nations.


Mind forms matter presents the Dragon Slayer Prophecy by William Eastwood
Based on a true & ongoing story.


A world without borders one planet people


A community of like-minded people


Thoughts create matter new civilization
Lots start at $7K.




The solution is simple

Through media exposure, entertainment and positive consciousness we can get our answers in front of people. 2025 is the year we are introducing books, film and an experimental community.


Those who are willing to help will benefit the most

Imagine your friends and family asking you, “How did you save millions of children?”


How did you save millions of children and humanity
Help us to help others to help yourself. Click here to learn more.


Introduce Internal Science and International Philosophy to create a new kind of civilization; create new communities, institutions and educational systems to replace traditional systems based on myths that create divisiveness, authoritarianism, degradation, ignorance, unhappiness, lack of love, lack of cooperation, lack of fulfillment, lack of safety, lack of economic opportunity, inability to achieve personal goals, unnecessary struggle, lack of money, the climate emergency, war, crime, conflict, poverty, hunger, suffering, and every other problem that exists personally and collectively on earth.


About William Eastwood scientist philosopher
Click here to learn more.



Who is William Eastwood?

By: Camille Flores


Earth Network's mission great civilization. Boy: Wow! It's possible now!
Help us to help others to help yourself.


Mind Forms Matter books
All books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
Mind Forms Matter books by William Eastwood
Buy a book today to support our mission to create a great civilization.

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Mind Forms Matter book panel
All books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.




Mind Forms Matter presents film




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Bulk rate discounts for multiple purchases for those on your gift list, or for groups, schools and universities.



When you add one of my books to the tools you possess to improve yourself and the quality of your life, you help more than just yourself. When you buy a book, you help me to disseminate practical knowledge to people who can use it to solve problems in over 170 countries, some of whom are suffering in bleak and difficult circumstances.


Most of William Eastwood’s 30 books were all published in the last 5 years because the government confiscated his work and blocked his research for two decades.




Mind Forms Matter research


There are many problems in the world today, and one solution


Create the life you want with the book that can solve all problems, both public and private

Why was "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," so important in world history?

"The Solution..." has the intrigue of Nicolaus Copernicus's "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," a book that was important because from it we learned that the earth was not the center of the universe.

Now another paradigm-shift is taking place, and "The Solution..." has many similarities to Copernicus's book.

"The human race is in the most important transition since the birth of self-consciousness." — William Eastwood.

"When you become aware of how you are creating your reality, you can learn how easy it is to change it." — William Eastwood.

This unique book has the potential to stop violence, division, unhappiness, destructive institutions and even illness, and will instead create peace and prosperity for humanity.

More importantly, Eastwood's book tells you exactly how to create wealth, money, love, health and everything desirable based on his formula derived largely from the science of theoretical physicist, David Bohm, a former colleague and friend of Albert Einstein.


The intrigue, the mystery... what is so important about this book?

Mind forms matter presents: The Solution by William Eastwood.
Eastwood's 450 page debut.

"The Solution..." has the intrigue of Nicolaus Copernicus's "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," a book that changed the universe.

"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution." — Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.C.


The Rosenthal effect explains why scientists can prove their theories even if they are incorrect! This is the reason for dangerous fake news and division in America.

Eastwood does not use scientific terminology that is difficult to understand. Every book he writes tells you how to create what you want in life in a plain and simple language that anyone in any country can understand. 

Why is Eastwood someone we should listen to?

Is it because he worked for a Yale professor in a research and development facility on a mysterious invention at age 13 — a modern version of an astrolabe accurate enough to be used by surveyors?

Not necessarily. But it does make you wonder what this kind of person wants to tell you after 45 years of research into the real cause of humanity's problems and the science of someone Albert Einstein worked with and defended at Princeton.

Do not neglect the solution to all of humanity's problems and the secret to creating the life you want! Everything you need to know to create anything and solve any problem, public or private. Get “The Solution...” now, and add it to your best book collection!

"People who go around learning on their own often turn out to be pretty interesting themselves." — Carolyn Battista, 1979 interview of Eastwood at age 16.


Read the solution to all your problems




The solution Einstein argued for

In arguing for David Bohm, Einstein was in effect arguing for “The Solution…,” a book that puts the science of David Bohm to work to solve problems, public and private.

Einstein argued with the president of Princeton to keep Bohm on as a professor. In effect, Einstein was arguing for holographic universe theory since that paradigm was largely the work of David Bohm. Had Einstein won his argument, the holographic universe paradigm would be better known today.

William Eastwood is not a physicist, but he came to the same conclusions as physicist David Bohm and is trying to achieve the same ends as Bohm and Einstein once worked toward. Two different forms of scientific inquiry both led to the same conclusion — reality is a projection of the mind.

Eastwood’s specialty is application rather than the quantum physics.

Although Bohm died in 1992, Eastwood’s work continues. The Solution…,” has only recently been made available to the public.


