Thoughts Form Matter & Create Reality: Thought Forms the Universe – Einstein Answers Questions
- Do thoughts form matter, the universe, and create reality?
- Einstein answers your questions
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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
Questions answered by Einstein
The following are actual quotes from Einstein. The questions are hypothetical.
Take your time. Contemplate each answer.
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one“.
— Albert Einstein
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one” — Albert Einstein. Reality is just an illusion because reality is a holographic projection of your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. The illusion, however, is real.
Take this to mean that reality is mental and you can change anything at will.
“Information is not knowledge.”
– Albert Einstein
“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”
– Albert Einstein
“The foundation of morality should not be made dependent on myth nor tied to any authority lest doubt about the myth or about the legitimacy of the authority imperil the foundation of sound judgment and action.”
— Albert Einstein
“What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right.”
— Albert Einstein
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth. If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.”
— Albert Einstein
“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. “
— Albert Einstein
“Imagination is the highest form of research.”
— Albert Einstein.
“Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible. “
— Albert Einstein
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
— Albert Einstein
“The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.”
— Albert Einstein
“Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.”
— Albert Einstein.
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Questions answered by William Eastwood
The AMAZING truth about YOU & YOUR consciousness
You can get lost trying to understand consciousness by reading scientific articles. I offer links to some excellent scientific studies as a courtesy to you only. I know in simple terms that the physical world is a projection we each create with our own consciousness. If four people enter a room, there are four rooms. I figured that out over four decades ago.
Consciousness is irreducible and is both individualized and part of an unbroken field. Quantum mechanics is the study of that field of energy. Your consciousness has very deep, eternal meaning that cannot be measured with a ruler, and so all scientific studies will miss that part of the picture.
All consciousness is of an equal, amazingly high grade; and just so you know, your personality and individuality will never be lost. Who you are will survive death. I am not a religious person, because I will add that you are also good, and most religions will say you are evil.
Ignorance is separation from truth, and it is the closest thing there is to evil. Our civilization has been based on separation from truth for centuries and we therefore do not even know where we come from! That shows just how ignorant we are.
The whole of civilization has been reading reality backwards for thousands of years. You can’t understand reality by looking at the physical world because that world is a consciousness hologram that you are creating. If you follow most scientists, they will just get you more confused.
I provide hundreds of articles in plain English, and you don’t need to be a scientist to understand any of it. Use your heart and intuition. All knowledge is within you, and you are a portion of the Divine consciousness that forms everything. You are forever safe and loved, and this will never change, not for a billion years.
For those who are interested I often begin my articles with some science because it is important to use your intellect. For something to be true it must make sense to you both intellectually and intuitively.
— William Eastwood
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Our civilization has in the past thought that matter forms ideas, but it is just the opposite. Ultimately, everyone will discover that the events they experience are holographic projections; manifestations of “past” thoughts.
We create our own reality. If you study this material long enough, it is inevitable that you will finally come to this conclusion.
The more open you are to the idea, the more the evidence begins to present itself. Eventually many people experience a shift which feels like they are awakening from a dream that they are creating with their own thoughts and emotions. Once this happens you realize the true power you have to shape events.
After realizing that your thoughts create your reality it is just a matter of learning to focus your thoughts properly. Beliefs must improve, attitudes and expectations must improve, and positive emotions need to be fixed primarily on the sense of acquiring and having what is wanted rather than lack and frustration. This can be difficult to do in the face of contrary evidence, such as the disturbing news about the coronavirus, a lost job or whatever you are struggling with now.
True mastery is a result of acceptance of a new view of reality and a willingness to go all the way. This means you understand the true nature of time and probabilities. You must commit to the wonderful truth rather than think it is too good to be true. If you doubt the process, the doubt itself is like static and interference.
Don't forget our great audiobook (at a different store). Just listen to it to make every day the best possible day, to learn, and to hear our affirmations.
To manifest your goals, use the amazing script the narrator provides while you are listening. You will be told when to imagine your goals and the narrator's suggestions will do their magic. Your goals will then manifest.
How do you create a sense of well-being when the country is in lock-down and markets are in free-fall? It is often difficult to do this. We may remain with one foot in the old world and one in the new paradigm. This is generally far less effective. You must realize that as your thinking and focus changes so will your reality, but time is usually required. The mind must be repatterned.
To create what you want you must be very brave. You must be willing to dispense with the comfort blankets. When it comes down to it, most people cannot completely let go of familiar beliefs and subjective habits of perception. Often, we are addicted to the idea that other people and situations prevent our success. Our institutions and societies are based on the idea of victimization.
Other people and situations, no matter what they are, cannot prevent your desires from manifesting. If this statement upsets you, it reveals the intensity of the belief that you are a victim or are held-back despite your will. The problem with such a reaction is that it speaks of belief and belief is thought, and thoughts create your reality. Beliefs are the strongest kind of thoughts; they are thoughts that we have invested with strong conviction. These carry emotions that show what we really believe.
We create according to the strongest convictions within us, and these are typically fears or the idea that we are not good enough to create what we want in life. We often hide these insecurities from ourselves by denying that is what we really believe. But if we feel anxiety first thing in the morning, this is a beacon as to what is holding us back, and it is a means of discovering our hang-ups.
Your emotions will tell you what you really believe about something. How you feel speaks of your predominant belief that manifests as your experience. Beliefs create events on inner levels of consciousness and these pre-matter events evolve and are eventually projected by the brain and five senses as a hologram. Your environment is that hologram.
Half-way efforts can sometimes result in a kind of “beginner’s luck.” Positive thinking gives you immediate benefits. However, consistently held positive ideas, after a certain length of time, (usually over about ten minutes), will tend to arouse any combative concepts that may exist within you and from society.
Your beliefs are like little people with their own corresponding worlds and opinions. As soon as a negative belief inside you notices your positive thinking, it will use various tactics to pull you down. Positive ideas actually threaten its existence and it will fight in any way at its disposal to keep you limited and in the mire. I call this inner personality (set of beliefs) the concealed stratagem, inner judge or parasite. The parasite lives off your fears, and in 99% of the population it has buried the Godling.
"The Solution..." explains and clarifies further.
"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."
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Here and now, we have the power to work magic of such proportions we have never fathomed. A culmination of a 45-year study and application. We must recognize the fantastic power we possess and learn to use it constructively. Such power waits for us to claim it. It is of no use until we awaken to it. A highly controversial book. Open your mind now!
It is all here, in the solution. 424 pages.
The content of Earth Network websites is based on this book.
You must bypass early learning and go to a time prior to formal education, as Einstein explained. You are born with a kind of pure intuitive knowledge of these principles. Young children automatically apply the principles. But because they do not have full intellectual understanding of the principles, they eventually forget what they knew prior to age five.
Forgotten Childhood Wisdom & Intuition
A master regains intuitive knowing and reinforces it with intellectual understanding. They apply the principles and adhere by the new worldview faithfully despite inner pressure to break with understanding and join the world of victims.
Don't forget our great audiobook (at a different store). Just listen to it to make every day the best possible day, to learn, and to hear our affirmations.
To manifest your goals, use the amazing script the narrator provides while you are listening. You will be told when to imagine your goals and the narrator's suggestions will do their magic. Your goals will then manifest.
Other levels of reality
Many ordinary people as well as psychics are certain that they receive some kind of spiritual help. This can only come from other levels of reality. Millions of people believe their thoughts affect people, reality and physical matter.
This makes sense in the light of Bohm’s theory and other explanations given on this site. Your inner self and inner dimensions are real. It is in inner reality that thoughts form probable events which later manifest as physical events. It is there that connections are made with those we need to meet to materialize our intents.
Bring that which you want into your reality to transform your life for the better
Scientist like to speak of wormholes and black holes, but every person and every object is a doorway to other worlds. As the wrong person or book in your presence can make you weak, the right person or book can make you strong. If you want to break old patterns and habits of perception, bring powerful books into your life and remain centered on what they represent — the truth you are bringing out within yourself by having them in your presence.
Edgar Cayce, who was perhaps the most renowned psychic in history, could put a book under his pillow when he was a child, and wake up in the morning knowing the content of the book. This is why he was called the sleeping prophet.
This is possible because every object in your environment is an extension of energy that connects to the level of creation that allows it to exist. There are extensions within books similar to telepathic cords. This represents energy being projected holographically. Every object around you is a holographic projection of your mind that connect to the innermost portion of your soul that created them.
Once you materialize something in your life this energy pathway continues to exist, even when the object is long-gone. This is why we can remember the past. It is also why it is so easy to experience repeating problems in life.
Reality is being created now, it was not created in the past. It is an ongoing projection, like light being emitted from a light. For anything to exist requires a great amount of energy from within your deepest center.
When you create something positive, or a book that represents the truth and the answers you are seeking, maintain that book and whatever represents what you want in your life as best you can. This creates an energy pathway for more of the same to come into your life. It also connects you with the author and all others who are connected to the object and/or information it represents.
This is the only way you can change the patterns in your life. If you want to materialize a higher quality physical experience this is what you do. You bring what you want into your reality. I have done this and always have my favorite, most powerful books at arm’s reach.
I am like a tree that bears fruit, but if no one picks that fruit, or if it does not fall on fertile ground, then that truth which the tree gives forth does not proliferate and the world is none the richer.
Those who expose ignorance often pay a heavy price and many are shunned or attacked. This is true of people like Edgar Cayce, Nicola Tesla, David Bohm and Robert Jahn of Princeton.
I urge you to buy whatever books you can comfortably afford from your favorite metaphysical authors. There are many other benefits in doing so. A purchase is an affirmation of your manifesting power and prosperity, and it is a testament of your determination to improve yourself and your life.
Practically and symbolically, correctly made purchases are extremely important, not just to you but also to those who make these metaphysical books available to you.
I do not ask people that are struggling to overextend themselves, but I do ask those who can, to affirm their power, self-worth and abundance by purchasing a book. As a heart pumps blood, the void created in each pulse draws in more blood, and this is how energy behaves. You must give or outflow energy to receive. In religion and spirituality this is behind the Golden Rule concept.