William Eastwood and Einstein
Our paperbacks / eBooks DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER – most reliable source – fastest delivery – lowest price.


The world is in a dangerous trance

The world is in a dangerous trance, under an unnecessary damaging collective hypnosis.

Most people don't know how reality works.

The inability of a person to accept something that is opposed to their worldview is called cognitive dissonance, and this is the reason for the division and problems we are facing in the world today.

But when we do become aware of the facts, everything changes.

How you are creating a three-dimensional movie—your life

Thoughts create matter: A virtual reality headset
Virtual reality headset.

Imagine that in your living room you put on a holographic headset. At the click of a switch, you seem to no longer be in your living room.

Your senses are now telling you that you are actually on a tropical beach. As you reach down to touch the imaginary sand, sensor pads in gloves you are wearing give the sensation of pressure on your fingers.

This is an analogy to explain the purpose of your body and brain. Your body and brain are like a holographic headset that allows you to perceive a 3D movie you call your life.



What Is Consciousness? Panpsychism View, Argument, Paradigm Mind Is Everything header

Mind forms matter 500 free articles girl holding money
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

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Internal Science & International Philosophy.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Click Image for EN founder’s video

EN founder’s video.
You create your reality with your thoughts.
You have an amazing opportunity to create anything you want in life.




The remaining portions of this article were written at various dates.



What can be done when the world has become a cult?

Much of the world has been poisoned by a distrust of human nature. People see what they want to see.

Read more…



“I broke with physicalism to pursue infinite intelligence.”

— William Eastwood.


By 1979, the effects of my first experiment were astounding

Mind can and does form matter: William Eastwood
Earth Network of Altruistic Individuals founder, William Eastwood in a 1979 interview.
Mind forms matter introduces Earth Network

How did a thirteen-year-old kid manage to retain a Yale University professor’s request to work on the design of a secret invention at a private research facility? …on his own without anyone helping him?



— William Eastwood.



“Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.

“But it has to be the right science”

— William Eastwood.


Reality is a projection—Internal Science—the right science

David Bohm, friend of Einstein-comments-Mind-forms-creates-matter-proof-facts-David-Bohm-273
David Bohm.

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer — tells us that our physical reality is a holographic projection of the brain and five senses.



What William Eastwood discovered in the 1970’s in his youth, YEARS BEFORE Einstein’s friend, David Bohm published “Wholeness and the Implicate Order” in the 1980s, was a secret about the universe.

“When the science came out,” Eastwood adds, “I had already been testing it for over five years. By the time I was 22, I owned three large historic homes on the coast of Maine. 

“If we apply the right science in a specific way, we can solve the world’s problems and achieve any goal. That’s why I had to write ‘The Solution…’

“Putin’s terror war against Ukraine, the attack on democracy, crime, social and personal problems alike, all have a simple solution. The solution is with every man, woman and child, but only if you choose correctly.”

Get the solution to all of humanity’s problems and learn exactly how you can create what you want in life in one simple and easy to understand book.

There is nothing else like this book in the world today.


“This is where the faulty thinking ends or this is where we are defeated.”

— William Eastwood.


Mind forms matter presents: Mission great civilization.
A website article.


Activism to save the earth and our planet
A website article.

Albert Einstein

Einstein and Books by William Eastwood
Albert Einstein.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”

— Albert Einstein


The Solution to All Your Problems.  The Solution to Poverty.  The Solution to Crime.  The Solution to Social Problems.  The Solution to All Humanity’s Problems.  Discover What Is Holding You Back.  Begin Your True Life.  Be Who You Want to Be  Have What You Want to Have


When you implement the principles in the solution, you can have what you value most and desire in life




Is there an easy answer to your problems and easy way to manifest your dreams?


Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a kind of magical solution to all personal and collective problems? There is, and I am not pitching a religion or cult.


“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”

— Albert Einstein


When we do not understand how we create our reality we keep doing the same thing over and over again, yet always falling short of our primary goals. At some point we make a compromise and settle for less in our life, telling ourselves “this is just how it is,” and we live our life not completely fulfilled.


The magical investment value of books and affirmations

You are like a bank vault filled with money, gold and precious jewels. Every positive thought is a deposit. Every negative thought is a withdrawal. Your life is the interest. Shallow positive thoughts are like gold plated jewels and play money. Wisdom and understanding combined with solid belief and quality affirmations are like solid 24 karat gold and real diamonds. These are the thoughts that build integrity and value and procure high return on investment.

Every object in your environment is an extension of your energy. A physical book is a connection to the part of your inner self that "created" the book and understands the content. A book on a table next to you connects you to all those people who hold the knowledge associated with the book.

Every object around you is a holographic projection of your mind that connects you to the innermost portion of your soul that creates them.

If you want to break old patterns and habits of perception, bring books full of light and affirmations into your life and remain centered on what they represent — the truth you are bringing out within yourself by having them in your presence. Once you materialize something in your life, an energy pathway through which the object or event is created and maintained continues to exist, even when the object or event is long-gone.