Your most valuable thing is you. If you do not invest in you, then you are saying that you are not important. Those who do not invest in improving themselves and their abilities, do not draw more (ability, quality, etc.) from the universe and do not connect themselves to or manifest value in themselves. Bring forth that which you seek.
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You are a multi-dimensional consciousness. You existed before the physical universe was created. You helped to form it.
At deep inner levels you awaken to who you really are. Late at night in deep levels of sleep, you awaken to your true identity, the self that participated in the creation of the earth. This is the aspect of yourself that decided you should be born. This is your true identity.
Internal Science
Suppose reality was a tree. External Science studies the part of the tree above ground. Because it can’t see the roots, it does not believe they exist, and as a result, it does not study them. Internal Science, however, knows the roots exist and includes them in its study of reality.
Most people understand science as the study of physical reality with the instruments of the scientific method. However, physical reality is a mirage, a kind of optical illusion, a projection of consciousness.
To study reality we must study the actual reality, not the mirage. Internal Science is the study of the reality behind the illusion.
“If your thoughts create matter, what or who is doing the creating? If your five senses project your reality, what is behind that mechanism? Internal Science explains all of that.”
— William Eastwood.
You are a portion of an infinite web of probable selves, or an infinite web of probable selves are an extension of you.
All that exists is consciousness. Consciousness creates all realities. Only consciousness can penetrate consciousness. The tools of the scientific method cannot. Do not look for long equations on a blackboard. Internal Science is completely different that conventional science. It doesn’t rely on equations and it does not require an extensive education to be a leading scientist.
International Philosophy
International Philosophy deals with any subject psychology covers, but it is based on Internal Science rather than physicalism. If you want to know how to be happy, find love, live longer, stay healthy, manifest success, etc., you need International Philosophy because it is based on real rather than mythical science.
Respect the opinions of others, but trust your own judgment.
People have the right to choose what they want to believe, and so you can accept a more accurate scientific worldview. According to International Philosophy, you are basically good and you can trust yourself and your integrity.
Realize that when we are dealing with two different views of reality — and because the one being challenged is supported by the mainstream civilization itself — it is going to take more than one article to address objections from skeptics or even explain all the differences.
Mainstream thinking is a cult. It is inaccurate and it takes your power away and creates dependency.
The entire established field of science is based on the great modern myth of physicalism. Instead, physical reality is a projection of your mind, and there are increasing numbers of top scientists, especially quantum physicists, who have managed to free themselves from collective hypnosis and are not afraid to say so.
“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”
— Albert Einstein
Bernard d’Espagnat
“The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment.”
— Bernard d’Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.
Many scientists and educated people in the world today neglect to look at the implications of quantum mechanics. This is due to cognitive dissonance.
Many top physicists do know that thoughts create matter
Your thoughts can and do create matter. It is the rest of science, media and the world who do not want to listen to what they are saying.
However, major changes in scientific thinking are taking place. The big question is, will YOU look at the implications of quantum mechanics?
Max Planck
Max Planck, Nobel Prize Winning father of quantum mechanics says, “I regard matter as a derivative from consciousness.” — The Observer, 1931.
If consciousness creates reality, wouldn’t science know?
Scientists who believe in physicalism do not do not know what an electromagnetic field is, and since everything is an electromagnetic field, they don’t know what anything is.
If you ask a scientist what an electromagnetic field is, 99% will say “it is a fundamental entity, it’s not made of anything else, it just is what it is.” They leave that question to philosophers because they cannot answer it.
Science has largely refused to accept the existence of an inner reality. But science, like politics, is divided. Some scientists know more than others.
“The man of science is a poor philosopher.”
— Albert Einstein
Why people see what they want to see, and create negative experiences
“Each person reads and experiences reality according to what they believe exists. If they hold a view of reality within themselves that is inherently limiting and/or negative, then this inner subjective reality and nothing else is projected outward into events and experiences so that everything conforms with their beliefs. They then cannot see anything outside of their own worldview. In effect, they become blind to any information that would free them from their inner and outer restricted reality.
“The negative focus on perceived enemies or opposition combined with the overlooked and unchecked power of consciousness and focus has been causing the world severe problems for a very long time only because we do not see the obvious.”
Do you want science studies a mirage or science that studies the source of reality and then shows you how to create anything you want?
You can get lost trying to understand consciousness by reading scientific articles. I offer links to some excellent scientific studies as a courtesy to you only. I know in simple terms that the physical world is a projection we each create with our own consciousness. If four people enter a room, there are four rooms. I figured that out over four decades ago.
Consciousness is irreducible and is both individualized and part of an unbroken field. Quantum mechanics is the study of that field of energy. Your consciousness has very deep, eternal meaning that cannot be measured with a ruler, and so all scientific studies will miss that part of the picture.
All consciousness is of an equal, amazingly high grade; and just so you know, your personality and individuality will never be lost. Who you are will survive death. I am not a religious person, because I will add that you are also good, and most religions will say you are evil.