A single affirmation is only a small deposit, but wealth and prosperity can only be built a single thought or act at a time. A mind that thinks in affirmations transforms everything it touches to gold. You begin the journey by surrounding yourself with good books. When you do that, everything around you speaks quality and intelligent love — the invisible infinite potential of which you are composed. That includes the qualities of prosperity, natural power, right and integrity.

Force yourself to continuously review beneficial concepts to keep them alive in your mind. Develop a realistic positive attitude. Keep your metaphysical books open to highlighted material and review it every day. Find something important to focus on daily. Rescript your mind one thought at a time; and when you do, commit to going all the way. Half-truths are like coal wrapped in holiday paper. Adopt a baseline of non-linear time thinking.

If you do this faithfully, your entire reality will begin to change for the better.

Again, because this is so important, when you manifest something positive, such as a book that represents the truth and the answers you are seeking, maintain that book and whatever represents what you want in your life as best you can.  This creates an energy pathway for more of the same to come through into your life. It also connects you with the author and all others who are connected to the object and/or information it represents.

To keep concepts alive, repeat them in your mind over and over again. This is how you rescript your mind and change your reality. Our audio book — "How Do I Make this the Best Day Possible —  Manifest While You Sleep" — is the perfect tool to reprogram your mind with everything you want to invite into your self and life. Just listen to it while you are going to sleep and you will have technicolor dreams of your most sacrosanct ambitions. Your unlimited potential is 100% a factor of what you input — the investment through whose interest will be the life you were meant to live.

This is the only way you can change the patterns in your life. If you want to materialize a better-quality physical experience, this is what you do. You bring what you want into your reality through your thoughts. I have done this, and I always have my favorite, most powerful books at arm's reach. I constantly review key points. You may want to create a kind of pulpit (as I have done) where you can keep books open to pages with highlighted text.

I urge you to buy whatever books you can comfortably afford from your favorite metaphysical authors. There are many other benefits in doing so. A purchase is an affirmation of your manifesting power and prosperity, and it is a testament of your determination to improve yourself and your life.

Practically and symbolically, correctly made purchases are extremely important, not just to you, but to all those who make these metaphysical books available to you.

As a heart pumps blood, the vacuum created in each pulse draws in more blood, and this is how energy behaves. You must give or outflow energy to receive. In religion and spirituality, this is behind the Golden Rule concept.

Your most valuable possession will always be yourself. If you do not invest in you, then you are saying that you are not important. Those who do not invest in improving themselves and their abilities, do not draw more (ability, quality, etc.) from the universe.

Learn to manifest quality and value in yourself. Learn the art and science of living a good life and manifesting what you want in life. Bring forth that which you seek.

When we awaken to our true nature, we begin to realize that we are supported and graced by an altruistic consciousness of which we are a part. When we become aware of how the universe works, we begin to notice how the universe bends in our direction and works to our advantage. We realize that from our best feelings, thoughts, intents and expectations flow fortunate, synchronistic events.

An entirely new worldview begins to set in. This is when an unquenchable thirst for positive metaphysical concepts will overtake you. The sacred tonic of fulfillment is the highest level thinking of which you are capable. Affirmations are the elixir of happiness, achievement and dreams, from which flows a greater fulfillment than we can imagine in our most wondrous moments.


Thoughts do create matter: William Eastwood manifests treasure at age 7


If you do good things, good things will happen to you.”

— William Eastwood quote at age seven.

50 years of “doing good things” brings you:


A plan to help everyone and to solve world problems


The Altruistic movement toward a world without borders by William Eastwood for Earth Network and all people website article.


A world without borders one planet people
A website article.



Eastwood’s international philosophy is unique in the manner in which it recognizes the good in all people.  His current websites and many positive books speak loudly of his unrelenting efforts to help humanity, and his intent to assist people in realizing their “unlimited” power and potential to improve their lives and the future of our civilization.



We have the solution to all problems

William Eastwood in a 1979 interview.
William Eastwood, Founder of Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals Inc.

“It’s not that we don’t have the solution to all problems in the world today, it’s just that people don’t want to believe we do.

“Earth Network provides the solution in the articles and books on this website.”

— William Eastwood.



A new science and practical life philosophy
William Eastwood science and philosophy: The poor will become rich and the hungry will feast.


William Eastwood website



Consciousness is inherently kind and loving

The children in the slums need your help.



Say thanks

Say thanks with a book order so that I can continue to bring this information to you.


Eastwood manifests
W.E. age 7.


If you do good things, good things will happen to you.”

— William Eastwood quote at age seven.


“When you buy a book here you are doing a good thing because all proceeds are used to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Our clients who do not have any money to buy books rely on you to fund this website through book purchases.”

— William Eastwood



By purchasing through (above) you get these books DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER and cut out the middleman! — most reliable source — fastest delivery — lowest price.




The Solution to World Problems: A Formula that Can Solve All Problems, Public & Private

Copyright © 2021, 2022, By: William Eastwood