Ignorance is separation from truth, and it is the closest thing there is to evil. Our civilization has lost the secret for centuries and we therefore do not even know where we come from! That shows just how ignorant we are.
Our civilization has been reading reality backwards for thousands of years. You cannot understand reality by looking at the physical world because that world is a consciousness hologram that you are creating. If you follow most scientists, they will just get you more confused.
I provide hundreds of articles and over a dozen books in plain English, and you do not need to be a scientist to understand any of it. Use your heart and intuition. All knowledge is within you, and you are a portion of the Divine consciousness that forms everything. You are forever safe and loved, and this will never change, not for a billion years.
For those who are interested I often begin my articles with some science because it is important to use your intellect. For something to be true it must make sense to you both intellectually and intuitively.
— William Eastwood
Have you ever felt like the solutions offered by conventional wisdom just don’t cut it? That perhaps there’s a different perspective, a fresh approach waiting to be explored? Meet William Eastwood, an iconoclast whose revolutionary insights are changing the game in personal empowerment and problem-solving.
So, who exactly is William Eastwood? Imagine a mind that embarked on a journey of discovery at just 13 years old, working alongside a Yale University professor on a secret invention. Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges.
What sets Eastwood apart is his unwavering commitment to unveiling truths that traditional paradigms overlook. His extensive research has led to the creation of Internal Science and International Philosophy, paving the way for individuals like you to manifest your deepest desires and tackle life’s hurdles head-on.
But why should you listen to him? Because Eastwood’s work isn’t just theory—it’s practical, transformative, and backed by decades of meticulous study. His collection of groundbreaking books, the culmination of 50 years of research, is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and secrets designed to empower you to create the reality you envision. —Camille Flores, The Edge Magazine.
William Eastwood
Early in my life I worked in solar energy and bought three large homes while I was learning. In early adulthood I was living in paradise, travelling from beaches in Connecticut to those on the Gulf Coast.
I loved learning and had to know everything. I learned early on that what was taught in public school was incorrect. There were no college courses teaching what I was studying and so I set out on my own. Eventually I created Internal Science and International Philosophy.
I always had a strong desire to share what I was learning with the world to solve public problems and help people achieve their goals and dreams. After many years of studies and preparation I founded Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals Inc, in August of 2000.
William Eastwood was a child music prodigy, and an inventor of solar energy systems. He founded the altruistic movement, and has always been an empath, philosopher, researcher and new scientist. Currently he is a political oracle, founder of Internal Science and International Philosophy, a–movie screenwriter, author of 25 books, and a modern alchemist who uses his consciousness to create gold and much more.
“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”
— Albert Einstein.
After achieving his goal to help reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels and graduating as an environmental solar technician by age 18, Eastwood began to do something even more important for humanity.
“The man with the greatest soul will always face the greatest war with the low-minded person.”
— Albert Einstein.
Eastwood’s international philosophy is a unique scientific paradigm that recognizes the power and good in all people. His current websites and many positive books speak loudly of his unrelenting efforts to help humanity, and his intent to assist people in realizing their “unlimited” power and potential to improve their lives and the future of our civilization.
How can people be wrong about what they believe?
In the same way anyone thinks they are right — cognitive dissonance. They see what they want to see. The more educated a person is, the more likely they are scripted in physicalism and thus see reality through that lens.
But physicalism is a myth.
Fake news, division and school shootings are a result of a false hypothesis within our sciences
One view — Internal Science (our term) also called the holographic theory of consciousness — is largely derived from Einstein’s friend, David Bohm, and the other is mainstream physicalism. The two conflict, and all contemporary sciences and contemporary mainstream psychology are based on physicalism.
Einstein knew that everybody could be wrong
“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.
“Education is not the learning of facts, it’s rather the training of the mind to think. “
— Albert Einstein
Quantum mechanics deals with facts, plain and simple, yet as a civilization we still do not base our lives and understanding of reality on these facts. This site and EN books do.
As long as “the scientific authority” does not even consider Internal Science, there is a need for people to do so on their own. It is the only way we will solve world problems, advance ourselves personally and succeed as a civilization. Internal Science and International Philosophy represent the only viable unifying principle for humanity.
Everything from inflation and division to school shootings are a natural outcropping of false science myths. (An inaccurate premise within mainstream science.)
A philosophy that WORKS LIKE MAGIC
The beliefs in your mind reinforce each other. As you follow your beliefs in your mind you will find that one belief leads to another, and that to another, and so on.
Don’t give your power away to a person or situation outside of yourself. Don’t react with fear and take back your power. No one can create in your reality. You alone create in your life.
Develop faith and a positive focus. Learn nonlinear thinking on this website and you will stop feeling fear. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. Detach from needing things to be a certain way. Attachment breeds panic and fear. Learn to use intuition and you will learn how to stop feeling fear.
Affirm “I live in a safe universe.” Let go of lineal time. As you do so you will know that nothing can harm you. You are creating your past and present now, so you can hardly be a victim of what you are creating.
Your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions create your reality. Thoughts are made of the same substance as matter, only the intensity is usually less with thoughts.
When you create a vivid image or thoughtform, you instantaneously create prematter on a deeper level where creation takes place.
If you imbue your thoughtforms with strong emotion you add intensity to them. This adds power to prematter events and increases the probability that they will manifest in their full purity. Emotions always speed up the manifestation of what they are attached to.
The laws are simple. Beliefs, thoughts and emotions lead to manifestation of objects, events and circumstances. Learn the principles to apply them correctly.
Once you understand how it is done, manifesting money is easy to do.
To feel good and create more good things think about what you like and focus on what is working in your life. Know this is how you create it. If you use our affirmation page you will feel good immediately, will change your life and create what you want.
Human impulses are inherently good unless distrusted and thus repressed and hence distorted. All consciousness has the same in-built propensities.
On a fundamental level, all consciousness and people are good, creative, curious and motivated by love.
Your impulses are urges to action coming from your inner self. They lead you to the ideal version of who you can be based on your inner self’s awareness of probabilities.
When we trust our impulses we act on them and they do not backup or become exaggerated. It is only when we do not fully trust who and what we are that we resist acting on our inner motivations.
Americans have domestic violence problems due to distrust of human nature and impulses. They prevent energy from flowing and as a result repressed energy builds until it explodes into a violent action.
The Inner Judge & Victim Control Us
CONSCIOUSNESS and Human Nature
The Problem Causing All Other Problems
Impulses are the life-thrust and defining element within us. They lead to creativity and life.
You can trust that which gives you life and the life force itself. It will guide you.
Some call the whisper of wisdom within them inner guidance, but this is your common sense as well as your Divine inner intelligence speaking. You are your higher self.
Common sense reasoning and intuition should agree. As a general rule, if they are both in agreement then it is safe to proceed in acceptable ways and act on your impulses.
Do assess and judge. Do not just act impulsively without thought to the good of others and yourself.
Materialism, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Freud’s psychology, most theories regarding human nature in mainstream psychology, and scientific thinking in general (ideas about time & space) are all incorrect and detrimental.
Click on image to learn more.Our civilization is built on the false premise that human nature is basically evil, cruel, selfish and untrustworthy. The official definitions that generate this kind of behavior are false.
Because you wanted to be here. You did not come into existence at birth. You existed first in an inner unlimited dimension and decided to come to this dimension.
If you ask yourself why you are shy you may discover the belief that the world is not a safe place. That kind of core belief will create fear in your bones and it will cause you to contract yourself. Click here to learn more.
Become aware of and study them. If you pay attention to your mind chatter you may find that you are assuming negative things about yourself or your situation.
The problem is your focus on “the problem.” The effort entailed in trying to change just reinforces the idea that there is a problem. It reinforces the belief that you are not already what you want to be. This belief then manifests.
You are giving your power away to a situation outside of yourself. Don’t react with fear and take back your power. No one can create in your reality. You alone create in your life.
You are giving your power away to a situation outside of yourself. Take back your power. No one can create in your reality. You alone create in your life.
If people seem dangerous and threatening to you, then you are playing weak. You are also playing a victim role and manifesting people to victimize you. With those beliefs the natural reaction is to cower.
According to physicists, matter is not really solid, but is only energy containing information. What is a thought? A thought is energy containing information. Mind forms matter.
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Einstein and William Eastwood answer your questions
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Eastwood wrote 20 books and 500 articles in less than five years. 500+ WORLD HELP articles — designed to help people achieve their dreams or solve world problems — are available to you now for free.
William Eastwood has created THE NEW INNER UN to provide the path to a new kind of civilization. To do that he has created a new science and a new international philosophy. Eastwood wants to end global conflicts, help stop war, gun violence, stop the catastrophic climate emergency threatening civilization, empower young people to save the earth, and bring about a world without borders, all of which he is doing now.
Eastwood explains the cause and solution of rising violence in America. If your life hasn’t yet changed for the better, he tells you exactly what you need to do to get out of hell (escape the negative circumstances more and more people around the world are experiencing). Eastwood tells you how to become a member of a superior species that forms a new kind of civilization.
Mission Great Civilization , and WORLD HELP: by Eastwood, have the unlimited capacity to transform our world for the better and direct humanity into a kind of civilization that is far different than what we have now.
William Eastwood is a political oracle, music prodigy, self-made international philosopher, researcher and new scientist, and an empath. He is a visionary and founder of the altruistic movement, a civil rights, scientific, environmental and political activist, and the author of “The Altruism Code,” a code for a new international constitution and set of world laws providing the means to transform individuals, groups, geographical regions and nations. Eastwood’s work and books are designed to lead humanity into a new era and to help individuals live their dreams and realize their full potential.
Eastwood graduated from technical school at age 18 and then left the spotlight in favor of a more accurate new science, developing his own philosophy over a 45-year period of research. “‘Degrees’ didn’t help me to do any of this.” — Eastwood.
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“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”
― Albert Einstein
“Your senses construct the reality they perceive. If you do not see the objects behind you they do not exist physically. There is a field of infinite probabilities behind you. When you turn to see what is there then you collapse one specific probability from an infinite range of probable events.
“Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions specify which probability will collapse into apparent matter.”
— Eastwood
“I connect the old science paradigm to world problems so that when you visit my sites or read any of my twenty books you see exactly how the previous science paradigm is creating those problems.
“Because I give real examples in this way, it is not so easy to discount the new Internal Science paradigm.”
—William Eastwood
Your thoughts can and do create your reality
Thoughts do form matter and create reality. Thought forms the universe. Einstein answers questions and insights and links from William Eastwood lead to the answers you seek. If you understand the science, you will be better able to control events and create what you want in life.
According to Albert Einstein's colleague David Bohm, the mind projects the events we then perceive. Had Albert Einstein been successful defending Bohm in 1949, "the holographic theory of consciousness" may have replaced physicalism as our world's accepted science. (Documentation Princeton University.)
The inevitable paradigm-shift in mainstream science has begun.
The holographic theory of consciousness
The holographic theory of consciousness is largely based on the science of David Bohm. While the scientific method is reductionist and dissects to understand, Bohm's science is holistic, thus allowing Bohm's Internal Science to understand consciousness and External Science to fail to understand.
The holographic theory of consciousness says that the information in the whole is contained in each of its parts.
Electromagnetic waves have an infinite information storage capacity. When waves interact it is called interference and the original information from each wave in an interference pattern survives and can be extracted from each wave and read regardless.
Based on this view, the brain is understood to be a transmitter and receiver of information. The brain is a bioelectrical organism. The brain draws from the electromagnetic interference patterns that exist around us at all times. The brain thus draws from all information and adds new information to the whole.
Information is not stored in the brain, it is stored in the electromagnetic fields around us. Your thoughts, emotions and memories are not dependent on the existence of the brain. You exist as an individualized portion of the entire universe of information or what Bohm called the holomovement.
Your consciousness is a portion of the total electromagnetic field of the entire multidimensional universe.
Scattered thoughts display incoherence, meaning they go off in all directions from their point of origin, whereas focused thoughts are coherent like laser light. Focusing beliefs, thoughts and emotions is thus the key to personal power and the ability to both pick up information intuitively and manifest goals physically.
The brain, Bohm says, "may act like an antenna" to pick up information from the entire field of information of the universe.
Bohm says that if the mind is preoccupied with outer levels of reality, it is less able to pick up subtle information from the electromagnetic field. To pick up information from any source requires tuning to the frequency of the information sought.
The heart and body must be in coherence with the information of the subtle energies sought in order to experience profound intuition and identification.
To increase your bioelectrical sensitivity requires focusing and tuning the mind.
Bohm indicates that the “explicate order” (physical reality) is a projection from the “implicate order” (an inner reality of information) which underlies everything. Information guides the process by which matter is organized as the forms we then perceive. The collapsing wave function enters in, thus introducing the role human consciousness plays in the formation of the universe. Without an observer there is "only" electromagnetic energy containing information (consciousness).
Internal Science and International Philosophy adds its own unique perspective in a way that makes sense of Bohm's holographic universe.
"Inner nonphysical probable events are selected according to our beliefs, thoughts and emotions and thereby projected and experienced as being physical by our five senses. My books and articles explain how you control the process."
— William Eastwood
I offer the practical, easy to understand International Philosophy application of internal science principles.
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
― Albert Einstein
Journey Out of the Illusion
Journey out of the illusion
The Solution
A huge book.
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The means to solve world problems and create the life you want. The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want.
It is all here, in the solution.
"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."
— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.
"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.
The main article resumes.
Eastwood arrived at his understanding of the universe through his intuitive ability at age 12, and only discovered the correlation between Bohm’s science and what Einstein was saying in his teens. A clear and complete understanding of reality can be achieved best through the perfect blend of intellectual and intuitive understanding.
The three individuals, Albert Einstein, David Bohm and Eastwood provide a balanced overview of the nature of reality. This site provides many Einstein quotes and an overview of Bohm’s science, but it is primarily William Eastwood’s views and systems of application. In other words, Einstein’s views and David Bohm’s science validate what Eastwood says about reality.
Unlike the worldview arrived at through traditional, unbalanced sources of science that have gotten us into our current political, social and scientific mess, this site gives you a more balanced picture of reality.
"Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.
"But it has to be the right science"
— William Eastwood
The right science
A good science
This is a good science that empowers the individual. It can bring us a future of unimaginable beauty. There are possibilities for the human race beyond our current world problems. We need to be aware of what we are aiming for. We must hold the goal in steady focus in order to prevail.
The problems we face in the world today are symptoms. If we do not solve the underlying problem and change the world's thinking, additional corrupt players in politics, climate change and existential problems will continue to besiege us.
The science we are following — materialism / physicalism — is NOT working. Bohm's science will solve the world's problems.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Why wasn't this science more widely accepted into the mainstream?
A dramatic conflict arose between the U.S. government and Bohm. Despite Albert Einstein imploring Princeton to keep Bohm as a university professor at Princeton, Bohm was forced to leave the U.S.
The science above was silenced for political reasons (and because it didn't fit the picture of the world accepted by the scientific establishment at the time)
Materialism is the official science on which our formal institutions and system of laws are based.
There was no conspiracy to hide this science from the world, there was just a lot of people who couldn't handle it, like the president of Princeton University who wouldn't listen to Albert Einstein defending Bohm. This is an extremely positive worldview, so I suggest that you do not reject it without sufficient consideration. Give it a chance. If you do not believe me, click on the link Einstein defending Bohm.
William Eastwood discovered that the universe was a projection of the mind in the 1970’s when he was only twelve years old. Eastwood began TESTING holographic reality principles in his youth, years before Bohm even published “Wholeness and the Implicate Order” in 1980.
Eastwood may have been the first to test the science. Over a 45-year-period he developed a system of application to help people create what they want in life and to solve world problems.
By 1979, the effects of my first experiment were astounding
A philosophy that works LIKE MAGIC!
How did a thirteen-year-old kid manage to retain a Yale University professor’s request to work on the design of a secret invention at a private research facility? ...on his own without anyone helping him?
"I simply tested the science and it worked. I was immediately able to achieve many things that seemed impossible and improbable, culminating in the founding of Earth Network in August, 2000." — William Eastwood
We apply the science here to solve world problems and to help people improve their lives, achieve goals and create their dreams.
My unique journey has led me to profound solutions that are easy to apply. As a result of my 45-year study, I have created a number of books and a free platform for those who cannot afford the books to help them to solve their problems, achieve their goals and dreams, and to solve world problems based on the new science. My system of application of the scientific principles is very simple and easy to apply and is in every book I have published.
"The Solution...," "The Holographic Universe," and Earth Network would not have been created had I not taken a unique path in my life. "The Solution..." was the first, and most extensive work, going right to the heart of the matter of what must change and why.,
When Bohm was studying the science, I was applying it.
By 1979, the results of my first experiment were ASTOUNDING!
I had just entered high school and I was on the entire front page of our local newspaper. I was working for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility. My low-income 100% solar heated and cooled homes were being built in my home town.
In a few short years I would be marketing my solarium system through the American Supply Company (AMSCO), the largest distributor of heating equipment in New England. I can go on, but the point is, the first experiment WORKED LIKE MAGIC.
Two opposing views of reality
There are two views of reality. Most of the world goes by one and we go by another. If you want help or advice based on the mainstream worldview, it is everywhere. But if you want something different that works, keep reading. If you want a science and way of thinking that will not result in division, school shootings, and personal struggle, you have come to the right place.
"If your thoughts create matter, what or who is doing the creating? If your five senses project your reality, what is behind that mechanism? This is where Internal Science comes in."
— William Eastwood.
Internal science is the study of the reality behind reality
If your thoughts create matter, what or who is doing the creating? If your five senses project your reality, what is behind that mechanism? This is where Internal Science comes in.
International Philosophy
International Philosophy is human application of what Internal Science designates as being true. International Philosophy deals with any subject psychology covers. If you want to know how to be happy, find love, live longer, stay healthy, manifest success, etc., you need International Philosophy based on the Internal Science paradigm rather than the mainstream contemporary psychology based on the mythical external science paradigm.
There are two views of reality, mainstream physicalism, and ours...
International Philosophy says you are good and can be trusted
One view — Internal Science (our term) also called the holographic theory of consciousness — is largely derived from Einstein's friend, David Bohm, and the other is mainstream physicalism. The two conflict; and all mainline sciences and contemporary mainstream psychology are based on physicalism.
Physicalism gives rise to survival of the fittest and evolution theory. Religions believe in physicalism and a corrupt physical world below a separate spiritual heaven. Religious worldviews assert that man is corrupt through the lens of original sin and evolution theory — cleaving two negative views together to reinforce what they believe to be the wickedness of human nature.
Because there is no time as we think of it, the theory of evolution is not possible. Einstein believed this (Click on link in article below). The 2023 physics discovery indicates the same.
One worldview says you cannot be trusted, and the other paradigm (ours) says you can. Both are right because whatever you believe, you create. However, the intrinsic truth is that you can be trusted. This is the reality underlying the reality we know. Consciousness is inherently trustworthy and good. When we are lost and have faulty beliefs then we make poor choices, but this in no way suggests that what you are is not good.
The ultimate rebuttle of physicalism is in personal experiential evidence and in facts proven through experiment.
The physical sciences and the majority view of scientists in the mainstream world today endorse physicalism. Yet, the view that everything is physical is not accepted by all scientists. There is a growing body of research among scientists moving in a different direction who have long ago discarded physicalism.
Internal Science and the holographic theory of consciousness
The empirical scientific evidence is conclusive. The science validates what Near Death Experiences imply. From a personal experiential point of view and from a scientific perspective, we know that consciousness does exist outside of the body.
Princeton University Study: Thoughts and emotions circle the earth
This is a unique study in which a global network of scientists are measuring the quantum effects of major social events. The thoughts and emotions of millions of people travel through the earth's atmosphere to interact with random event generators placed on different continents. These scientific devices register the effects of human thoughts and emotions in the earth's atmosphere.
The evidence of Internal Science and the holographic theory of consciousness is abundant and clear. However, it is still ignored by mainstream science.
As long as "the scientific authority" does not even consider Internal Science, there is a need for people to do so on their own. It is the only way we will solve world problems, advance ourselves personally and succeed as a civilization. Internal Science and International Philosophy represent the only viable unifying principle for humanity.
People do not yet know that their thinking is based on myth, and if you want to upset someone, you will likely do so if you challenge their worldview.
You can help others by introducing them to The Inner UN. But do not necessarily look to others for validation. Respect the opinions of others, but trust your own judgment.
People have the right to choose what they want to believe, and so you can accept a more accurate scientific worldview. No matter who you are or what your choices have been, you are basically good and you can trust yourself and your integrity.
Poor choices rather than bad people cause the problems in the world today, and these poor choices are a result of faulty beliefs.
Internal Science and International Philosophy.
By William Eastwood.
Your power is in your worldview. Realize that when we are dealing with two different views of reality — and because the one being challenged is supported by the mainstream civilization itself — it is going to take more than one article to address objections from skeptics or even explain all the differences.
THE SOLUTION to All of Humanity's Problems
“Your thoughts can and do form matter, the universe, and create reality. By understanding the science you will be better able to manifest what you want in life.”
— William Eastwood.
Mainstream thought is unreliable
Both Albert Einstein and Tesla Nikola knew that the schools did not teach the truth about reality. They also understood that the truth about reality was not popular and could be met with great opposition.
Nikola Tesla is often referred to as “the man who invented the 20th century.”
Tesla’s intelligence was unearthly and his contribution to humanity is beyond calculation.
Here are some Nikola Tesla Quotes:
“Reality is subjective.
“The answers lie within.
“We are all one.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
– Nikola Tesla
Albert Einstein quotes:
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”
— Albert Einstein
Both Albert Einstein and Tesla Nikola understood what we are teaching here, that reality is a subjective manifestation. They knew that the schools did not teach the truth about reality. They also understood that the truth about reality was not popular and could be met with great opposition.
Nikola Tesla is often referred to as “the man who invented the 20th century.” Although reserved and less concerned with money than with his work to provide free electricity for the world, the world was not always kind to him. Tesla’s intelligence was unearthly and his contribution to humanity is beyond calculation.
Here are some Nikola Tesla Quotes:
“Reality is subjective.
“The answers lie within.
“We are all one.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
– Nikola Tesla
Albert Einstein quotes:
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”
— Albert Einstein
Click above to learn more
Eastwood at age seven.
Do quantum physicists say that thoughts create matter?
Many physicists do believe the universe is made up of or contains consciousness, but they do not usually professionally or publicly-announce it.
Most physicists stop short of publicly saying thoughts create matter and that consciousness is primary because saying so is a form of scientific heresy that invites attack from a prejudice majority.
Our institutions and legal system are also based on the old mechanistic paradigm. The central premise that consciousness creates reality dismantles most accumulated knowledge in all fields. This creates a situation in which many beliefs and institutions will need to change.
Manifest whatever you want every day!
A website article.
At any time, matter can be completely changed by the activation of conscious thought. Your environment is a product of your thoughts and feelings. By projecting the specific thoughts and feelings that embody your desires you can immediately being a process of change. You are in control of your experience.
Your thoughts create your reality regardless of what anyone says to the contrary.
How can everyone be wrong?
In the same way anyone thinks they are right — cognitive dissonance. They see what they want to see.
Because our thoughts create our reality, the thought that our thoughts do not create our reality creates our reality. Not only are our beliefs projected into events holographically, but they also filter our perception, which is why people are always convinced they are right. Our civilization is hypnotized by the strong belief that our thoughts do not create reality.
“Your thoughts can and do form matter, the universe, and create reality. By understanding the science you will be better able to manifest what you want in life.”
— William Eastwood.
45 years of research goes into every book
Thoughts Form Matter, Reality & the Universe. Einstein. Tesla. Eastwood. Sages. Questions Answered.
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No one path leads to your best future. Try various pages. Tell me how you want to help change the world. Or, if you have an idea or need help, let me know how I can help you.
AMEN: Earth Network, the New Enlightenment and the Altruistic, Autonomous Movement.
Be an emissary to earth
EN wants everyone to have the means to be an emissary to help other people. We can heal areas of the globe that have experienced pain and struggle. We can end hunger and bring prosperity to everyone.
I cannot do everything, I need people who will start implementing some of these good ideas. If you do not do it, who will?
We will create missions to heal the planet all over the globe. You can play any role you want if you create the platform to make it happen. I am open to integrating good ideas into my sites.
Contact: William Eastwood at or write to PO Box 2194 Bayfield, CO 81122
Altruistic Movement Redirect Civilization
UNIFYING PRINCIPLE How to Unite the World